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Created August 2, 2015 20:15
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Save caldwell/e7445bc9f66c9d7b2ac5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-- Ted Wilson
-- August 2015
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List
import System.IO
import System.Random (randomRIO)
type Card = (Int, Char)
type Deck = [Card]
type Foundations = [Card]
type Stack = (Int, [Card])
type Stacks = [Stack]
data From = FromStack Int Int | FromDeck | Rotate deriving ( Eq, Show)
data To = ToStack Int | ToFoundation Int | Rotate' deriving ( Eq, Show)
data Colors = Red | Black deriving (Eq, Show)
type Move = (From, To)
data Game = Game {
---FIND MOVES----------------------------------------------------------------------
allMovesFromStacksToFoundations stacks foundations =
concat $ map (\x-> stackToFoundation stacks x foundations) $ range stacks
stackToFoundation stacks stack foundations =
if null which then [] else [(FromStack stack 0, ToFoundation (head which))]
card = s2C stacks stack 0
which = filter (\x->
fst card == (fst $ foundations!!x)+1 &&
snd card == (snd $ foundations!!x))
$ range foundations
deckToFoundation deck foundations =
if null which then [] else [(FromDeck, ToFoundation (head which))]
which = if null deck then []
else filter (\x->
(fst $ head deck) == (fst $ foundations!!x)+1 &&
(snd $ head deck) == (snd $ foundations!!x))
$ range foundations
findAllMoves (Game _ stacks foundations deck _)=
concat [
findAllStackMoves stacks,
findMovesFromDeck stacks deck,
allMovesFromStacksToFoundations stacks foundations,
deckToFoundation deck foundations,
if not $ null deck then [(Rotate, Rotate')] else []
findMovesForCard thecard@(FromStack stack position) stacks =
map (\x-> (thecard, (ToStack x))) elibibleStacks
elibibleStacks = filter (\x-> x /= stack &&
(s2C stacks stack position)
(s2C stacks x 0))
$ range stacks
findEmptyStacks stacks =
filter (\x-> null $ snd (stacks!!x)) $ range stacks
findMovesFromDeck stacks deck =
if null deck then [] else
if (fst $ head deck) == 12 then [(FromDeck, ToStack to)| to <- findEmptyStacks stacks]
else map (\x-> (FromDeck, ToStack x)) eligibleStacks
eligibleStacks =
filter (\x-> canBeStackedOn (head deck) (s2C stacks x 0))
$ range stacks
getVisiblesInStacks stacks =
concat $ map (\x-> getVisiblesInStack x (stacks!!x)) $ range stacks
separateKings visibles stacks =
foldr (\m@(FromStack stack x) (yes, no) -> if fst (s2C stacks stack x) == 12
then (m:yes, no) else (yes, m:no)) ([],[]) visibles
findAllStackMoves stacks =
kingMoves ++ nonKingMoves
nonKingMoves = concat $ map (\x-> findMovesForCard x stacks) nonkings
kingMoves = [(from, ToStack to) | from<- kings, to<-emptystacks]
visibles = getVisiblesInStacks stacks
(kings, nonkings) = separateKings visibles stacks
emptystacks = findEmptyStacks stacks
getVisiblesInStack n stack =
map (\(no, card) -> (FromStack n no)) $
zip [0..](take (fst stack) (snd stack))
counterMove (FromStack stk pos, ToStack stk') = (FromStack stk' pos, ToStack stk)
canBeStackedOn card1 card2 =
if (fst card1) == (fst card2) -1
then card1 `oppositeColor`card2
else False
oppositeColor card1 card2 = color card1 /= color card2
color card = case (snd card) of 'D' -> Red; 'H' -> Red; _ -> Black
----EXECUTE MOVES-------------------------------------------------------------------------
rotateGame game = game {deck = rotateDeck $ deck game, moves = (Rotate, Rotate'):(moves game)}
rotateDeck [] = []
rotateDeck [a] = [a]
rotateDeck (a:rest) = rest ++ [a]
won game = foundations game == [(12, 'H'),(12, 'c'),(12, 'D'),(12, 's')]
make1Move (Rotate, Rotate') game = rotateGame game
make1Move (from, to) game =
let (cards, game') = performFrom from game in
performTo cards to game'
performTo cards (ToStack no) game = game { stacks=newstcks}
oldstacks = stacks game
newstcks = replaceIth oldstacks no
(length cards + (fst $ oldstacks!!no), cards ++ (snd $ oldstacks!!no))
performTo cards (ToFoundation no) game = game { foundations = newfoundations}
oldfoundations = foundations game
newfoundations = replaceIth oldfoundations no (head cards)
performFrom (FromStack no pos) game = (cards, game')
stcks = stacks game
game' = game {stacks = newstacks'}
cards = take (pos+1) $ snd $ stcks!!no
newstacks' = diminishStacks stcks no pos
performFrom (FromDeck) game = (newcards, game')
newcards = [head $ deck game]
game' = game {deck = tail $ deck game}
diminishStacks stacks no pos =
if lim < pos+1 then error "diminisherror"
else replaceIth stacks no (newlimit, newstack)
(lim, stks) = stacks!!no
newstack = drop (pos+1) stks
reducedVisibility = lim - (pos+1)
newlimit = if reducedVisibility < 1 && (length newstack) > 0 then 1 else reducedVisibility
hiddenInStacks stacks = foldr (\x acc -> acc+ (hiddenInStack x)) 0 stacks
hiddenInStack (n, stack) = length stack - n
addFoundations found = 4 + foldr (\x acc-> (fst x) + acc) 0 found
-- use this to govern building down stacks.
isUpStreamFrom a b =
(fst a > fst b) &&
if (oppositeColor a b) then odd $ fst a + fst b else even $ fst a + fst b
isANewMove move@(FromStack a b, ToStack _) game =
(not $ move `elem` (moves game)) || ((FromStack a b) `elem` (getAllTargetCards game))
isANewMove _ _ = True
willPopCards moves game =
filter (\(from, to) -> from `elem` alltargetcards) moves
where alltargetcards = getAllTargetCards game
isDeckCardUpStreamOfATargetCard game =
any (isUpStreamFrom dc) targetcards
targetcards = map (\x-> from2Card x (stacks game)) $ getAllTargetCards game
dc = head (deck game)
allFroms stcks = [(FromStack x y) | x<- range stcks, y<- range $ stcks!!x]
allVisibleFroms stcks = [(FromStack x y) | x<- range stcks, y<- range $ stcks!!x]
lastVisibleFroms stcks = filter (\(FromStack _ b) -> b>=0)
[(FromStack x (fst (stcks!!x)-1)) | x<- range stcks]
getAllTargetCards game = filter (isATargetCard game) $ lastVisibleFroms (stacks game)
isABottomCard (FromStack a b) game =
b+1 == length ( snd ((stacks game)!!a))
isALastVisibleCard (FromStack a b) game =
b+1 == (fst ((stacks game)!!a))
isAKing (FromStack a b) game =
fst (s2C (stacks game) a b) == 12
isAKingOnBottom card game =
isAKing card game && isABottomCard card game
isATargetCard game card = (not $ isAKingOnBottom card game)
evalmove::Move->Game->[Move]->[Move]->(Int, Move)
evalmove move@(FromStack a b, ToFoundation _) game _ targetmoves =
if any (isUpStreamFrom (from2Card (FromStack a b) stks))
(map ((\x-> from2Card x stks).fst) targetmoves) then (40, move) else (62, move)
where stks = stacks game
evalmove move@(fromDeck, ToFoundation _) game _ targetmoves =
if any (isUpStreamFrom (head $ deck game))
(map ((\x-> from2Card x stks).fst) targetmoves) then (40, move) else (62, move)
where stks = stacks game
evalmove move@(FromDeck, _) game _ pres = (evalDeckCardMove game (map fst pres), move)
evalmove move game newMoves presentPops =
if move == (Rotate, Rotate') then (15, move) else (pres+new+useless, move)
pres = if move `elem` presentPops then 33 else 0
new = if move `elem` newMoves then 12 else -42
useless = if badMove move game then -35 else 0
evalDeckCardMove::Game-> [From]->Int
evalDeckCardMove game targetFroms =
if any (\x-> canBeStackedOn x dc) targetCards then 29
if isDeckCardUpStreamOfATargetCard game then
if fst dc > 6 then 17
else 0
targetCards = map (\x-> from2Card x (stacks game)) targetFroms
dc = head (deck game)
badMove ((FromStack no pos), _) game =
(pos+1) >= (length $ snd $ stks!!no) && (fst (s2C stks no pos) == 12)
where stks = stacks game
badMove _ _ = False
evalmoves moves game =
reverse$ sortBy (compare `on` fst) $
map (\x-> evalmove x game newMoves presentPops) moves
newMoves = filter (\x-> isANewMove x game) moves
presentPops = willPopCards moves game
---GENERATE GAME--------------------------------------------------------------------------
play1000 = makeGame1000games 1000 0
makeGame1000games n res= do
deckR <- quickshuffle deckUn
let game = Game [] thestacks' foundationStart thedeck []
(thestacks, thedeck) = deal deckR
thestacks' = zip (repeat 1) thestacks
let outcome = justPlayGame game
let inc = if (take 7) outcome == "Looping" then 0 else 1
putStrLn $ (show n) ++ outcome
if n>0 then makeGame1000games (n-1) (res+inc)
else putStrLn $ show res
deckUn = [(n,s) | n<-[0..12], s<-"sHcD"]
deal deck =
foldr (\x acc -> (take x (snd acc):(fst acc), drop x $ snd acc))
([], deck) [1..7]
foundationStart = [(-1, 'H'),(-1, 'c'),(-1, 'D'),(-1, 's')]
main = makeGame 0
makeGame all = do
deckR <- quickshuffle deckUn
let game = Game [] thestacks' foundationStart thedeck []
(thestacks, thedeck) = deal deckR
thestacks' = zip (repeat 1) thestacks
if all == 0 then playGame game
else playoutGame [game]
makeGameToFile filename = do
handle <- openFile filename WriteMode
deckR <- quickshuffle deckUn
let game = Game [] thestacks' foundationStart thedeck []
(thestacks, thedeck) = deal deckR
thestacks' = zip (repeat 1) thestacks
playGameToFile game handle
hClose handle
----PLAY GAME----------------------------------------------------------------------
playoutGame [] = putStrLn "FAILED"
playoutGame (game:rest) =
if won game then putStrLn "GAME WON"
else do
putStrLn $ show $ length rest
let newstat = diagnostic game
let game' = game {stats = newstat:(stats game)}
let newmoves = findAllMoves game'
let newmoves'' = evalmoves newmoves game'
let newmoves' = map snd $ filter (\x-> (fst x) > -30) newmoves''
let gameovermessage = gameOver game newmoves''
if gameovermessage /= "" then do
putStrLn gameovermessage
playoutGame rest
else do
let newgames = map (\x->make1Move x (game {moves = x:(moves game)}))
playoutGame $ (newgames)++rest
playGameToFile game handle = do
hPutStrLn handle $ printGame' game
if (length (moves game)) >(length (deck game) + 10) -- outmoded; replace with gameOver
&& all (== (Rotate, Rotate')) (take (length (deck game) + 10) $ moves game)
then do
hPutStrLn handle $ "Looping: " ++ diagnostic game
putStrLn $ "Looping: " ++ diagnostic game
else do
if won game then do
hPutStrLn handle "GAME WON"
putStrLn "GAME WON"
else do
let newstat = diagnostic game
let game' = game {stats = newstat:(stats game)}
let newmoves = findAllMoves game'
let newmoves' = evalmoves newmoves game'
--hPutStrLn handle $ show newmoves'
hPutStrLn handle $ printListEvaledMoves newmoves'
let newmoves'' = map snd newmoves'
playGameToFile (make1Move (head newmoves'') $
game' { moves = (head newmoves''):(moves game') })
playGameN game n= do
printGame game
if gameovermessage /= "" then putStrLn gameovermessage
else do
putStrLn $ printListEvaledMoves newmoves''
playGameN (make1Move (head newmoves') $
game' { moves = (head newmoves'):(moves game') }) (n-1)
gameovermessage = gameOver game newmoves''
newstat = diagnostic game
game' = game {stats = newstat:(stats game)}
newmoves = findAllMoves game'
newmoves'' = evalmoves newmoves game'
newmoves' = map snd newmoves''
gameOver game newmoves
|(length (moves game)) >(length (deck game) + 10)
&& all (== (Rotate, Rotate')) (take (length (deck game) + 10) $ moves game) =
"Looping on deck: " ++ diagnostic game
|(length (moves game)) > 400 = "Looping 400 moves" ++ diagnostic game
|won game = "GAME WON: " ++ diagnostic game
|null newmoves = "Looping on empty moves: " ++ diagnostic game
|otherwise = ""
justPlayGame game =
if gameovermessage == "" then
(make1Move (head newmoves') $
game' { moves = (head newmoves'):(moves game') })
else gameovermessage
gameovermessage = gameOver game newmoves''
newstat = diagnostic game
game' = game {stats = newstat:(stats game)}
newmoves = findAllMoves game'
newmoves'' = filter (\x-> (fst x) > -75) $ evalmoves newmoves game'
newmoves' = map snd newmoves''
playGame game = do
printGame game
let newstat = diagnostic game
let game' = game {stats = newstat:(stats game)}
let newmoves = findAllMoves game'
let newmoves'' = evalmoves newmoves game'
let gameovermessage = gameOver game newmoves''
putStrLn $ printListEvaledMoves newmoves''
let newmoves' = map snd newmoves''
if gameovermessage /= "" then putStrLn gameovermessage
else playGame (make1Move (head newmoves') $ game' { moves = (head newmoves'):(moves game') })
diagnostic game = "foundation " ++ (show found) ++ " hidden " ++ (show hidden) ++ " deck " ++
decksize ++ " moves " ++ (show $ length $ moves game )
found= addFoundations $ (foundations game)
hidden = hiddenInStacks (stacks game)
decksize = (show$length$ deck game)
--- INPUT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
getGame file play = do
content <- readFile file
let thelines = map trimit $ filter notempty $ lines content
let game = parsegame (take 7 $ thelines) (thelines!!7)(thelines!!8)
case play of
0-> printGame game
_-> playGame game
notempty = any (\x -> not $ x `elem` " \t")
trimit = dropWhile (\x-> x `elem` " \t")
countVisible stck =
if cleanfront == "" then 0
else bc 1 cleanfront
cleanfront = clean front
(front, back) = splitByBar "" stck
clean str = dropWhile (== ' ') $ reverse $ dropWhile (== ' ') $ reverse str
splitByBar acc (a:rest) = case a of
'|' -> (acc, rest)
_ -> splitByBar (acc ++ [a]) rest
bc n "" = n
bc n (a:rest) = case (a) of
' ' -> bc (n+1) $ dropWhile (==' ') rest
'|' -> n
_ -> bc n $ rest
replaceBarWithSpace ""=""
replaceBarWithSpace ('|':ys) = (' ':ys)
replaceBarWithSpace (x:ys) = x:(replaceBarWithSpace ys)
parseStack::String ->(Int, [(Int, Char)])
parseStack stck = (lim, stck')
stacktrimmed = dropWhile (==' ') stck
lim = countVisible stacktrimmed
stck' = parsit $ replaceBarWithSpace stacktrimmed
parseStacks = map parseStack
parsit deck = map trans $ split $ dropWhile (==' ') deck
split "" = []
split deck = (takeWhile (/=' ') deck):(split $ dropWhile (== ' ') $ dropWhile (/= ' ') deck)
trans ['0', x] = (0, x)
trans ['1', x] = (1, x)
trans ['2', x] = (2, x)
trans ['3', x] = (3, x)
trans ['4', x] = (4, x)
trans ['5', x] = (5, x)
trans ['6', x] = (6, x)
trans ['7', x] = (7, x)
trans ['8', x] = (8, x)
trans ['9', x] = (9, x)
trans('1':'0':x) = (10, head x)
trans('1':'1':x) = (11, head x)
trans('1':'2':x) = (12, head x)
trans('-':'1':x) = (-1, head x)
parsegameFromStart stcks deck =
Game [] stacks' [(-1, 'H'),(-1, 'c'),(-1, 'D'),(-1, 's')] deck' []
stacks' = parseStacks stcks
deck' = parsit deck
parsegame stcks found deck=
Game [] stacks' found' deck' []
stacks' = parseStacks stcks
deck' = parsit deck
found' = parsit found
-- Shuffle deck---found on web------------------------------------------------------------------------
quickshuffle :: [a] -> IO [a]
quickshuffle [] = return []
quickshuffle [x] = return [x]
quickshuffle xs = do
(ls, rs) <- partition' xs
sls <- quickshuffle ls
srs <- quickshuffle rs
return (sls ++ srs)
partition' :: [a] -> IO ([a], [a])
partition' xs = do
let n = length xs
k <- randomRIO (1, n-1)
split n k ([], []) xs
where split n k (ls, rs) [] = return (ls, rs)
split n k (ls, rs) (x:xs) = do
p <- randomRIO (1, n)
if p <= k
then split (n - 1) (k - 1) (x:ls, rs) xs
else split (n - 1) k (ls, x:rs) xs
printGameInfo game = putStrLn $ (printrawstack $ foundations game) ++ "\t" ++
(show $ length $ deck game) ++ "\t" ++ (show $ hiddenInStacks $ stacks game)
printGame' game =
mvs ++ "\n" ++ stcks ++ "\n " ++ found ++ "\n" ++ thedeck ++ "\n"
mvs = show $ length $ moves game
stcks = printstacks (stacks game) 0
found = printrawstack $ foundations game
thedeck = printrawstack $ deck game
printGame game = do
putStrLn $ show $ length $ moves game
putStrLn $ printstacks (stacks game) 0
putStrLn $ " " ++ (printrawstack $ foundations game)
putStrLn $ printrawstack $ deck game
putStrLn ""
printstacks [] _= ""
printstacks (a:rest) n = (show n) ++ " " ++ printstack a ++ "\n" ++ printstacks rest (n+1)
printstack(n, stack) = (printrawstack $ take n stack) ++ "|" ++ (printrawstack $ drop n stack)
printrawstack [] = ""
printrawstack [(n,s)] = ((show n) ++[s])
printrawstack ((n,s):rest) = ((show n)++[s, ' ']) ++ (printrawstack rest)
printMove (FromStack a b, ToStack c) =
printFrom (FromStack a b) ++ "->" ++ show c
printMove (Rotate, Rotate') = "R"
printMove (FromDeck, ToStack n) = "D->" ++ show n
printMove (FromStack a b, ToFoundation _) = printFrom (FromStack a b) ++ "->F"
printMove (FromDeck, ToFoundation _) = "D->F"
printFrom (FromStack a b) = (show a) ++ "." ++ (show b)
printEvaledMove (n, move) = '<':(show n) ++ "> " ++ (printMove move)
printListEvaledMoves lis = foldr (\x acc-> (printEvaledMove x) ++ "\n" ++ acc) "" lis
-- Utils--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
s2C stacks no pos =
if (length $ snd $ stacks!!no) < pos +1 then (44, 'x')
else (snd (stacks!!no))!!pos
from2Card (FromStack no pos) stacks = s2C stacks no pos
from2Card fr _ = error $ "from2card has been fed a bad arg" ++ (show fr)
range x = [0..length x-1]
replaceIth lis i new = take i lis ++ new:(drop (i+1) lis)
---SAMPLE GAMES-------------------------------------------------------------
tdeck = "3s 2h 12c 9d 4s 7s 11h 0d 8c 1d 10c 1c 5c 11c 3c 9s 5s 9c 10s 8h 7h 10d 5h 12h"
tst = ["9h|",
"4d|3h 0d",
"2d|12h 8s 3s",
"6s|5h 1d 1c 12c",
"3c|12s 3d 0s 12d 0h",
"8c|1h 5d 10h 11d 9d 11h"]
tgame = parsegameFromStart tst tdeck
stkerr = ["4c 5H 6c|",
"9H|10D 12s",
"3s 4D|0D",
"2c|5D 12H 11H",
"6D |1D 1H 5c 8c 10c",
"8D 9s 10H|7H 9D 11s 2H 3H 8H"]
founderr = "-1H -1c -1D 1s"
deckerr = "2D 0H 4H 0c 5s 10s 3c 11D 3D 2s 6s 8s 6H 9c 12D 7c 7s 11c 4s 7D 1c"
gamerr = parsegame stkerr founderr deckerr
popstacks = [
"1c 2D 3c 4D 5s 6D 7c 8D 9c 10D 11s 12H|",
"1D 2c | 3D 4c 5D 6s 7H 8c 9D 10c 11H 12c",
"7s 8H 9s 10H 11c 12D|",
"4c 6c 7D 8s 9H 10s 11D 12s|",
popfound = "2H 0c -1D 4s"
popdeck = "4H 6H 3s"
popgame = parsegame popstacks popfound popdeck
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