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Created July 20, 2019 22:44
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let rec tysubst theta t =
match t with
| TVarExpr u ->
match Map.tryFind u theta with
| Some t' -> t'
| None -> t
| TApExpr (l, r) ->
TApExpr (tysubst theta l, tysubst theta r)
| _ ->
let n = ref 1
let freshpolytyvar kind =
let ret = TyVar (sprintf "t%i" !n, kind)
n := !n + 1
let freshtyvar _ =
freshpolytyvar Star
let instantiate (Forall (formals, tau)) actuals =
tysubst (Map.ofList ( formals actuals)) tau
let rec freevars t =
match t with
| TVarExpr u -> Set.singleton u
| TApExpr (l, r) -> Set.union (freevars l) (freevars r)
| TConExpr _ -> Set.empty
let generalize skipTyVars tau =
let ts = freevars tau
Forall (Set.difference ts skipTyVars |> List.ofSeq, tau)
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