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Created July 20, 2019 22:47
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exception TypeError of string
// Some useful extensions to F#'s map module
module Map =
let keys m = m |> Map.toSeq |> fst |> Set.ofSeq
let fromKeys f keys =
Seq.fold (fun accum k -> Map.add k (f k) accum) Map.empty keys
let singleton key value =
Map.add key value Map.empty
type Subst = Map<TyVar, TyExpr>
let idSubst : Subst = Map.empty
let varsubst theta (v : TyVar) : TyExpr =
match Map.tryFind v theta with
| Some tau -> tau
| None -> TVarExpr v
let compose (theta2 : Subst) (theta1 : Subst) =
let domain = Set.union (Map.keys theta2) (Map.keys theta1)
let replaceTheta = (varsubst theta1) >> (tysubst theta2)
Map.fromKeys replaceTheta domain
let rec consubst theta con =
match con with
| Equal (tau1, tau2, err) ->
let ts = tysubst theta
Equal (ts tau1, ts tau2, err)
| And (c1, c2) ->
And (consubst theta c1, consubst theta c2)
| Trivial ->
let (|--->) (a : TyVar) (tau : TyExpr) =
match tau with
| TVarExpr b ->
if a = b then
Some idSubst
let (TyVar (_, kindA)) = a
let (TyVar (_, kindB)) = b
if kindA = kindB then
Some (Map.singleton a tau)
| _ ->
if Set.contains a (freevars tau) then
Some (Map.singleton a tau)
let rec solve (con : Constraint) : Subst =
match con with
| Trivial -> idSubst
| And (left, right) ->
let theta1 = solve left
let theta2 = solve (consubst theta1 right)
compose theta2 theta1
| Equal (tau1, tau2, err) ->
let failMsg = lazy (sprintf "Type error: The types %s and %s are not equal.\n\n%s" (tyExprString tau1) (tyExprString tau2) (err.Force()))
match (tau1, tau2) with
| ((TVarExpr a, tau') | (tau', TVarExpr a)) ->
match (a |---> tau') with
| Some answer -> answer
| None -> raise <| TypeError (failMsg.Force())
| (TConExpr mu, TConExpr mu') ->
if mu = mu' then
raise <| TypeError (failMsg.Force())
| (TApExpr (l, r), TApExpr (l', r')) ->
solve (((l =~= l') err) &&& ((r =~= r') err))
| _ ->
raise <| TypeError (failMsg.Force())
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