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Created August 25, 2016 21:58
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"id": "bigtable",
"type": "class",
"name": "Bigtable",
"overview": "<p>\n This class allows you interact with Google Cloud Bigtable.\n</p>\n\n<p>\n First, install <code>@google-cloud/bigtable</code> with npm:\n</p>\n\n<div hljs language=\"bash\">$ npm install --save @google-cloud/bigtable</div>\n\n<p>\n If you are running your app on Google Compute Engine, you won't need to worry about supplying connection configuration options to <code>@google-cloud/bigtable</code>— we figure that out for you.\n</p>\n\n<p>\n However, if you're running your app elsewhere, you will need to provide project details to authenticate API requests.\n</p>\n\n<h4>Compute Engine</h4>\n<div hljs language=\"javascript\">\nvar bigtable = require('@google-cloud/bigtable')();\n</div>\n\n<h4>Elsewhere</h4>\n<div hljs language=\"javascript\">\nvar bigtable = require('@google-cloud/bigtable')({\n projectId: 'grape-spaceship-123',\n keyFilename: '/path/to/keyfile.json'\n});\n</div>\n\n<p>\n The full set of options which can be passed to <code>@google-cloud/bigtable</code> are outlined in our <a href=\"#/docs/bigtable/0.1.1/guides/authentication\">Authentication guide</a>.\n</p>\n\n",
"description": "",
"source": "packages/bigtable/src/index.js",
"parent": null,
"children": ["bigtable/node_modules", "bigtable/packageon", "bigtable/src", "bigtable/system-test", "bigtable/test"],
"methods": [{
"id": "Bigtable",
"name": "Bigtable",
"type": "constructor",
"description": "",
"source": "packages/bigtable/src/index.js#L259",
"resources": [{
"title": "Creating a Cloud Bigtable Cluster",
"link": ""
}, {
"title": "Google Cloud Bigtable Concepts Overview",
"link": ""
"examples": [],
"params": [{
"name": "options",
"description": "<ul> <li><a href=\"#/docs\">Configuration object</a>.</li> </ul> ",
"types": ["object"],
"optional": true,
"nullable": false
}, {
"name": "options.cluster",
"description": "<ul> <li>The cluster name that hosts your tables.</li> </ul> ",
"types": ["string"],
"optional": false,
"nullable": false
}, {
"name": "",
"description": "<ul> <li>The zone in which your cluster resides.</li> </ul> <p>//- // <h3>Creating a Cluster</h3> // // Before you create your table, you first need to create a Bigtable Cluster // for the table to be served from. This can be done from either the // Google Cloud Platform Console or the <code>gcloud</code> cli tool. Please refer to // the <a href=\"\"> // official Bigtable documentation</a> for more information. //-</p><p>//- // <h3>Creating Tables</h3> // // After creating your cluster and enabling the Bigtable APIs, you are now // ready to create your table with <a data-custom-type=\"bigtable\" data-method=\"createTable\">bigtable#createTable</a>. //- bigtable.createTable(&#39;prezzy&#39;, function(err, table) { // <code>table</code> is your newly created Table object. });</p><p>//- // <h3>Creating Column Families</h3> // // Column families are used to group together various pieces of data within // your table. You can think of column families as a mechanism to categorize // all of your data. // // We can create a column family with <a data-custom-type=\"bigtable/table\" data-method=\"createFamily\">bigtable/table#createFamily</a>. //- var table = bigtable.table(&#39;prezzy&#39;);</p><p>table.createFamily(&#39;follows&#39;, function(err, family) { // <code>family</code> is your newly created Family object. });</p><p>//- // <h3>Creating Rows</h3> // // New rows can be created within your table using // <a data-custom-type=\"bigtable/table\" data-method=\"insert\">bigtable/table#insert</a>. You must provide a unique key for each row // to be inserted, this key can then be used to retrieve your row at a later // time. // // With Bigtable, all columns have a unique id composed of a column family // and a column qualifier. In the example below <code>follows</code> is the column // family and <code>tjefferson</code> is the column qualifier. Together they could be // referred to as <code>follows:tjefferson</code>. //- var rows = [ { key: &#39;wmckinley&#39;, data: { follows: { tjefferson: 1 } } } ];</p><p>table.insert(rows, function(err) { if (!err) { // Your rows were successfully inserted. } });</p><p>//- // <h3>Retrieving Rows</h3> // // If you&#39;re anticipating a large number of rows to be returned, we suggest // using the <a data-custom-type=\"bigtable/table\" data-method=\"getRows\">bigtable/table#getRows</a> streaming API. //- table.getRows() .on(&#39;error&#39;, console.error) .on(&#39;data&#39;, function(row) { // <code>row</code> is a Row object. });</p><p>//- // If you&#39;re not anticpating a large number of results, a callback mode // is also available. //- var callback = function(err, rows) { // <code>rows</code> is an array of Row objects. };</p><p>table.getRows(callback);</p><p>//- // A range of rows can be retrieved by providing <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> row keys. //- var options = { start: &#39;gwashington&#39;, end: &#39;wmckinley&#39; };</p><p>table.getRows(options, callback);</p><p>//- // Retrieve an individual row with <a data-custom-type=\"bigtable/row\" data-method=\"get\">bigtable/row#get</a>. //- var row = table.row(&#39;alincoln&#39;);</p><p>row.get(function(err) { // <code></code> is now populated. });</p><p>//- // <h3>Accessing Row Data</h3> // // When retrieving rows, upon success the <code></code> property will be // populated by an object. That object will contain additional objects // for each family in your table that the row has data for. // // By default, when retrieving rows, each column qualifier will provide you // with all previous versions of the data. So your <code></code> object could // resemble the following. //- console.log(; // { // follows: { // wmckinley: [ // { // value: 1, // timestamp: 1466017315951 // }, { // value: 2, // timestamp: 1458619200000 // } // ] // } // }</p><p>//- // The <code>timestamp</code> field can be used to order cells from newest to oldest. // If you only wish to retrieve the most recent version of the data, you // can specify the number of cells with a <a data-custom-type=\"bigtable/filter\" data-method=\"\">bigtable/filter</a> object. //- var filter = [ { column: { cellLimit: 1 } } ];</p><p>table.getRows({ filter: filter }, callback);</p><p>//- // <h3>Deleting Row Data</h3> // // We can delete all of an individual row&#39;s cells using // <a data-custom-type=\"bigtable/row\" data-method=\"delete\">bigtable/row#delete</a>. //- var callback = function(err) { if (!err) { // All cells for this row were deleted successfully. } };</p><p>row.delete(callback);</p><p>//- // To delete a specific set of cells, we can provide an array of // column families and qualifiers. //- var cells = [ &#39;follows:gwashington&#39;, &#39;traits&#39; ];</p><p>row.delete(cells, callback);</p><p>//- // <h3>Deleting Rows</h3> // // If you wish to delete multiple rows entirely, we can do so with // <a data-custom-type=\"bigtable/table\" data-method=\"deleteRows\">bigtable/table#deleteRows</a>. You can provide this method with a // row key prefix. //- var options = { prefix: &#39;gwash&#39; };</p><p>table.deleteRows(options, function(err) { if (!err) { // Rows were deleted successfully. } });</p><p>//- // If you omit the prefix, you can delete all rows in your table. //- table.deleteRows(function(err) { if (!err) { // All rows were deleted successfully. } });</p>",
"types": ["string", "<a data-custom-type=\"compute/zone\" data-method=\"\">compute/zone</a>"],
"optional": false,
"nullable": false
"exceptions": [{
"type": "error",
"description": "<p>If a cluster is not provided.</p>"
}, {
"type": "error",
"description": "<p>If a zone is not provided.</p>"
"returns": []
}, {
"id": "createTable",
"name": "createTable",
"type": "instance",
"description": "<p>Create a table on your Bigtable cluster.</p>",
"source": "packages/bigtable/src/index.js#L396",
"resources": [{
"title": "Designing Your Schema",
"link": ""
}, {
"title": "Splitting Keys",
"link": ""
"examples": [{
"code": "var callback = function(err, table, apiResponse) {\n // `table` is a Table object.\n};\n\nbigtable.createTable('prezzy', callback);"
}, {
"caption": "<p>Optionally specify column families to be created within the table.</p>",
"code": "var options = {\n families: ['follows']\n};\n\nbigtable.createTable('prezzy', options, callback);"
}, {
"caption": "<p>You can also specify garbage collection rules for your column families. \nSee <a data-custom-type=\"bigtable/table\" data-method=\"createFamily\">bigtable/table#createFamily</a> for more information about \ncolumn families and garbage collection rules.</p>",
"code": "var options = {\n families: [\n {\n name: 'follows',\n rule: {\n age: {\n seconds: 0,\n nanos: 5000\n },\n versions: 3,\n union: true\n }\n }\n ]\n};\n\nbigtable.createTable('prezzy', options, callback);"
}, {
"caption": "<p>Pre-split the table based on the row key to spread the load across \nmultiple Cloud Bigtable nodes.</p>",
"code": "var options = {\n splits: ['10', '20']\n};\n\nbigtable.createTable('prezzy', options, callback);"
"params": [{
"name": "name",
"description": "<ul> <li>The name of the table.</li> </ul> ",
"types": ["string"],
"optional": false,
"nullable": false
}, {
"name": "options",
"description": "<ul> <li>Table creation options.</li> </ul> ",
"types": ["object"],
"optional": true,
"nullable": false
}, {
"name": "options.families",
"description": "<ul> <li>Column families to be created within the table.</li> </ul> ",
"types": ["object", "string[]"],
"optional": false,
"nullable": false
}, {
"name": "options.operation",
"description": "<ul> <li>Operation used for table that has already been queued to be created.</li> </ul> ",
"types": ["string"],
"optional": false,
"nullable": false
}, {
"name": "options.splits",
"description": "<ul> <li>Initial <a href=\"\">split keys</a>.</li> </ul> ",
"types": ["string[]"],
"optional": false,
"nullable": false
}, {
"name": "callback",
"description": "<ul> <li>The callback function.</li> </ul> ",
"types": ["function"],
"optional": false,
"nullable": false
}, {
"name": "callback.err",
"description": "<ul> <li>An error returned while making this request.</li> </ul> ",
"types": ["error"],
"optional": false,
"nullable": true
}, {
"name": "callback.table",
"description": "<ul> <li>The newly created table.</li> </ul> ",
"types": ["<a data-custom-type=\"bigtable/table\" data-method=\"\">bigtable/table</a>"],
"optional": false,
"nullable": false
}, {
"name": "callback.apiResponse",
"description": "<ul> <li>The full API response.</li> </ul> ",
"types": ["object"],
"optional": false,
"nullable": false
"exceptions": [{
"type": "error",
"description": "<p>If a name is not provided.</p>"
"returns": []
}, {
"id": "getTables",
"name": "getTables",
"type": "instance",
"description": "<p>Get Table objects for all the tables in your Bigtable cluster.</p>",
"source": "packages/bigtable/src/index.js#L483",
"resources": [],
"examples": [{
"code": "bigtable.getTables(function(err, tables) {\n if (!err) {\n // `tables` is an array of Table objects.\n }\n});"
"params": [{
"name": "callback",
"description": "<ul> <li>The callback function.</li> </ul> ",
"types": ["function"],
"optional": false,
"nullable": false
}, {
"name": "callback.err",
"description": "<ul> <li>An error returned while making this request.</li> </ul> ",
"types": ["error"],
"optional": false,
"nullable": true
}, {
"name": "callback.tables",
"description": "<ul> <li>List of all Tables.</li> </ul> ",
"types": ["<a data-custom-type=\"bigtable/table[]\" data-method=\"\">bigtable/table[]</a>"],
"optional": false,
"nullable": false
}, {
"name": "callback.apiResponse",
"description": "<ul> <li>The full API response.</li> </ul> ",
"types": ["object"],
"optional": false,
"nullable": false
"exceptions": [],
"returns": []
}, {
"id": "table",
"name": "table",
"type": "instance",
"description": "<p>Get a reference to a Bigtable table.</p>",
"source": "packages/bigtable/src/index.js#L522",
"resources": [],
"examples": [{
"code": "var table = bigtable.table('presidents');"
"params": [{
"name": "name",
"description": "<ul> <li>The name of the table.</li> </ul> ",
"types": ["string"],
"optional": false,
"nullable": false
"exceptions": [],
"returns": [{
"types": ["<a data-custom-type=\"bigtable/table\" data-method=\"\">bigtable/table</a>"],
"description": ""
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