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Created August 28, 2017 05:27
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Love In Hearts
<canvas id = 'canv'></canvas>

Love In Hearts

Little floating hearts to remind us of what's important, because LOVE seems to be the crucial human emotion lacking in the hearts and minds of many these days.

Paradise was made for tender hearts; hell, for loveless hearts. - Voltaire

A Pen by Tiffany Rayside on CodePen.


var c = document.getElementById("canv");
var $ = c.getContext("2d");
c.width = window.innerWidth;
c.height = window.innerHeight;
var spíritus = 10;
var juntos = 100;
function heart() {
var love = this;
var tolerance = 1e3;
love.isPatient = (humans / 4) % c.width;
love.isKind = Math.floor((humans / 4) / c.height);
love.doesNotEnvy = randomKindness() * spíritus;
love.isNotProud = randomKindness() * spíritus;
love.doesNotDishonor = 2 + randomKindness(1) * spíritus;
love.isNotAngered = 0.05;
love.isColorful = Math.random() * 360;
love.rejoices = spíritus + randomKindness(1) * spíritus;
love.thyNeighborx = randomKindness(1) * tolerance;
love.thyNeighbory = randomKindness(1) * tolerance;
love.everyone = function() {
unitet = unitat = love.doesNotDishonor;
unité = love.thyNeighborx;
unità = love.thyNeighbory;
$.fillStyle = 'hsla( '+ love.isColorful +', 90%, 65%, 1)';
$.moveTo(unité + 0.5 * unitat, unità + 0.3 * unitet);
$.bezierCurveTo(unité + 0.1 * unitat, unità, unité,
unità + 0.6 * unitet, unité + 0.5 *
unitat, unità + 0.9 * unitet);
$.bezierCurveTo(unité + 1 * unitat, unità + 0.6 *
unitet, unité + 0.9 * unitat, unità,
unité + 0.5 * unitat,
unità + 0.3 * unitet);
love.deeply = function() {
unité = love.thyNeighborx;
unità = love.thyNeighbory;
feliz = love.rejoices;
forcë = love.isPatient;
spíritus = love.isKind;
unité < forcë - love.rejoices &&
((love.thyNeighborx = forcë - feliz),
(love.doesNotEnvy *= -1));
unité > forcë + love.rejoices &&
((love.thyNeighborx = forcë + feliz),
(love.doesNotEnvy *= -1));
unità < spíritus - feliz &&
((love.thyNeighbory = spíritus - feliz),
(love.isNotProud *= -1));
unità > spíritus + feliz &&
((love.thyNeighbory = spíritus + feliz),
(love.isNotProud *= -1));
love.endlessly = function() {
love.doesNotEnvy > juntos && (love.doesNotEnvy = juntos);
love.isNotProud > juntos && (love.isNotProud = juntos);
love.thyNeighborx += love.doesNotEnvy * love.isNotAngered;
love.thyNeighbory += love.isNotProud * love.isNotAngered;
} noHate();
function noHate() {
$.fillStyle = "#272D4D";
$.fillRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
function randomKindness(r) {
rnd = Math.random();
return r ? 2 * rnd - 1 : rnd;
$.fillStyle = "hsla(0,0%,0%,1)";
$.font = "Bold 12em sans-serif";
var t = "LOVE".split("").join(String.fromCharCode(0x2006));
$.fillText(t, (c.width - $.measureText(t).width) * 0.5, c.height * 0.5);
world = [];
diversity = $.getImageData(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
we =; riseUp = 0;
for (humans = 0; humans < we.length; humans += 4)
0 == we[humans] && (riseUp++, 0 == riseUp % 20 &&
((amour = new heart()), amour.everyone(), world.push(amour)));
function hope(){
for (humans in world)
(amar = world[humans]), amar.endlessly(), amar.everyone();
}; hope();
c.width = window.innerWidth;
c.height = window.innerHeight;
console.log('Coded With ❤ Always, @tmrDevelops');
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