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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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java/clojure interop example - also example of how to handle the _id (ObjectId) from MongoDB when you use the library. examples of how to convert java Set and List to keywords for monger batch insert and queries.
(ns interop.core
(:require [monger.core :as mongo]
[monger.collection :as mc]
[monger.operators :refer :all]
[ :as json])
(:gen-class :name com.mongodb.dao.Deals
:methods [#^{:static false} [saveDeal [java.lang.String] java.lang.String]
#^{:static false} [getDealsByIds [java.lang.String java.util.Set] java.lang.String]
#^{:static false} [saveEffectiveDeals [java.util.List] void]
#^{:static false} [getEffectiveDeals [java.lang.String java.lang.String java.lang.String] java.lang.String]]))
(def andQuery {"$and" "queries"})
(def tenantQuery {:tenantId "tenantId"})
(def dealIdQuery {:deal-id {$in ["deal-ids"]}})
(def excludedData {:_id 0})
(def tenantIdQuery {:tenant-id "tenantId"})
(def brandQuery {:brand-id "brandId"})
(def regexQuery {"$regex" "regexQuery"})
(def startDateTimeQuery {:start-datetime "startDateTime"})
(defn- write-json-mongodb-objectid [x out]
(json/write (str x) out))
(extend org.bson.types.ObjectId json/JSONWriter
{:-write write-json-mongodb-objectid})
(defn- updateDealIdsQuery
[tenantId dealIds]
(let [tenantUpdatedQuery (assoc-in tenantQuery [:tenantId] tenantId)
ids (vec dealIds)
dealIdUpdatedQuery (assoc-in dealIdQuery [:deal-id] {$in ids})
partialQuery (vector tenantUpdatedQuery dealIdUpdatedQuery)]
(assoc-in andQuery ["$and"] partialQuery)))
(defn getDealsByIds
[tenantId dealIds]
(let [conn (mongo/connect {:host "" :port 27017})
db (mongo/get-db conn "dealsdb")
collection "deals"
query (updateDealIdsQuery tenantId dealIds)
data (mc/find-maps db collection query excludedData)]
(json/write-str data)))
(defn saveDeal
(let [conn (mongo/connect {:host "" :port 27017})
db (mongo/get-db conn "dealsdb")]
(let [jsonData (json/read-str deal :key-fn keyword)]
(json/write-str (mc/insert-and-return db "deals" jsonData)))))
(defn saveEffectiveDeals
(let [conn (mongo/connect {:host "" :port 27017})
db (mongo/get-db conn "effectivedealsdb")]
(let [jsonData (map json/read-str effectiveDeals)
jsonKeyWord (clojure.walk/keywordize-keys jsonData)]
(mc/insert-batch db "effectivedeals" jsonKeyWord))))
(defn updateEffectiveDealsQuery
[tenantId brandId dateSearch]
(let [tenantUpdatedQuery (assoc-in tenantIdQuery [:tenant-id] tenantId)
brandUpdatedQuery (assoc-in brandQuery [:brand-id] brandId)
regexUpdatedQuery (assoc-in regexQuery ["$regex"] (str dateSearch ".*"))
startDateTimeUpdatedQuery (assoc-in startDateTimeQuery [:start-datetime] regexUpdatedQuery)
partialQuery (vector tenantUpdatedQuery brandUpdatedQuery startDateTimeUpdatedQuery)]
(assoc-in andQuery ["$and"] partialQuery)))
(defn getEffectiveDeals
[tenantId brandId dateSearch]
(let [conn (mongo/connect {:host "" :port 27017})
db (mongo/get-db conn "effectivedealsdb")
collection "effectivedeals"
query (updateEffectiveDealsQuery tenantId brandId dateSearch)
data (mc/find-maps db collection query excludedData)]
(json/write-str data)))
(defn -saveDeal
[this deal]
(saveDeal deal))
(defn -getDealsByIds
[this tenantId dealIds]
(getDealsByIds tenantId dealIds))
(defn -saveEffectiveDeals
[this effectiveDeals]
(saveEffectiveDeals effectiveDeals))
(defn -getEffectiveDeals
[this tenantId brandId dateSearch]
(getEffectiveDeals tenantId brandId dateSearch))
(defn testQuery
(updateEffectiveDealsQuery "tenant" "brand" "date"))
(defn -main
[& args])
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