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Last active July 31, 2018 15:27
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Script annotates clinical concepts to ontology terms using the NCBO API
# Purpose: script annotates clinical concepts to ontology terms using the NCBO API
# version 1.0.0
import urllib2
import json
import pandas as pd
API_KEY = "3da0dc97-0afd-45a0-9ae8-ddc16f7df642"
def get_json(url):
opener = urllib2.build_opener()
opener.addheaders = [('Authorization', 'apikey token=' + API_KEY)]
return json.loads(
def print_annotations(annotations, get_class=True):
matches = []
for result in annotations:
class_details = get_json(result["annotatedClass"]["links"]["self"]) if get_class else result["annotatedClass"]
matches.append([class_details["@id"], class_details["prefLabel"]])
return matches
# Annotate using the provided text
# read in results
df = pd.read_csv('RareDisease_Medications.csv')
# read out results
results = {}
for index, row in df.iterrows():
key = row['concept_code']
concept = row['ac_name']
annotations = get_json(REST_URL + "/annotator?ontologies=RXNORM,MESH&longest_only=true&text=" +
print "\n" + str(key), str(concept)
print print_annotations(annotations)
results[key] = print_annotations(annotations)
# Process results and write to file
myfile = open('RxNORM_Mapping.txt', 'w')
for keys, value in results.items():
print keys
for item in value:
if "MESH" in item[0]:
myfile.write(str(keys) + "\t" + str(item[0].split("/")[-1]) + "\n")
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