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Last active May 20, 2016 17:14
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// This is just some noodling based on Brent's interest in Swift responder chains:
// Just showing that responder chain can easily fit with the level of dynamism in Swift today
infix operator >>> { associativity left }
func >>> <In, Middle, Out>(first: In -> Middle, second: Middle -> Out) -> In -> Out {
return { x in second(first(x)) }
func >>> <In, Out>(deduce: In.Type, fn: In -> Out) -> In -> Out {
return fn
func >>> <In, Out>(fn: In -> Out, deduce: Out.Type) -> In -> Out {
return fn
protocol IResponder {
var nextResponder : IResponder? { get }
// getResponder returns the first responder from which the policy function is able to obtain a valid interface
func getResponder<T>(firstResponder : IResponder, _ policy : (IResponder)-> T?)->T? {
var responder = firstResponder
while (true) {
if let validResponder = policy(responder) {
return validResponder;
if responder.nextResponder == nil {
return nil;
responder = responder.nextResponder!
class Responder: IResponder {
var nextResponder: IResponder?
protocol IDynamic {
var enabled : Bool { get }
func isEnabled<In>(input: In)->Bool {
// Responder enabled if it's dynamic and enabled or if it's not dynamic
let dyn = input as? IDynamic
return (dyn != nil && dyn!.enabled) || (dyn == nil)
// Create a new function from a test and an existing function
func precheck<In,Out>(check : (In)->Bool, _ policy : (In)-> Out?)->(In)-> Out? {
return { (input)->Out? in
if (!check(input)) {
return nil
return policy(input)
// Given an output type, return a function that optionally casts the input to that Type
// We can use this in places where Swift can deduce the input type
func cast<In,Out>(proto: Out.Type)->(In)->Out? {
return { (input : In) in input as? Out }
protocol ICopyable {
func copy()
class Copyable : Responder, IDynamic, ICopyable {
var enabled: Bool = true;
func copy() {
class NonCopyable : Responder {
let a = Copyable()
let b = NonCopyable();
let c = NonCopyable();
c.nextResponder = b;
b.nextResponder = a;
if let x = getResponder(c, cast(ICopyable.self)) {
} else {
let enabledCopyablePolicy = IResponder.self >>> precheck(isEnabled, cast(ICopyable.self))
if let y = getResponder(c, enabledCopyablePolicy) {
} else {
a.enabled = false;
if let n = getResponder(c, enabledCopyablePolicy) {
} else {
print("correctly disabled")
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