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Created October 25, 2023 18:36
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Retrieve session key for NotPetya, given a specific memory dump
Salim Bitam, Elastic
Christophe Alladoum, Elastic
TODO Link to the blog post
import argparse
import struct
import udmp_parser
import logging
import sys
import pathlib
from typing import Optional
from binascii import hexlify
def p32(a) -> bytes:
return struct.pack("<I", a)
def u32(a) -> int:
return struct.unpack("<I", a)[0]
def read_memory(dmp: udmp_parser.UserDumpParser, addr: int, size: int) -> bytearray:
data = dmp.ReadMemory(addr, size)
assert data
return bytearray(data)
def previous_frame(dmp: udmp_parser.UserDumpParser, current_ebp: int, depth: int):
while depth > 0:
previous_ebp_addr = read_memory(
dmp, addr=current_ebp, size=4
) # change to right size
previous_ebp = u32(previous_ebp_addr[0:4])
current_ebp = previous_ebp
depth -= 1
return previous_ebp
def parse_dump(minidumpfile: str, thread_id: int) -> Optional[bytearray]:
dmp = udmp_parser.UserDumpParser()
assert dmp.Parse(minidumpfile)
# Find the right thread
threads: list[udmp_parser.Thread_t] = dmp.Threads()
thread: Optional[udmp_parser.Thread_t] = None
if thread_id not in threads:
logging.error(f"Cannot find thread {thread_id}")
thread = threads[thread_id]
assert thread is not None"Found {thread=}")
# Go to previous frame
ebp = previous_frame(dmp, current_ebp=thread.Context.Rbp, depth=2)
# Retrieve the session context
custom_struct_addr = read_memory(dmp, addr=ebp + 3 * 4, size=4)
custom_struct_addr = u32(custom_struct_addr[0:4])
custom_struct = read_memory(dmp, addr=custom_struct_addr, size=0x20)"session context is at {custom_struct_addr:#x}")
# Get the `hcryptkey` at offset 0x14
hcryptkey_struct_addr = u32(custom_struct[0x14:0x18])
hcryptkey_struct = read_memory(dmp, addr=hcryptkey_struct_addr, size=128)"hCryptContext is at {hcryptkey_struct_addr:#x}")
# Decode the AES structure pointer
magic_s_addr = u32(hcryptkey_struct[0x2C:0x30]) ^ 0xE35A172C
magic_s_struct = read_memory(dmp, addr=magic_s_addr, size=128)
key_data_s_struct_addr = u32(magic_s_struct[0x00:0x04])
key_data_s_struct = read_memory(dmp, addr=key_data_s_struct_addr, size=128)"AES structure is at {key_data_s_struct_addr:#x}")
# Finally extract the AES-CBC key
aes_key_addr = u32(key_data_s_struct[0x10:0x14])
aes_key = read_memory(dmp, addr=aes_key_addr, size=16)
return aes_key
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="NotPetya dump extractor/decryptor based on minidumps (onweek POC)"
"minidumpfile", help="path to the minidump file", type=pathlib.Path
help="Thread ID that triggered the alert",
type=lambda x: int(x, 0),
args = parser.parse_args()
aes_key = parse_dump(args.minidumpfile, args.thread_id)
if not aes_key:
logging.error("Failed to retrieve the key")
sys.exit(1)"AES key: {hexlify(aes_key).decode()}")
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