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Created November 18, 2012 10:30
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Use rtmpdump and ffmpeg to download BBC Radio 1 shows

This script will use the tools rtmpdump and ffmpeg to download and convert a BBC Radio 1 show into a m4a file.

It is capable of either downloading a show direct, or finding the latest show from a webpage.


  • nokogiri (Ruby gem)
  • rtmpdump (binary)
  • ffmpeg (binary)


Please use this as an alternative to the non-mobile and resource hogging iPlayer and do not use it for ripping or interfering with copyright.


ruby radio1.rb

ruby radio1.rb latest:

Will download the programme to the current directory with the show's title.

# Will take a Radio 1 episode and download it
# Requires rtmpdump and ffmpeg
# Props to
REGEX_PARSE = /(programmes|episode)\/([A-Za-z0-9]*)\/?/
REGEX_FFMPEG = /bitrate: ([0-9]*)/
REGEX_BAD_TITLE = /[^A-Za-z0-9-]+/
REGEX_LATEST = /^latest:(.*)/
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'tempfile'
require 'open3'
require 'cgi'
# check rtmpdump can be located
def find_executable(exec)
# props to mislav @
exts = ENV['PATHEXT'] ? ENV['PATHEXT'].split(';') : ['']
ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path|
exts.each { |ext|
exe = "#{path}#{File::SEPARATOR}#{exec}#{ext}"
return exe if File.executable? exe
return nil
rtmpdump_bin = find_executable "rtmpdump"
raise "Could not locate rtmpdump" if rtmpdump_bin.nil?
ffmpeg_bin = find_executable "ffmpeg"
raise "Could not locate ffmpeg" if ffmpeg_bin.nil?
# by default assume we are getting a address
input_ref = ARGV[0]
output = ARGV[1]
target_bitrate = ARGV[2]
raise "An argument for the URL or programme ID must be provided" if input_ref.nil?
output = Dir.pwd if output.nil? || (output.is_a?(String) && output.empty?)
programme_id = nil
if !(input_ref.match(REGEX_LATEST).nil?)
# okay user wants the latest from the show page
show_url = $1
puts "Scraping webpage for latest link"
show_url = URI.parse show_url
show_response = Net::HTTP.get_response show_url
show_obj = Nokogiri::HTML show_response.body
ref_point = show_obj.xpath("//h2[contains(text(),'Latest episode')]").first
completed = false
while(ref_point != nil && ref_point['href'].nil?)
ref_point = ref_point.next_element
unless ref_point.nil?
input_ref = ref_point['href']
puts "Using #{input_ref} as latest link"
parsed = input_ref.match REGEX_PARSE
programme_id = parsed.nil? ? input_ref : parsed[2]
puts "Obtaining programme '#{programme_id}'"
# fetch the playlist
playlist_url = URI.parse "{programme_id}"
playlist_response = Net::HTTP.get_response playlist_url
playlist_obj = Nokogiri::XML playlist_response.body
item_ref = playlist_obj.xpath("//playlist/item").first
media_id = item_ref.attribute "identifier"
# get the programme title
title_ref = playlist_obj.xpath("//playlist/title").first
title = title_ref.text
puts "\t#{title}"
# get the summary
summary_ref = playlist_obj.xpath("//playlist/summary").first
summary = summary_ref.text
puts "\t#{summary}"
# get the DJ/show
site_ref = playlist_obj.xpath("//playlist/item/passionSite").first
site = site_ref.text
puts "\tPart of #{site} show"
# build the file for sanity
output_file = File.extname(output).empty? ? "#{output}/#{title.gsub(REGEX_BAD_TITLE, "-")}.m4a" : output
raise "File already downloaded" if File.exists?(output_file)
# obtain data from metadata service
meta_data_url = URI.parse "{media_id}"
document_response = Net::HTTP.get_response meta_data_url
media_obj = Nokogiri::XML document_response.body
# find the AAC RTMP streams
streams = []
target = nil
media_obj.xpath("//mediaSelection/media[@encoding='aac']").each do |element|
data = {:bitrate => element.attribute("bitrate").to_s }
connection_object = element.xpath(element, "connection").first
data[:application] = connection_object.attribute("application").to_s
data[:string] = connection_object.attribute("authString").to_s.gsub("&", "&")
data[:identifier] = connection_object.attribute("identifier").to_s
data[:server] = connection_object.attribute("server").to_s
if target_bitrate.to_s.eql?(data[:bitrate].to_s)
target = data
streams << data
# sort by bitrate to obtain the highest
if target.nil?
puts "Finding the highest bitrate"
target = (streams.sort {|a,b| b[:bitrate].to_i <=> a[:bitrate].to_i}).first
puts "Using #{target[:bitrate]}"
# allocate the file for downloading
file =["rtmpdump",".flv"])
# build the command
application_ref = "#{target[:application]}?#{target[:string]}"
rtmpdump_args = [rtmpdump_bin, "-r \"rtmp://#{target[:server]}:1935/#{application_ref}\"", "-a \"#{application_ref}\"", "-y \"#{target[:identifier]}\"", "-o \"#{file.path}\""]
dump_command = rtmpdump_args.join " "
puts "Downloading to #{file.path}"
# check file exists before proceeding
raise "Couldn't locate the file (#{file.path})" unless File.exists?(file.path)
# query what bitrate we can achieve
ffmpeg_base = "#{ffmpeg_bin} -i #{file.path}"
bitrate = 128
Open3.popen3(ffmpeg_base) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr|
stderr_bitrate = REGEX_FFMPEG.match(
if (stderr_bitrate.nil?)
stdout_bitrate = REGEX_FFMPEG.match(
bitrate = stdout_bitrate[1].to_i unless stdout_bitrate.nil?
bitrate = stderr_bitrate[1].to_i
ffmpeg_full = "#{ffmpeg_base} -metadata artist=\"#{site}\" -metadata title=\"#{title}\" -metadata comments=\"#{summary}\" -acodec libfaac -ab #{bitrate}k -ar 44100 -ac 2 #{output_file}"
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