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Last active February 7, 2024 07:10
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Terraform ZIP External Archiver Script
import fnmatch
import json
import pathlib
import shutil
import sys
import zipfile
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import List
def matches_exclusions(source: str, exclusions: List[str]) -> bool:
"""Return true if the given relative path matches one
of the globbing patterns in exclusions."""
for exclusion in exclusions:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(source, exclusion):
return True
return False
def update_zip_file(
output_path: pathlib.Path, source_path: pathlib.Path, exclusions: List[str]
) -> bool:
Update the zip file at output_path with files from source_path. Any file with a
timestamp newer than it's counterpart in the output_path or that does not yet
exist in the output path will be updated. All other files are left unchanged.
The exclusion list governs what files are checked. This function will act
sanely even if the output zip doesn't exist yet or isn't a zip file. In those
cases, any existing file at output_path is removed, and then a new zip file
is created in it's place.
This function returns True if the archive was modified.
updated = False
infos = []
info_map = {}
source_files: List[pathlib.Path] = []
# First, grab all the ZipInfo's from the existing archive
with zipfile.ZipFile(
output_path, mode="r", compression=zipfile.ZIP_BZIP2
) as zfile:
infos = zfile.infolist()
info_map = {i.filename: i for i in infos}
except zipfile.BadZipFile:
# Bad archive, delete it
except FileNotFoundError:
updated = True
# Next look for all the source files matching the pattern
for source in source_path.rglob("**/*"):
# Don't try to zip directories
if not source.is_file():
# Do not attempt to zip ourselves
if output_path.resolve() == source.resolve():
relative_source = str(source.relative_to(source_path))
# There's no way to remove a file from a zipfile with the standard library D:
if matches_exclusions(relative_source, exclusions):
if relative_source in info_map:
st = source.stat()
other_info = info_map[relative_source]
# Grab the source modification time
src_mtime = datetime.fromtimestamp(st.st_mtime)
# Grab the existing modification time.
# We add 2 seconds because the resolution of zip datetime
# stamps is 2 seconds. It's unlikely to hit the edge case
# of a modified file not being added becase of this.
other_mtime = datetime(
) + timedelta(seconds=2)
# Ignore the file
if src_mtime > other_mtime:
updated = True
if not updated:
return False
# Remove the existing zip file. We can't modify it.
with zipfile.ZipFile(output_path, mode="w", compression=zipfile.ZIP_BZIP2) as zfile:
# Iterate over every file
for source in source_files:
# Find the path name inside the zip
relative_source = str(source.relative_to(source_path))
info = zipfile.ZipInfo.from_file(source, relative_source)
mtime = datetime.fromtimestamp(source.stat().st_mtime)
info.date_time = (
# Write the file to the archive
with, "w") as ofile:
with"rb") as ifile:
shutil.copyfileobj(ifile, ofile)
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""Archive a directory with a list of excluded glob patterns. This is a stupid hack
because the terraform archive_file resource doesn't support exclusion patterns. The
output file will be removed if it already exists with invalid content. The output
path is only overwritten if any files in the source_path that do not match the
exclusion list are newer than their counterpart in the existing archive.
Because the Python standard library can't remove or overwrite a file in a zip file,
updating the archive means removing it and rebuilding it from scratch regardless
of the reason.
Input arguments are passed via JSON on stdin, but are restricted to strings, so
the exclusion list has to be passed with `jsonencode(["exclusion", "list"])` in
Input Arguments:
- `output_path`: a string representing the output zip file
- `source_path`: a string representing the root directory to archive
- `exclusions`: a JSON encoded list of exclusion glob patterns relative to source_path
- `id`: path to the output file
- `output_path`: path to the output file
- `updated`: either the string "true" or "false" indicating if the archive was changed.
query = json.load(sys.stdin)
if query.get("output_path") is None or not isinstance(query["output_path"], str):
print("output_path is required and must be a string", file=sys.stderr)
if query.get("source_path") is None or not isinstance(query["source_path"], str):
print("source_path is required and must be a string", file=sys.stderr)
source_path = pathlib.Path(query.get("source_path", "."))
output_path = pathlib.Path(query.get("output_path"))
exclusions_str = query.get("exclusions", "[]")
exclusions = json.loads(exclusions_str)
if not isinstance(exclusions, list):
print("Exclusions must be a list of glob patterns", file=sys.stderr)
if not source_path.is_dir():
print("source_path must be an existing directory", file=sys.stderr)
if output_path.exists() and not output_path.is_file():
print("output_path must either not exist or point to a regular file")
# Update or create the zip file
updated = update_zip_file(output_path, source_path, exclusions)
except Exception as exc:
print(f"unknown error while buiding archive: {exc}", file=sys.stderr)
"id": str(output_path),
"output_path": str(output_path),
"updated": str(updated).lower(),
data "external" "archive" {
program = ["python3", "${path.module}/external/"]
query = {
output_path = "./"
source_path = "${path.module}/some/important/directory/"
# Exclusions match **file** names not directories
exclusions = jsonencode([
# These match relative to the source path
# This could be anywhere underneath the source path
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@calebstewart This is a really cool, and I am using it in one of my projects. I noticed that the zip is not compressed in the end, can't figure out why. My build environment is amazonlinux2, python 3.9, and all required python modules are installed for zipfile. Any ideas?

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