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Last active January 5, 2023 16:48
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Port mysql 4.x and 5.x passwords to 8.0
# This script will port old mysql 5.5 passwords to
# something remotely workable with mysql 8.x.
# If we find OLD mysql 4.x password hashes, I'll
# ask to find and set in a new password format. If
# the password you entered doesn't match the old hash,
# it repeats and lets you retry a different password.
# Run me with something like
# ./ > users.sql
# Then copy users.sql to the new mysql 8.x server and:
# mysql -uroot < users.sql
# mysql -uroot -e 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES'
mysql_opts="-uroot --skip-column-names"
# give me the user & host, and I'll prompt to enter
# in a new password, check it against the old mysql 4.x password,
# then return the password hash in the new format
function get_new_pwd()
>&2 echo "User '$user'@'$host' has an OLD mysql 4.x password!"
while [[ 1 ]]; do
>&2 echo -n "Find the password and enter the plaintext: "
read new_pass
ret=$(mysql $mysql_opts -e "select strcmp(old_password('$new_pass'),Password) from user where User='$1' and host='$2'" mysql)
#>&2 echo "ret is '$ret'"
if [[ "$ret" == "0" ]]; then
#echo "$new_pass"
mysql $mysql_opts -e "select password('$new_pass')" mysql
return 1
>&2 echo "That doesn't look like the correct password, try again!"
export IFS=$' \n'
for row in $(mysql $mysql_opts -e 'select User,Password,Host from user' mysql); do
user=$(echo "$row" | awk -F\\t '{print $1}')
pass=$(echo "$row" | awk -F\\t '{print $2}')
host=$(echo "$row" | awk -F\\t '{print $3}')
# skip root user or blank usernames
if [[ "$user" == "root" || "$user" == "" ]]; then
# port mysql 4.x password hashes
if [[ $(echo "$pass" | wc -c) -lt 42 ]]; then
pass=$( get_new_pwd $user $host )
#>&2 echo "user: '$user' pass: '$pass' host: '$host'"
echo "CREATE USER '$user'@'$host' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password AS '$pass';"
# for each user, select and emit the grants. Remove the old style grant with password
mysql $mysql_opts -e "show grants for '$user'@'$host'" | sed 's|$|;|' | sed "s|IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '.*'||"
>&2 echo
>&2 echo "Done. Don't forget to FLUSH PRIVILEGES after you load this file."
>&2 echo
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