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Created June 27, 2019 01:36
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import {
} from "react-native";
import {Font, Space} from "../atoms";
import {
} from "../comment/CommentCache";
import React, {ReactElement} from "react";
import {
} from "scheduler";
import {Comment} from "../comment/Comment";
import {CommentShimmer} from "../comment/CommentShimmer";
import {reactSchedulerFlushSync} from "../utils/forks/reactSchedulerFlushSync";
// The number of items to render outside of the viewport range.
// We always overscan by the number of comments we’ll incrementally fetch. That
// way when we load more comments, we’ll immediately render them and get
// their heights.
// This is a bit of a hack to fix the jankiness of loading each comment as it
// scrolls into view.
const overscanCount = commentCountMore;
// The number of items we will always render at the beginning of our list to
// improve perceived performance.
const leadingCount = commentCountMore / 2;
// The number of items we will always render at the end of our list to
// improve perceived performance.
const trailingCount = commentCountMore;
type Props = {
* Are we currently loading new comments?
loading: boolean;
* The total number of comments in our list. We will render a list that can
* fit this many comments.
commentCount: number;
* The underlying array of comments we will render. `undefined` comments are
* represented with a comment shimmer. We will always render `commentCount`
* number of comments. Whether or not that’s more or less than the actual
* number of comments.
comments: ReadonlyArray<PostCommentsCacheEntry | undefined>;
* A reference to the scroll view that our virtualized comment list
* is inside.
scrollViewRef: React.RefObject<ScrollView>;
* HACK: We want this component to have access to the `onScroll` event but we
* don’t render the scroll view. Our parent is responsible for rendering the
* scroll view. So we use a ref to pass “up” an event handler to our
* parent component.
handleScroll: React.MutableRefObject<null | ((event: ScrollEvent) => void)>;
* When the visible items change, we call this callback. The parent component
* will use this to load more items.
onVisibleRangeChange: (range: RenderRange) => void;
type State = {
* Is this the very first render of our component? We start by only rendering
* the actually visible range. In subsequent renders we’ll render all the
* overscroll and leading/trailing items.
initialRender: boolean;
* The currently visible range of items.
visibleRange: RenderRange;
* The heights of all the comments we’ve rendered. Gaps in the comment list
* (`Skimmer.empty`) are represented with `undefined`.
commentHeights: ReadonlyArray<number | undefined>;
* An alternative view of `commentHeights` where a sequence of contiguous
* comments forms a chunk.
commentChunks: ReadonlyArray<CommentChunk>;
* A range of items to render.
type RenderRange = {
first: number;
last: number;
* A sequence of contiguous comments whose layouts have been measured.
type CommentChunk = {
/** The index at the start of the chunk. */
start: number;
/** The number of comments in the chunk. */
length: number;
/** The total height of the chunk. */
height: number;
export class PostVirtualizedComments extends React.Component<Props, State> {
* The expected scroll event throttle for our component.
static scrollEventThrottle = 50;
constructor(props: Props) {
const first = 0;
// Estimate the maximum number of comments that can fit on screen at
// a time.
const last = Math.min(
(Dimensions.get("screen").height * 0.75) / (Font.size2.lineHeight * 2),
this.state = {
initialRender: true,
visibleRange: {first, last},
commentHeights: [],
commentChunks: [],
componentDidMount() {
// HACK: Set our scroll handler to the mutable ref. This is how we “pass up”
// our event handler.
this.props.handleScroll.current = this.handleScroll;
// NOTE: The initial visible range is an estimate! We only get an accurate
// visible range once we scroll for the first time.
// After we’ve rendered, schedule a low priority callback to render the rest
// of the leading/trailing/overscan items.
unstable_runWithPriority(unstable_LowPriority, () => {
unstable_scheduleCallback(() => {
this.setState({initialRender: false});
componentDidUpdate(_prevProps: Props, prevState: State) {
// Report a change in the visible if there is one.
if (
prevState.visibleRange.first !== this.state.visibleRange.first ||
prevState.visibleRange.last !== this.state.visibleRange.last
) {
componentWillUnmount() {
this.props.handleScroll.current = null;
* Handles a scroll event by measuring the items we should be rendering and
* updating state if it changed.
private handleScroll = (event: ScrollEvent) => {
// Skip scroll events if we haven’t gotten a layout event yet. This shouldn’t
// happen? If it does the next scroll after a layout event will fix it.
const postOffset = this.postOffset;
if (postOffset === null) return;
const commentCount = this.props.commentCount;
// Get the range of visible content in the scroll view from the event.
const offset = event.nativeEvent.contentOffset.y - postOffset;
const viewport = event.nativeEvent.layoutMeasurement.height;
// The viewport height hasn’t been measured yet.
if (viewport === 0) return;
// Get the begin and end offset for the visible content.
const firstOffset = offset;
const lastOffset = offset + viewport;
// Get the beginning index of visible items.
let first = getIndex(
first -= 1;
if (first < 0) first = 0;
// Get the ending index of visible items.
let last = getIndex(
if (last > commentCount) last = commentCount;
// Update the visible range if it changed.
this.setState(prevState => {
if (
prevState.visibleRange.first === first &&
prevState.visibleRange.last === last
) {
return null;
return {
visibleRange: {first, last},
* The offset in measurement units of the post content rendered above our list
* of comments.
private postOffset: number | null = null;
* When the container’s layout changes we fire this event...
private handleContainerLayout = (event: LayoutChangeEvent) => {
this.postOffset = event.nativeEvent.layout.y;
* When we detect a layout change in a comment, we wait to see if other
* comments have layout changes as well.
private pendingCommentHeights: {
important: boolean;
heights: Array<{index: number; height: number}>;
} | null = null;
* Is the next comment height flush important? If true when we call
* `flushCommentHeights()` then we will automatically make the
* flush important.
* If our comment data is loaded when our virtualized comment list is
* mounted then the next flush is important since we don’t want the
* shimmers to flicker in.
private nextCommentHeightsFlushImportant = this.props.loading === false;
* When a comment’s layout changes we fire this event...
private handleCommentLayout: HandleCommentLayout = (
index: number,
comment: PostCommentsCacheEntry,
event: LayoutChangeEvent,
) => {
const height = event.nativeEvent.layout.height;
// If we already have the correct height for this comment in our state
// then don’t bother scheduling an update.
if (height === this.state.commentHeights[index]) return;
// We will actually update our state after `setTimeout(f, 0)` finishes. That
// way if we have, say, five comments which fire their layout events
// together we’ll only update our state once.
if (this.pendingCommentHeights === null) {
this.pendingCommentHeights = {important: false, heights: []};
if (Platform.OS === "web") {
// On web, schedule the flush in a micro-tick which will fire before the
// next paint.
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
} else {
// On native, use a macro-task since that’s what the message queue uses.
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);
// Should we make this batch of pending comment heights important? The
// answer is yes if:
// 1. If we are immediately rendering comments after the component mounts.
// We don’t want to flicker the comment shimmers for a millisecond. We
// want to show our comments immediately. (This is handled
// by `nextCommentHeightsFlushImportant`.)
// 2. If the comment is already measured. If a comment changes size then we
// need to immediately re-layout everything. If we let the browser paint
// the new comment then the list will look weird since the comment will
// fill up more or less of its height.
// 3. If a comment being measured is a realtime comment. When a comment is
// added in realtime we don’t want to see the flash of an
// unmeasured comment.
this.pendingCommentHeights.important =
this.pendingCommentHeights.important ||
this.state.commentHeights[index] !== undefined ||
comment.realtime === true;
// Add the pending comment height.
this.pendingCommentHeights.heights.push({index, height});
* We wait until we‘ve collected as many comment heights as we can before
* flushing them to our state.
private flushCommentHeights() {
// If we have no pending comment heights do nothing.
if (this.pendingCommentHeights === null) return;
// Reset our pending comment heights.
const pendingCommentHeights = this.pendingCommentHeights;
this.pendingCommentHeights = null;
// Escalate the importance of our flush if we were instructed to.
if (this.nextCommentHeightsFlushImportant === true) {
pendingCommentHeights.important = true;
this.nextCommentHeightsFlushImportant = false;
function updateState(prevState: State) {
let newCommentHeights: Array<number | undefined> | undefined;
// Process our pending comment heights...
for (let i = 0; i < pendingCommentHeights.heights.length; i++) {
const {index, height} = pendingCommentHeights.heights[i];
// If the height did not change then do nothing.
if (prevState.commentHeights[index] === height) continue;
// If this is the first height that changed then clone our previous
// comment heights state.
if (newCommentHeights === undefined) {
newCommentHeights = prevState.commentHeights.slice();
// Set the new height in our new comment heights array.
newCommentHeights[index] = height;
// If none of our comment heights changed then don’t update our state!
if (newCommentHeights === undefined) {
return null;
} else {
// Otherwise, let’s compute our new comment chunks!
const newCommentChunks: Array<CommentChunk> = [];
// Loop through all of our comment heights...
let currentChunk: CommentChunk | undefined;
for (let i = 0; i < newCommentHeights.length; i++) {
const height = newCommentHeights[i];
if (height !== undefined) {
if (currentChunk === undefined) {
// If we have a comment height but no chunk then let’s create a
// new chunk.
currentChunk = {start: i, length: 1, height};
} else {
// If we have a height and a chunk then let’s add to the chunk.
currentChunk.length += 1;
currentChunk.height += height;
} else {
// If we do not have a height but we do have a chunk then unset
// the chunk. Next time we see a height we’ll want to create a
// new chunk.
if (currentChunk !== undefined) {
currentChunk = undefined;
return {
commentHeights: newCommentHeights,
commentChunks: newCommentChunks,
// The first time we flush comment heights from layout we do it
// synchronously. Otherwise React will yield to the browser which will
// show the comment shimmers to the user which will immediately flash out of
// existence when we re-render with the actual comments.
// To avoid the flash of comment shimmers we schedule a synchronous flush.
// This may cause us to drop animation frames, but the tradeoff is worth it.
// We’d much rather avoid the flash if we can.
if (pendingCommentHeights.important === true) {
reactSchedulerFlushSync(() => this.setState(updateState));
} else {
// Memoize the filler view.
private renderFiller = memoizeLast(renderFiller);
// Memoize each individual item in a cache so we don’t have to recompute it
// every time. By wrapping a `memoize()` function in a `memoizeLast()` it has
// the effect of clearing the `memoize()` cache whenever the `memoizeLast()`
// parameters change.
private renderItem = memoizeLast(
comments: ReadonlyArray<PostCommentsCacheEntry | undefined>,
commentChunks: ReadonlyArray<CommentChunk>,
commentHeights: ReadonlyArray<number | undefined>,
) =>
memoize((index: number) =>
this.handleCommentLayout, // We know this event handler is constant in our class.
this.props.scrollViewRef, // Refs are constant objects that are changed via imperative mutation.
render() {
const commentCount = this.props.commentCount;
const actualVisibleRange: RenderRange = this.state.visibleRange;
// The ranges of items we will render...
let visibleRange: RenderRange = actualVisibleRange;
let leadingRange: RenderRange | null = null;
let trailingRange: RenderRange | null = null;
// On the initial render, only render the _actually_ visible range.
if (this.state.initialRender === false) {
// Add overscan to the visible range. We render more comments off-screen
// but we don’t report them in our visible range state.
visibleRange = {
first: Math.max(actualVisibleRange.first - overscanCount, 0),
last: Math.min(actualVisibleRange.last + overscanCount, commentCount),
// We always render some items at the very beginning of the list so that
// “jump to start” are perceived to render quickly.
leadingRange = {
first: 0,
last: Math.min(leadingCount, commentCount),
// We always render some items at the very end of the list so that
// “jump to start” are perceived to render quickly.
trailingRange = {
first: Math.max(0, commentCount - trailingCount),
last: commentCount,
// Merge the leading range with the visible range if needed.
if (intersects(visibleRange, leadingRange)) {
visibleRange = {
first: Math.min(visibleRange.first, leadingRange.first),
last: Math.max(visibleRange.last, leadingRange.last),
leadingRange = null;
// Merge the trailing range with the visible range if needed.
if (intersects(visibleRange, trailingRange)) {
visibleRange = {
first: Math.min(visibleRange.first, trailingRange.first),
last: Math.max(visibleRange.last, trailingRange.last),
trailingRange = null;
const items: Array<ReactElement> = [];
// Get the render item function based on our state. The render item function
// is memoized so it comes with a cache.
const renderItem = this.renderItem(
// If we have a leading range then render the items in our leading range.
if (leadingRange) {
for (let i = 0; i < leadingRange.last - leadingRange.first; i++) {
items.push(renderItem(leadingRange.first + i));
// Render the items in our visible range.
for (let i = 0; i < visibleRange.last - visibleRange.first; i++) {
items.push(renderItem(visibleRange.first + i));
// If we have a trailing range then render the items in our trailing range.
if (trailingRange) {
for (let i = 0; i < trailingRange.last - trailingRange.first; i++) {
items.push(renderItem(trailingRange.first + i));
return (
<View style={styles.container} onLayout={this.handleContainerLayout}>
* Gets the offset above the item at a given index.
* The dual of this function is `getIndex()` where we can get an index from
* an offset.
function getOffset(
commentChunks: ReadonlyArray<CommentChunk>,
commentHeights: ReadonlyArray<number | undefined>,
maxIndex: number,
): number {
// Set the initial offset and index. The offset is a distance in measurement
// units. The index is a position in our comments list.
let offset = 0;
let index = 0;
// Loop through our comment chunks...
for (let i = 0; i < commentChunks.length; i++) {
const commentChunk = commentChunks[i];
// We expect `commentChunks` to be sorted by `commentChunk.index` and we
// expect that `index` will never exceed the next comment chunk’s starting
// position based on our implementation below. If these expectations are
// violated then throw.
if (index > commentChunk.start) {
throw new Error(
`Expected ${index} to be less than or equal to ${commentChunk.start}.`,
// If our index is less than the next chunk’s starting position then let’s
// catch up our index to the chunk start.
if (index < commentChunk.start) {
// If moving our index to the chunk’s starting index would take us over
// the maximum index then move our index to the maximum index and break
// out of the loop. We done.
if (maxIndex < commentChunk.start) {
offset += CommentShimmer.getHeight(maxIndex - index, index);
index = maxIndex;
// The area between comment chunks are occupied by `CommentShimmer`
// components which have a known height. Add that to our offset.
offset += CommentShimmer.getHeight(commentChunk.start - index, index);
index = commentChunk.start;
// At this point, we expect our index to match the start of our
// comment chunk. We handle both the less than and greater than cases
// above which will either break out of the loop or set the index equal
// to our comment chunk start.
if (index !== commentChunk.start)
throw new Error(`Expected ${index} to equal ${commentChunk.start}.`);
// Add this comment chunk’s height to our offset as long as that wouldn’t
// put us over our `maxIndex`.
if (index + commentChunk.length <= maxIndex) {
offset += commentChunk.height;
index += commentChunk.length;
// If `index === maxIndex` now then break out of the loop. We’re
// done here.
if (index < maxIndex) {
} else {
// If adding the entire chunk height would put us over our `maxIndex` then
// add each comment height to the offset individually. We expect there
// to be a height for each comment since the comment’s are inside our
// current chunk.
while (index < maxIndex) {
const height = commentHeights[index];
if (height === undefined) throw new Error("Expected height.");
offset += height;
index += 1;
// If we our index is still less than our `maxIndex` then let’s add the
// remaining shimmer height. This could happen when there are fewer chunks
// then items in the list.
if (index < maxIndex) {
offset += CommentShimmer.getHeight(maxIndex - index, index);
index = maxIndex;
// Finally, we expect throughout all of this code that in the end our index
// will end up equaling our `maxIndex`.
if (index !== maxIndex)
throw new Error(`Expected ${index} to equal ${maxIndex}.`);
return offset;
* Gets the index of a comment based on its offset in the list.
* The dual of this operation is `getOffset()` which gets the offset of an
* item in the list.
function getIndex(
commentChunks: ReadonlyArray<CommentChunk>,
commentHeights: ReadonlyArray<number | undefined>,
maxOffset: number,
): number {
// Set the initial offset and index. The offset is a distance in measurement
// units. The index is a position in our comments list.
let offset = 0;
let index = 0;
// Loop through our comment chunks...
for (let i = 0; i < commentChunks.length; i++) {
const commentChunk = commentChunks[i];
// We expect `commentChunks` to be sorted by `commentChunk.index` and we
// expect that `index` will never exceed the next comment chunk’s starting
// position based on our implementation below. If these expectations are
// violated then throw.
if (index > commentChunk.start) {
throw new Error(
`Expected ${index} to be less than or equal to ${commentChunk.start}.`,
// Measure the height of comment shimmers between our current index and the
// start of the next chunk.
const shimmerHeight = CommentShimmer.getHeight(
commentChunk.start - index,
// If adding the shimmers will surpass the max offset, then let’s get our
// specific index inside the shimmers and break out of the comment
// chunk loop.
if (offset + shimmerHeight >= maxOffset) {
index += CommentShimmer.getIndex(maxOffset - offset, index);
offset = maxOffset;
// Add our shimmer height and update our index to the chunk’s
// starting position.
offset += shimmerHeight;
index = commentChunk.start;
// If increasing the offset by the comment chunk length puts us above our
// desired offset then we move backwards through the comment list to
// arrive at the correct index.
if (offset + commentChunk.height >= maxOffset) {
while (offset < maxOffset) {
const height = commentHeights[index];
if (height === undefined) throw new Error("Expected height.");
offset += height;
index += 1;
offset = maxOffset;
// Otherwise, increase our index by the comment chunk length.
offset += commentChunk.height;
index += commentChunk.length;
// If we run out of comment chunks but we are still below our desired offset
// then use comment shimmers to get to our final offset.
if (offset < maxOffset) {
index += CommentShimmer.getIndex(maxOffset - offset, index);
offset = maxOffset;
return index;
* Renders the filler space for the entire list.
* We implement this outside of the component class so that we’re forced to
* explicitly declare all of our dependencies. That way a memoization function
* can correctly determine when the result should change.
function renderFiller(
commentChunks: ReadonlyArray<CommentChunk>,
commentHeights: ReadonlyArray<number | undefined>,
commentCount: number,
) {
const height =
getOffset(commentChunks, commentHeights, commentCount) + Space.space3;
return <View style={{height}} />;
* Renders an individual comment in the entire comment list.
* We implement this outside of the component class so that we’re forced to
* explicitly declare all of our dependencies. That way a memoization function
* can correctly determine when the result should change.
function renderItem(
handleCommentLayout: HandleCommentLayout,
scrollViewRef: React.RefObject<ScrollView>,
comments: ReadonlyArray<PostCommentsCacheEntry | undefined>,
commentChunks: ReadonlyArray<CommentChunk>,
commentHeights: ReadonlyArray<number | undefined>,
index: number,
): ReactElement {
const comment = comments[index];
const lastComment = comments[index - 1];
const commentHeight = commentHeights[index];
const offset = getOffset(commentChunks, commentHeights, index);
// On web, use a `div` directly which is more efficient since we don’t
// need the extra component.
const ViewComponent = Platform.OS === "web" ? "div" : View;
return (
<React.Fragment key={index}>
{comment !== undefined && (
position: "absolute",
top: offset,
left: 0,
right: 0,
opacity: commentHeight === undefined ? 0 : 1,
onLayout={event => handleCommentLayout(index, comment, event)}
lastCommentID={lastComment !== undefined ? : null}
{(comment === undefined || commentHeight === undefined) && (
position: "absolute",
top: offset,
left: 0,
right: 0,
<CommentShimmer index={index} />
type HandleCommentLayout = (
index: number,
comment: PostCommentsCacheEntry,
event: LayoutChangeEvent,
) => void;
* Do the two ranges intersect with one another? Returns true if they intersect.
function intersects(a: RenderRange, b: RenderRange): boolean {
return !(a.last < b.first || b.last < a.first);
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
overflow: "hidden",
* Caches the last result of a function. If the function is immediately called
* again with the same arguments then we will re-use the last result without
* calling the function again.
function memoizeLast<Args extends Array<any>, Ret>(
fn: (...args: Args) => Ret,
): (...args: Args) => Ret {
// The internal cache of our memoization function.
let cache: {args: Args; ret: Ret} | null = null;
return (...args: Args): Ret => {
// If we have a previous cached value...
if (cache !== null) {
let equal = true;
// Determine if the argument arrays are equal...
if (args.length !== cache.args.length) {
equal = false;
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (args[i] !== cache.args[i]) {
equal = false;
// If the argument arrays are equal then return our cached value.
if (equal === true) {
return cache.ret;
// Otherwise compute the return value and cache the result.
const ret = fn(...args);
cache = {args, ret};
return ret;
* Memoize all the results of a function. If we’ve seen an argument before at
* any point in time then we will return the same value without recomputing
* anything. If we haven’t seen the argument then we will compute the
* return value.
function memoize<Arg, Ret>(fn: (arg: Arg) => Ret): (arg: Arg) => Ret {
const cache = new Map<Arg, Ret>();
return arg => {
let ret = cache.get(arg);
if (ret === undefined) {
ret = fn(arg);
cache.set(arg, ret);
return ret;
// Export some of our utility functions for testing.
export {getIndex as test_getIndex};
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