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Created August 22, 2019 05:56
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file with type problems for testing type checkers
import django
import doesNotExist
import math
import inspect
from typing import List
class foo:
def constructor(self, x):
self.x = x
def f():
return "PyCon"
def g():
# caught by pytype and pyright but not mypy or pyre
return f() + 2019
# pytype is lenient so it wont complain about below function
# even thoguh it appends a int to a string list
def get_list(year: int) -> List[str]:
lst = ["PyCon"]
return [str(x) for x in lst]
# y doesn't exist on foo. Pytype doesn't catch this.
foo.y = 4
# foo is wrong type to pass into get_list
# this isn't typescript: "number" is not an acceptable type
a: number = 3
# softball: you can't assign a string to a int. Pytype doesn't catch this.
a: int = "3"
# currentframe() can return None
callingFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back
# this should actually work
x = math.log(-1)
except ValueError:
print(x) # pytype and pyre corretly catches this as an error
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