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Created December 18, 2020 18:40
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ability :: Attrs -> Ability
ability attrs =
mkAbility (toSource attrs) 1 (ReactionAbility (AssetDefeated iid))
instance ActionRunner env => HasActions env BrotherXavier where
getActions iid (AssetDefeated iid) (BrotherXavier a) | ownedBy a iid = do
let ability' = (iid, ability a)
unused <- notElem ability' . map unUsedAbility <$> getList ()
[ uncurry ActivateCardAbilityAction ability' | unused ]
getActions _ _ _ = pure []
instance AssetRunner env => RunMessage env BrotherXavier where
runMessage msg a@(BrotherXavier attrs) = case msg of
AssetDefeated iid | getInvestigator attrs == iid ->
a <$ unshiftMessage
[ UseCardAbility iid (toSource attrs) Nothing 1
, Continue "Do not use Brother Xavier's ability"
UseCardAbility iid source _ 1 | isSource attrs source ->
locationId <- getId @LocationId (getInvestigator attrs)
locationEnemyIds <- getSetList locationId
[ EnemyDamage eid iid (toSource attrs) 2 | eid <- locationEnemyIds ]
_ -> BrotherXavier <$> runMessage msg attrs
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