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Last active January 19, 2021 16:14
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  • Save callaginn/04075da7f9ea9e691fc8034fbd56e205 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save callaginn/04075da7f9ea9e691fc8034fbd56e205 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Capture Setup Info / Generate an SSH Key for Pulling Private Setup Repo
# Simple Alert Function
alert () {
tput bold; tput setaf 11; echo "$1"; tput sgr0;
# ==============================================================================
# Creates new SSH key, copies it to Github, and clones private config repo.
# ==============================================================================
# Might as well ask for password up-front, right?
sudo -v
# Keep-alive: update existing sudo time stamp if set, otherwise do nothing.
while true; do sudo -n true; sleep 60; kill -0 "$$" || exit; done 2>/dev/null &
# Include configuration file
test -f ~/.setup && . $_
# NOTE: Homebrew automatically installs XCode, without any prompts. Git requires this.
if [[ ! $(which brew) ]]; then
alert "Installing Homebrew..."
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew cleanup
brew doctor
if [[ ! -d ~/.ssh ]]; then
ssh_title="$(scutil --get ComputerName) ($(date +'%Y-%m-%d'))"
alert "Creating New SSH Key"
ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/$ssh_file -t rsa -b 4096 -C $git_email -P ""
echo -e "Host *\n AddKeysToAgent yes\n UseKeychain yes\n IdentityFile ~/.ssh/$ssh_file" >> ~/.ssh/config
ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/$ssh_file
alert "Adding SSH Key to GitHub"
curl -u "$github_user:$github_pwd" --data '{"title": "'"$ssh_title"'", "key":"'"$(cat ~/.ssh/"'"}'
alert "Testing your connection to Github"
ssh -T
alert "Uploading SSH Key to Your Webhost"
cat ~/.ssh/$ | ssh $ssh_user@$ssh_host "test -d ~/.ssh || mkdir ~/.ssh; cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
if [[ ! -d $sites/config ]]; then
alert "Cloning Config Repo"
test ! -d $sites && sudo mkdir $_ && sudo chown -R $USER $_
git clone "$setup_repo" $sites/config
alert "Please run the following scripts to finish the initial setup:"
echo "$install/"
Copy link

callaginn commented Apr 9, 2018

This script sets up an SSH key, which is copied to both GitHub and your webhost. It also does some basic git configuration and allows you to pull down a private setup repo to a custom location.


macOS High Sierra -- it might work on Sierra, but not tested

How To Install

Warning: This script is NOT stable yet. Run at your own peril.

  1. Run this command in Terminal to download the setup gist to your desktop and make it executable:
f=~/"Desktop/Start Setup"; curl -Lo "$f" && chmod +x "$f"
  1. Configure your install at Follow the prompts.
  2. Click "Copy to Clipboard" to capture the values of all set fields.
  3. Double-click the script on your desktop. This will save a ~/.setup file with the configuration data on your clipboard. Any missing info will be requested during the setup process.

Known Issues

• This script asks for your password twice, since I haven't decided which password retrieval method to use.
• The web server asks for your password. I've discovered the ssh command will not let you include a password. Technically, though, the server section doesn't have to be included in this we could likely install sshpass after brew is installed.

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