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Last active May 28, 2019 17:43
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import {AccountID, GroupID, PostID} from "@connect/api-client";
import {GroupMemberTable} from "./GroupMemberTable";
import {PGTable} from "../pg/PGTable";
import {PGType} from "../pg/PGType";
export const PostTable = PGTable.define({
name: "post",
columns: {
id: as PGType<PostID>,
group_id: as PGType<GroupID>,
author_id: as PGType<AccountID>,
content: PGType.text,
published_at: PGType.timestamp,
privacySelect(post, ctx, query) {
return (
// Ok to ignore privacy since we only select group member rows with the
// same ID as our authenticated account.
import {APIError, APIErrorCode} from "@connect/api-client";
import {Context, ContextUnauthorized} from "../Context";
import {PGType, PGTypeGet} from "./PGType";
import {SQLQuery, sql} from "./PGSQL";
* Counts the number of aliases each table has so we can create a new alias each
* time `PGTable.alias()` is called.
const tableAliasCounter = new Map<string, number>();
* Postgres table definition. This is the entrypoint into our database. You
* start building your queries, usually, from a `PGTable`.
* Tables also have the important feature of being able to specify a
* privacy policy! All queries generated based on `PGTable` will have a privacy
* policy automatically added to the query.
* **TODO:** Insertion privacy policy. We don’t want people creating posts or
* comments in groups they are not a member of.
* **TODO:** Update privacy policy.
export class PGTable<Columns extends PGColumnsBase> {
* Defines a new Postgres table.
static define<Columns extends PGColumnsBase>(config: {
name: string;
columns: Columns;
privacySelect: PGPrivacySelect<Columns> | null;
}): PGTable<Columns> & PGTableColumns<Columns> {
const table = new PGTable(,
return table.assignColumns();
private constructor(
public readonly tableName: string,
public readonly tableAlias: string | null,
private readonly _columns: Columns,
private readonly _privacySelect: PGPrivacySelect<Columns> | null,
) {}
* Creates a `SELECT` query for selecting data from our table.
select<Selection extends PGSelectionBase>(
selection: Selection,
): PGQuerySelect<PGSelectionType<Selection>> {
return PGQuerySelect.create(this, selection);
* Creates an `INSERT` query for inserting data into our table.
insert<Insertion extends PGInsertionBase>(
insertion: Insertion,
values: ReadonlyArray<PGInsertionType<Insertion>>,
): PGQueryInsert<{}> {}
* Creates an alias for our table. Useful when we need to write queries with
* multiple references to the same table.
alias(): PGTable<Columns> & PGTableColumns<Columns> {
const aliasCounter = (tableAliasCounter.get(this.tableName) || 1) + 1;
tableAliasCounter.set(this.tableName, aliasCounter);
const table = new PGTable(
return table.assignColumns();
* Generates from `FROM` clause item for this table.
generateFromItem(): SQLQuery {
const tableName = sql.identifier(this.tableName);
if (this.tableAlias == null) {
return tableName;
} else {
return sql`${tableName} AS ${sql.identifier(this.tableAlias)}`;
* Apply this table’s privacy policy
ctx: ContextUnauthorized,
query: PGQuerySelect<Type>,
): PGQuerySelect<Type> {
if (this._privacySelect == null) {
return query;
} else {
if (!(ctx instanceof Context)) {
throw new APIError(APIErrorCode.UNAUTHORIZED);
return this._privacySelect(this as any, ctx, query);
* Assigns column definitions to our table so that they are
* easily accessible.
private assignColumns(): this & PGTableColumns<Columns> {
for (const key of Object.keys(this._columns)) {
(this as any)[key] = new PGColumn(this.tableAlias || this.tableName, key);
return this as any;
* Used for defining a privacy policy for select queries.
type PGPrivacySelect<Columns extends PGColumnsBase> = <Type>(
columns: PGTableColumns<Columns>,
ctx: Context,
query: PGQuerySelect<Type>,
) => PGQuerySelect<Type>;
type PGColumnsBase = {[key: string]: PGType<unknown>};
type PGTableColumns<Columns extends PGColumnsBase> = {
[Column in keyof Columns]: PGColumn<PGTypeGet<Columns[Column]>>
* A `SELECT` query builder.
* Any feature of `SELECT` that would violate our privacy policies we prefix
* with `ignorePrivacy_`. When calling these methods, please explain why you
* are choosing to ignore privacy.
export class PGQuerySelect<Type> {
* Create a new `SELECT` query.
static create<Selection extends PGSelectionBase>(
table: PGTable<any>,
selection: Selection,
): PGQuerySelect<PGSelectionType<Selection>> {
return new PGQuerySelect(selection, table, null, null, null, null);
private constructor(
private readonly _select: PGSelectionBase,
private readonly _from: PGTable<any>,
private readonly _where: LinkedList<PGExpression<boolean>>,
private readonly _limit: number | null,
private readonly _orderBy: LinkedList<{
readonly column: PGColumn<unknown>;
readonly descending: boolean;
private readonly _leftJoin: LinkedList<{
readonly table: PGTable<any>;
readonly condition: PGExpression<boolean>;
) {}
* Adds a `WHERE` condition to the query. If multiple conditions are added
* with `where()` then we will combine them with `AND`.
where(expression: PGExpression<boolean>): PGQuerySelect<Type> {
return new PGQuerySelect(
{value: expression, next: this._where},
* Sets the limit with `LIMIT` on how many rows should be returned by this
* query. Will override the previous limit set on this query.
limit(limit: number): PGQuerySelect<Type> {
return new PGQuerySelect(
* Add a column by which we will order the query. The query will add
* `ORDER BY` clauses in the order `orderBy()` was called.
column: PGColumn<unknown>,
direction: "ASC" | "DESC" = "ASC",
): PGQuerySelect<Type> {
const descending = direction === "DESC";
return new PGQuerySelect(
{value: {column, descending}, next: this._orderBy},
* Adds a `LEFT JOIN` to the selection with the provided table and some
* associated condition.
* **IMPORTANT:** Will not apply our table’s privacy policy to the
* joined table.
table: PGTable<any>,
condition: PGExpression<boolean>,
): PGQuerySelect<Type> {
return new PGQuerySelect(
{value: {table, condition}, next: this._leftJoin},
* This expression only evaluates to true when the sub-query returns at least
* one row.
* **IMPORTANT:** Will not apply our table’s privacy policy to the sub-query.
ignorePrivacy_exists(): PGExpression<boolean> {
return PGExpression.ignorePrivacy_exists(this);
* Generate a SQL query from our query builder.
* **IMPORTANT:** Will not apply our table’s privacy policy to the
* generated query.
ignorePrivacy_generateQuery(): SQLQuery {
return this.generateQuery();
* Generate a SQL query from our query builder.
private generateQuery(): SQLQuery {
// The expressions we are selecting in this query.
const selectExpressions = Object.keys(this._select).map(key => {
const expression = this._select[key];
if (expression instanceof PGColumn && expression.columnName === key) {
return expression.generateQuery();
} else {
return sql`${expression.generateQuery()} AS ${sql.identifier(key)}`;
const select =
selectExpressions.length > 0
? sql.join(selectExpressions, sql`, `)
: sql`1`;
// The table we are selecting from in this query.
const from = this._from.generateFromItem();
// Add all the join items together, reverse them, and add to our query.
const joinItems: Array<SQLQuery> = [];
let currentNode = this._leftJoin;
while (currentNode !== null) {
const fromItem = currentNode.value.table.generateFromItem();
const condition = currentNode.value.condition.generateQuery();
joinItems.push(sql` LEFT JOIN ${fromItem} ON ${condition}`);
currentNode =;
const join = sql.join(joinItems);
// The where clause. Get all of our conditions in reverse order and build
// the where clause if we have at least one condition.
const whereConditions: Array<SQLQuery> = [];
let currentNode = this._where;
while (currentNode !== null) {
currentNode =;
const where =
whereConditions.length > 0
? sql` WHERE ${sql.join(whereConditions, sql` AND `)}`
: sql.empty;
// The `ORDER BY` clause. Get all of the columns we are ordering by from
// the linked list, reverse, and build the clause if we have some columns.
const orderByColumns: Array<SQLQuery> = [];
let currentNode = this._orderBy;
while (currentNode !== null) {
? sql`${currentNode.value.column.generateQuery()} DESC`
: currentNode.value.column.generateQuery(),
currentNode =;
const orderBy =
orderByColumns.length > 0
? sql` ORDER BY ${sql.join(orderByColumns, sql`, `)}`
: sql.empty;
// If we have a limit then add a limit clause to our query.
const limit =
this._limit !== null ? sql` LIMIT ${sql.value(this._limit)}` : sql.empty;
return sql`SELECT ${select} FROM ${from}${join}${where}${orderBy}${limit}`;
* Executes a query in the provided Postgres client. First applies our table’s
* privacy policy to the query.
async execute(ctx: ContextUnauthorized): Promise<Array<Type>> {
const queryBuilder = this._from.applySelectPrivacyPolicy(ctx, this);
const query = queryBuilder.generateQuery();
const {rows} = await ctx.client.query(query);
return rows;
* The upper bound for a selection map. Returned objects from our selection will
* be in this form.
export type PGSelectionBase = {
[key: string]: PGExpression<unknown>;
* The type returned by a Postgres selection.
export type PGSelectionType<Selection extends PGSelectionBase> = {
[Key in keyof Selection]: PGExpressionType<Selection[Key]>
* An `INSERT` query builder.
export class PGQueryInsert<Type> {
private constructor(
private readonly _selection: PGSelectionBase | null,
private readonly _onConflictDoNothing: PGColumn<unknown> | null,
) {}
* Add a `RETURNING` clause to return some data from our insert.
returning<Selection extends PGSelectionBase>(
selection: Selection,
): PGQueryInsert<PGSelectionType<Selection>> {
return new PGQueryInsert(selection, this._onConflictDoNothing);
* Adds an `ON CONFLICT (column) DO NOTHING` clause to our insertion query. If
* there is already an `ON CONFLICT` clause set then that clause will
* be overriden.
onConflictDoNothing(column: PGColumn<unknown>): PGQueryInsert<Type> {
return new PGQueryInsert(this._selection, column);
* The upper bound for an insertion map. Specifies the columns to be inserted.
export type PGInsertionBase = {
[key: string]: PGColumn<unknown>;
/** The type of an object to be inserted. */
export type PGInsertionType<Selection extends PGInsertionBase> = {
[Key in keyof Selection]: PGExpressionType<Selection[Key]>
* Some expression in a Postgres SQL query. The expression has the type of it’s
* type parameter.
export class PGExpression<Type> {
/** An expression which is simply the literal “true”. */
static true = new PGExpression<true>(sql`true`);
constructor(private readonly query: SQLQuery) {}
* True if this expression equals the provided expression.
equals(expression: PGExpression<Type> | Type): PGExpression<boolean> {
let rhs: SQLQuery;
if (expression instanceof PGExpression) {
rhs = expression.query;
} else {
rhs = sql.value(expression);
return new PGExpression(sql`${this.query} = ${rhs}`);
* True if both the current expression and the provided expression are true.
* Cannot call this method if the `Type` is not `boolean`.
expression: Type extends boolean ? PGExpression<boolean> | boolean : never,
): PGExpression<boolean> {
let rhs: SQLQuery;
if (expression instanceof PGExpression) {
rhs = (expression as PGExpression<unknown>).query;
} else {
rhs = sql.value(expression);
return new PGExpression(sql`${this.query} AND ${rhs}`);
* True if this expression is equal to any of the provided expression.
any(values: ReadonlyArray<Type>): PGExpression<boolean> {
return new PGExpression(sql`${this.query} = ANY (${sql.value(values)})`);
* This expression only evaluates to true when the sub-query returns at least
* one row.
* **IMPORTANT:** Will not apply our table’s privacy policy to the sub-query.
static ignorePrivacy_exists(
query: PGQuerySelect<unknown>,
): PGExpression<boolean> {
return new PGExpression(
sql`EXISTS (${query.ignorePrivacy_generateQuery()})`,
* Generate a SQL query for this expression.
generateQuery(): SQLQuery {
return this.query;
* Gets the type of a `PGExpression`.
export type PGExpressionType<
Expression extends PGExpression<unknown>
> = Expression extends PGExpression<infer Type> ? Type : never;
* Represents a column expression. A column expression has a table and a
* column name.
export class PGColumn<Type> extends PGExpression<Type> {
public readonly tableName: string,
public readonly columnName: string,
) {
super(sql.identifier(tableName, columnName));
* A linked list data structure which allows for O(1) immutable prepends.
type LinkedList<Value> = null | {
readonly value: Value;
readonly next: LinkedList<Value>;
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