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Last active December 14, 2015 23:59
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Save calimarkus/5169828 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
validate Retina image sizes (they have to be even in width & height and @1x has to be half sized of @2x version)
import os, sys, glob
# logging methods
def printRed(msg):
print "\x1B[" + "31;40m" + msg + "\x1B[0m"
def printGreen(msg):
print "\x1B[" + "32;40m" + msg + "\x1B[0m"
# check for argument
if len(sys.argv) <= 1 :
print "No directory name given."
# check if PIL is installed
from PIL import Image
except ImportError:
printRed("ERROR: You have to install PIL (python image library) first!")
# read and print path
path = sys.argv[1]
wrongFiles = []
# define scan method
def scanDir(path, dirname='') :
if not os.path.exists(path):
if len(dirname) == 0 :
print "Scanning directory: \"" + os.path.basename(path) + "\""
# read all @2x png files in path (not including subdirectories yet)
listing = glob.glob( os.path.join(path, '*@2x.*'))
# no png files found
if len(listing) == 0 and len(dirname) == 0 :
print ">> No @2x.png files found."
elif len(listing) > 0 and len(dirname) > 0 :
print "Scanning directory: \"" + os.path.basename(path.replace("/"+dirname,"")) + "/" + os.path.basename(path) + "\""
# iterate over png files
filesOkayCount = 0
for file in listing:
basename = os.path.basename(file)
baseWithDir = basename
if len(dirname) > 0 :
baseWithDir = dirname + '/' + basename
# read 2x image
image =
imageSizeString = str(image.size[0]) + "x" + str(image.size[1]) + "px"
msg = basename + ", " + imageSizeString
# read 1x image
smallFile = file.replace("@2x", "");
smallFileExisting = os.path.exists(smallFile);
if smallFileExisting:
smallImage =
smallImageSizeString = str(smallImage.size[0]) + "x" + str(smallImage.size[1]) + "px"
smallMsg = basename + " and " + basename.replace("@2x", "") + " are not half/double size of each other " + imageSizeString + " vs " + smallImageSizeString
else :
smallMsg = basename.replace("@2x", "") + " (non retina) image missing"
# check size
if image.size[0]%2 != 0 or image.size[1]%2 != 0 :
printRed("ERROR " + msg)
# compare size
elif not smallFileExisting or smallImage.size[0] != image.size[0]/2 or smallImage.size[1] != image.size[1]/2 :
printRed("ERROR " + smallMsg)
else :
# printGreen("OK " + msg)
filesOkayCount += 1
if filesOkayCount > 0 :
printGreen("OK " + str(filesOkayCount) + " correct files")
if len(listing) > 0 :
print " "
# scan subdirectories
for file, dirs, other in os.walk(path) :
for dir in dirs :
scanDir(path+"/"+dir, os.path.basename(dir))
# start scanning
# print total results
print "Results:"
if len(wrongFiles) > 0 :
printRed(str(len(wrongFiles)) + " wrong file(s):")
print '\n'.join(['x ' + str(file) for file in wrongFiles])
else :
printGreen("\nAll files OK.")
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Max: und cool wäre es natürlich, wenn es gleich noch schauen würde, ob es auch zur nicht-Retina-Version passt.

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Jetzt wird auch geprüft ob die Höhe/Breite im 1x genau die Hälfte von 2x ist!

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