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Last active June 24, 2020 01:55
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Write 10 million UUIDs to a text file is 0.2 seconds using Golang
package main
import (
Having benchmarked Golang's built in UUID library which leans on its ability to interface with kernal-interface
system calls the results showed when working across millions of calls, they added up to be roughly 30x more expensive
than not doing so (so expensive by some polynomial time). This bottleneck is raised here
We find fastuuid is faster because it only reads from syscall randomly once; the rest is pseudorandomly generated from its once-read random implementation
whilst this produces valid UUIDV4 forms, a sly fox might notice a pattern in the UUIDs as they are deterministic.
Between this implementation and uuid_io.go (another gist), we save approximately 6 seconds on a modern-user system by avoiding
// If set to -1 will attempt to evaluate the number of runqueues across all cores
const numCPUs = -1
const numUUIDs = 10000000
const UUIDLen = 16
var g = fastuuid.MustNewGenerator()
func main() {
t := time.Now()
var file, _ = os.Create("out.txt") // For read access.
err := file.Truncate(int64((UUIDLen * numUUIDs) + (2 * numUUIDs)))
if err != nil {
if quotient, remainder := divmod(numUUIDs, int64(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1))); quotient+remainder <= 0 {
log.Fatalln("It must be possible to partition the number of UUID writes across cores")
numWorkers := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1) * 2
fmt.Printf("Writing to out.txt with GOMAXPROCS of %v using %v workers\n", runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1), numWorkers)
// Ingest
var writesProducers sync.WaitGroup
// Partition the number of workers for run-queues to approximately double the number of run-queues made available.
quotient, remainder := divmod(numUUIDs, int64(numWorkers))
results := make([][]byte, numWorkers)
for w := 0; w < numWorkers; w++ {
n := int(quotient)
if w+1 == numCPUs {
n += int(remainder)
go uuidWriteProducer(&writesProducers, n, results, w)()
// Results
var writesConsumer sync.WaitGroup
for i := range results {
var offset int64
i := i
if i != 0 {
for o := 0; o <= i; o++ {
offset += int64(len(results[o]))
} else {
offset = int64(len(results[i]))
go func() {
_, err := file.WriteAt(results[i], offset)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Done in %f seconds!\n", time.Since(t).Seconds())
func uuidWriteProducer(writesProducers *sync.WaitGroup, numWorkers int, results [][]byte, idx int) func() {
return func() {
defer writesProducers.Done()
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
buf.Grow((UUIDLen * numWorkers) + (2 * numWorkers))
for i := 0; i < numWorkers; i++ {
newlineDeliUUID := g.Hex128() + "\n"
results[idx] = buf.Bytes()
func divmod(numerator, denominator int64) (quotient, remainder int64) {
quotient = numerator / denominator // integer division, decimals are truncated
remainder = numerator % denominator
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