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Last active February 14, 2020 07:58
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import multiprocessing
import argparse
import random
import time
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-p', '--parallelism', type=parse_int_range(1, 100), default=1,
help='the number of files to process in parallel (hint: the number of CPUs you want to use)')
parser.add_argument('paths', metavar='path', nargs='+', help='files to process')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.parallelism == 1:
# If we only want one process, no need to spawn a bunch of child processes. Just
# do the processing directly.
for path in args.paths:
elif args.parallelism > 1:
# Create a pool with a fixed number of child processes.
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=args.parallelism)
# Distribute the files to the child processes.
result_handles = []
for path in args.paths:
result_handle = pool.apply_async(process_file, (path,))
# Wait for all the tasks to complete.
for result_handle in result_handles:
raise AssertionError("bad value for --parallelism: {!r}".format(args.parallelism))
def parse_int_range(min_value, max_value):
def f(s):
i = int(s)
except ValueError:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("expecting an integer, got {!r}".format(s))
if i < min_value or i > max_value:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("expecting an integer from {} to {}, got {}".format(min_value, max_value, i))
return i
return f
def process_file(path):
print("start {!r}".format(path))
# TODO: Actually process file instead of just sleeping.
time.sleep(2 + random.random() * 2)
print("finish {!r}".format(path))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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