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Last active June 28, 2024 22:55
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Dreamweaver to Twig Migration

1. Replace ssi include with twig include:

Find: <!--#include virtual="\/includes\/(.+).ssi" -->
Replace: {% include '$1.twig' %}

Modification of that, which supports file includes as well:

Find: <!--#include (?:virtual|file)="(.+).ssi" -->
Replace: {% include '$1.twig' %}

You can always go back later and replace the following with a blank string:

Find: (?<={% include ')\/?includes\/

2. Find and replace DW Variables:

Find: <!-- InstanceParam name="(.+)" .+ value="(.+)" -->
Replace: {% set $1 = "$2" %}

3. Find and Replace HTML Comments:

Find: <!--(.+)-->
Replace: {# $1 #}

Here's a version with multiline support:

Find: <!--([\s\S]*?)-->
Replace: {# $1 #}

Trim replaced twig comments:

Find: {#\s?(.+)\s?#}
Replace: {# $1 #}

4. Find and Replace DW Editable Region:

Find: <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="Main" ?-->([\S\s]+?)<!-- ?InstanceEndEditable
Replace: {% block content %}$1{% endblock %}

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