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AI Prompt for creating a Session Plan
Ok you are now my co-dm for a d&d campaign that I am running called The Ruined Prince set in the homebrewed world of Atellas. The party are guardians for a boy named Raeshi. They are to escort him to the heart of the world where he is to confront his destiny with the help of the guardians, but first they must assemble the rod of seven parts.

Session notes consists of the SlyFlourish method of building a plan.

Review the Characters, Strong Start, Possible Scenes, Important NPCs, Fantastic Locations, Secrets and clues, possible rewards/treasure
For Review the Characters: Use the following information and shorten it to the smallest amount possible.
Galad is a twilight cleric who was chosen by the Priest of Fharlanghn during the Trial of Ekba and set out on a journey to the Archive of Istis and Time's End to find his destiny.
Ulrik is an armorer artificer who became an amateur archaeologist and explored Dwarven and Elven ruins in search of knowledge. His affinity for magic frightened the elders of his clan, but he continued to pursue his interests.
Rune is a drakewarden ranger who spent their adolescence protecting their people from invaders known as "The Sin" while developing a close relationship with the Delmirev dragonborn and learning their culture and language. On their 20th birthday, they developed a unique mark and, with their mentor, traveled to a hermitage to seek answers before being escorted to the Archive of Istus and Time's End where their story unfolds.
Cazmeer is a swashbuckler rogue who believed he was destined to be a Guardian but when the mark never formed, he followed the Guardians to the teleportation pool and spoke with Daoud, who told him he had a part to play that would reveal itself in time. He ended up on the north side of Reton and used his charisma and skill with forgery to pass himself off as a survivor of an expeditionary team from Yethbreal seeking to trade and broaden their understanding of the continent through travel and diplomacy.
Kipper is a battlemaster fighter and divine soul sorcerer who was raised by a sect of the Cult of Unification and survived a dangerous rite in which all the children were forced to ingest a gem. He was taught combat skills and had an affinity for gemcraft, studying under one of the few masters in FlickerDeep who taught him to hear songs in the gems and know what they were best crafted into.

This is an example of a strong start it uses the EASE method (Environment, Atmosphere, Senses, Event):
As the scene opens, the camera pans slowly over the vast plains east of Vindheim, capturing the last golden rays of sunlight casting long shadows across the Shinnesh borderlands. The wind rustles through the tall grass, carrying with it the faint scent of distant fires and the sounds of distant battle. The camera then soars up, revealing the towering peaks of the Shinnesh Mountains that loom ominously in the distance, shrouded in mist and mystery.
The camera transitions to a close-up of the party, weary and determined, standing at the entrance of a dark, foreboding dungeon. Its name, “The Lair of Slumbering Flames,” is etched above the entrance in ancient draconic runes, weathered and cracked with age. A chill breeze escapes from the depths of the dungeon, carrying with it the faint, unsettling whispers of the long-forgotten and the damned.
The camera moves deeper into the dungeon, following the party as they venture into the darkness. The air grows colder, and the oppressive silence is broken only by the distant drip of water and the occasional echoing growl of some unseen creature. The walls, slick with moisture and covered in luminescent fungi, cast eerie, shifting shadows that dance across the uneven floor.
As the adventurers make their way through the winding, treacherous tunnels, the camera captures their cautious movements, the flickering light of their torches, and the tension etched on their faces. The darkness seems to press in on them, as if the very walls of the dungeon are closing in, threatening to consume them.
Suddenly, the party stumbles upon a room filled with the remnants of a brutal battle. Broken bones and tattered armor litter the ground, and the stench of death and decay hangs heavy in the air. The camera lingers on the faces of the adventurers, capturing the shock and horror in their eyes as they realize the true danger that lies ahead.
The camera pulls back, revealing the full scope of the dungeon, a vast, sprawling labyrinth filled with twisted passages and hidden dangers. The Lair of Slumbering Flames looms before them, a testament to the darkness and madness that awaits within.
With a final, ominous chord, the camera fades to black, leaving the audience with a palpable sense of dread and anticipation for the challenges that the party is about to face in their quest to retrieve the Nightshade bloom seeds and save the Fyrestone clan from the clutches of Treasurelust.

Example Scenes:
1. A room of half-dragons and kobolds who have formed a primitive society within the dungeon, offering an opportunity for diplomacy, trade, or combat.
2. A trapped corridor with pressure plates that activate fire-breathing statues, requiring the party to demonstrate their agility and teamwork.
3. A treasure room guarded by a feral dragonborn who has recently transformed into a dragon, presenting a formidable boss fight.
4. A tense standoff between two factions of kobolds and half-dragons, who are on the brink of conflict over dwindling resources. The party must intervene and attempt to negotiate a truce or risk being caught in the crossfire.
5. An ancient library filled with scrolls and tomes, some still intact, containing knowledge about the Fyrestone clan's history, the Nightshade bloom, and the origins of Treasurelust. The party must race against time to find the information they need before the library's unstable structure collapses.
6. A ritual chamber where a group of dragonborn are attempting to perform a ceremony to stave off Treasurelust. The party can choose to aid them or stop the ritual, depending on their beliefs and motivations.
7. A hidden laboratory where a dragonborn alchemist is conducting experiments on captured creatures, seeking a cure for Treasurelust. The party must decide whether to free the creatures, confront the alchemist, or seek his help in their quest.
Example Locations:
1. The Cavern of Echoing Roars: An expansive underground cave where the walls amplify and reverberate the sounds of the dragons and their kin. Aspect: "Deafening Echoes."
2. The Emberfall Chasm: A deep chasm with a river of lava flowing at its bottom, requiring the party to find a way to safely cross. Aspect: "Molten River Crossing."
3. The Obsidian Forest: A dense, maze-like area filled with towering obsidian pillars, sharp as glass and capable of cutting those who brush against them. Aspect: "Labyrinth of Razor-sharp Shadows."
4. The Chamber of Celestial Draconic: A room adorned with celestial charts and ancient runes that reveal information about the dragonborn's cosmic origins. Aspect: "Starlit Secrets."

Example NPCs:
 1 Mithras, the dragonborn thief who stole the nightshade bloom harvest, potentially having a change of heart and offering to help the party.
1. Former Elder Raelin: The former spiritual leader of the Fyrestone clan, who has become reclusive as she seeks answers to the Treasurelust problem. She could provide guidance or information to the party if they manage to find her in the dungeon.
2. Talia: The transformed dragon, once a young girl of the village, now a guardian and protector. The party might encounter her in one of the fantastic locations or as part of a scene where they learn more about the history of the clan and the consequences of the transformation.
3. Zelkor: A dragonborn alchemist conducting experiments in the hidden laboratory. He could be an ally or an enemy, depending on the party's actions.
Examples Clues/secrets:
1. A hidden chamber with an ancient, crumbling mural depicting the origins of the treasure lust curse and the creation of the nightshade bloom ritual.
2. A secret room containing an imprisoned, wise dragon who could provide the party with valuable information if released.
3. Cryptic runes etched throughout the dungeon that, when deciphered, reveal the recipe for a potion capable of temporarily suppressing the treasure lust.
4. The hidden alcove with a collection of personal effects, including letters and mementos, from those who were transformed into dragons or dragonborn. 
5. Among the items, the party finds a letter written by a dragonborn, expressing his concern about the onset of Treasurelust and his search for a cure. The letter also mentions the Fyrestone clan and their struggle with the disease.
6. A hidden chamber within the dungeon containing an abandoned campsite. Scattered belongings and a tattered journal reveal that a black dragonborn named "Death's Shadow" had been living there, driven into hiding by the onset of Treasurelust. The journal entries describe this dragonborn’s desperate search for a cure and his isolation from the Fyrestone clan.

Example magic items
1. Flame Tongue (any sword type)
2. Dragon Scale Mail (various colors)
3. Ring of Fire Resistance
4. Staff of the Serpent (with a dragon motif)
5. Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location

These are all examples, do not do anything yet. I am going to fill you in on where the party is and then we will create the notes together step by step.
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