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Created November 23, 2011 04:10
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Instagram Coding Challenge Unshredder
from PIL import Image
from math import sqrt
import sys
def get_shred_width():
width = image.size[0]
# Divide up the image into pixel strips and calculate the difference between each adjacent strip
strips = [get_pixel_strip(x, mask_size=1) for x in xrange(width)]
differences = [distance(strips[i], strips[i+1]) for i in xrange(width - 1)]
# Normalize the difference values by computing the number of standard deviations away from
# the mean for each of the calculated differences. If the normalized difference
# exceeds a threshold value then it is considered a valid shred boundary.
mean = sum(differences) / len(differences)
std_dev = sqrt(sum([pow(x - mean, 2) for x in differences]) / len(differences))
normalized_diffs = [abs(x - mean) / std_dev for x in differences]
for shred_width in xrange(1, width):
# Only consider columns that are evenly distributed and uniformly sized
if width % shred_width == 0:
boundary_diffs = [normalized_diffs[i-1] for i in xrange(shred_width, width, shred_width)]
if all([d >= THRESHOLD for d in boundary_diffs]):
return shred_width
# Couldn't determine the shred width, use the default.
return 32
def color_average(pixels):
""" Returns the average color for the list of (r,g,b,a) tuples passed in."""
size = float(len(pixels))
return tuple([sum(x) / size for x in zip(*pixels)])
def color_distance(c, c2):
""" Calculates the squared Euclidean distance between the two specified
(r, g, b, a) color tuples """
return sum([pow(x - y, 2) for x, y in zip(c, c2)])
def distance(s, s2):
""" Returns the distance between two pixel strips """
return sum([color_distance(c, c2) for c, c2 in zip(s, s2)])
def get_pixel_value(x, y):
width = image.size[0]
pixel = data[y * width + x]
return pixel
def get_pixel_strip(x, mask_size=MASK_SIZE):
height = image.size[1]
strip = []
for y in xrange(0, height - mask_size, mask_size):
pixel_mask = []
for xoffset in xrange(mask_size):
for yoffset in xrange(mask_size):
pixel_mask.append(get_pixel_value(x + xoffset, y + yoffset))
return strip
image =[1])
data = image.getdata()
shred_width = get_shred_width()
# Each shred is a tuple consisting of (left pixel strip, right pixel trip)
shreds = [(get_pixel_strip(x),
get_pixel_strip(x + shred_width - 1 - MASK_SIZE)) for x in xrange(0, image.size[0], shred_width)]
first_shred = None
first_shred_dist = None
shred_distances = []
for i, shred in enumerate(shreds):
# Calculate the distance between the left edge of this shred and the right
# edge of all other shreds. Generate a list of (shred_index, next_shred_index, distance) tuples
matches = [(j, i, distance(shred[0], s[1])) for j, s in enumerate(shreds) if s != shred]
# Check to see if i is the first shred in the image.
# The first shred in the image will not have a previous image so it will
# be "far away" from all of the other shreds.
min_dist = min([m[2] for m in matches])
if not first_shred or min_dist > first_shred_dist:
first_shred = i
first_shred_dist = min_dist
shred_distances.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])
# Greedily pick out the next shred
next_shred = {}
for p, n, dist in shred_distances:
if not p in next_shred and not n in next_shred.values():
next_shred[p] = n
# Write out the destination image.
unshredded ="RGBA", image.size)
curr_shred = first_shred
for x in xrange(0, image.size[0], shred_width):
x1, y1 = shred_width * curr_shred, 0
x2, y2 = x1 + shred_width, image.size[1]
source_region = image.crop((x1, y1, x2, y2))
destination_point = (x,0)
unshredded.paste(source_region, destination_point)
# Find the next shred
curr_shred = next_shred[curr_shred]"unshredded.png", "PNG")
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