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Created February 3, 2015 10:23
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File watcher and live reload for Chrome on MAC OS
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# watch.rb by Brett Terpstra, 2011 <>
# with credit to Carlo Zottmann <>
trap("SIGINT") { exit }
if ARGV.length < 2
puts "Usage: #{$0} watch_folder keyword"
puts "Example: #{$0} . mywebproject"
dev_extension = 'dev'
filetypes = ['css','html','less','js']
watch_folder = ARGV[0]
keyword = ARGV[1]
puts "Watching #{watch_folder} and subfolders for changes in project files..."
while true do
files = []
filetypes.each {|type|
files += Dir.glob( File.join( watch_folder, "**", "*.#{type}" ) )
new_hash = files.collect {|f| [ f, File.stat(f).mtime.to_i ] }
hash ||= new_hash
diff_hash = new_hash - hash
unless diff_hash.empty?
hash = new_hash
diff_hash.each do |df|
puts "Detected change in #{df[0]}, refreshing"
tell application "Google Chrome"
set windowList to every window
repeat with aWindow in windowList
set tabList to every tab of aWindow
repeat with atab in tabList
if (URL of atab contains "#{keyword}") then
tell atab to reload
end if
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
sleep 1
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