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Last active July 30, 2019 20:42
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import Foundation
import MediaPlayer
@objc(MusicLibrary) class MusicLibrary : CDVPlugin {
func getAlbums(_ command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
let albumItems = MPMediaQuery.albums().items as [MPMediaItem]?
if albumItems == nil {
let result = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: [])
self.commandDelegate!.send(result, callbackId: command.callbackId)
var albums: [Dictionary<String, Any>] = []
for songItem in albumItems! {
var data = Dictionary<String, Any>()
// Media Item Properties
// var albumArtist: String?
// The primary performing artist for an album as a whole.
data["albumArtist"] = songItem.albumArtist ?? ""
// var albumArtistPersistentID: MPMediaEntityPersistentID
// The persistent identifier for the primary performing artist for an album as a whole.
data["albumArtistPersistentID"] = songItem.albumArtistPersistentID
// var albumPersistentID: MPMediaEntityPersistentID
// The persistent identifier for an album.
data["albumPersistentID"] = songItem.albumPersistentID
// var albumTitle: String?
// The title of an album, such as “Live On Mars”, as opposed to the title of an individual song on the album, such as “Crater Dance (radio edit)”.
data["title"] = songItem.title ?? ""
// var albumTrackCount: Int
// The number of tracks in the album that contains the media item.
data["albumTrackCount"] = songItem.albumTrackCount
// var albumTrackNumber: Int
// The track number of the media item, for a media item that is part of an album.
data["albumTrackNumber"] = songItem.albumTrackNumber
// var artist: String?
// The performing artist(s) for a media item—which may vary from the primary artist for the album that a media item belongs to.
data["artist"] = songItem.artist ?? ""
// var artistPersistentID: MPMediaEntityPersistentID
// The persistent identifier for an artist.
data["artistPersistentID"] = songItem.artistPersistentID
// var artwork: MPMediaItemArtwork?
// The artwork image for the media item.
data["artwork"] = {
if songItem.artwork == nil { return "" }
let image = songItem.artwork!.image(at: /* CGSize(width: 100, height: 100) */ songItem.artwork!.bounds.size)
if image == nil { return "" }
let png = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image!)
if png == nil { return "" }
return png!.base64EncodedString()
// var assetURL: URL?
// The URL pointing to the media item.
data["assetURL"] = songItem.assetURL != nil ? songItem.assetURL!.absoluteString : ""
// var beatsPerMinute: Int
// The number of musical beats per minute for the media item.
data["beatsPerMinute"] = songItem.beatsPerMinute
// var bookmarkTime: TimeInterval (Alias Double)
// The user’s place in the media item the most recent time it was played.
data["bookmarkTime"] = songItem.bookmarkTime
// var isCloudItem: Bool
// A Boolean value indicating whether the media item is an iCloud Music Library item.
data["isCloudItem"] = songItem.isCloudItem
// var comments: String?
// Textual information about the media item.
data["comments"] = songItem.comments ?? ""
// var isCompilation: Bool
// A Boolean value indicating whether the media item is part of a compilation.
data["isCompilation"] = songItem.isCompilation
// var composer: String?
// The musical composer for the media item.
data["composer"] = songItem.composer ?? ""
// var composerPersistentID: MPMediaEntityPersistentID
// The persistent identifier for a composer.
data["composerPersistentID"] = songItem.composerPersistentID
// var dateAdded: Date
// The date the item was added to the library.
data["dateAdded"] = songItem.dateAdded.timeIntervalSince1970
// var discCount: Int
// The number of discs in the album that contains the media item.
data["discCount"] = songItem.discCount
// var discNumber: Int
// The disc number of the media item, for a media item that is part of a multi-disc album.
data["discNumber"] = songItem.discNumber
// var isExplicitItem: Bool
// A Boolean value that indicates whether the item has explicit (adult) lyrics or language.
data["isExplicitItem"] = songItem.isExplicitItem
// var genre: String?
// The musical or film genre of the media item.
data["genre"] = songItem.genre ?? ""
// var genrePersistentID: MPMediaEntityPersistentID
// The persistent identifier for a genre.
data["genrePersistentID"] = songItem.genrePersistentID
// var lastPlayedDate: Date?
// The date a media item was last played.
data["lastPlayedDate"] = songItem.lastPlayedDate != nil ? songItem.lastPlayedDate!.timeIntervalSince1970 : 0
// var lyrics: String?
// The lyrics for the media item.
data["lyrics"] = songItem.lyrics ?? "" as String
// var mediaType: MPMediaType
// The media type of the media item.
data["mediaType"] = {
switch songItem.mediaType {
// Audio
return "music"
case MPMediaType.podcast:
return "podcast"
case MPMediaType.audioBook:
return "audioBook"
case MPMediaType.audioITunesU:
return "audioITunesU"
case MPMediaType.anyAudio:
return "anyAudio"
// Video
return "movie"
case MPMediaType.tvShow:
return "tvShow"
case MPMediaType.videoPodcast:
return "videoPodcast"
case MPMediaType.musicVideo:
return "musicVideo"
case MPMediaType.videoITunesU:
return "videoITunesU"
case MPMediaType.homeVideo:
return "homeVideo"
case MPMediaType.anyVideo:
return "anyVideo"
// Any
return "any"
// var persistentID: MPMediaEntityPersistentID (Alias UInt64)
// The persistent identifier for the media item.
data["persistentID"] = songItem.persistentID
// var playCount: Int
// The number of times the user has played the media item.
data["playCount"] = songItem.playCount
// var playbackDuration: TimeInterval
// The playback duration of the media item.
data["playbackDuration"] = songItem.playbackDuration
// var playbackStoreID: String
// The non-library identifier for a media item.
data["playbackStoreID"] = songItem.playbackStoreID
// var podcastPersistentID: MPMediaEntityPersistentID
// The persistent identifier for an audio podcast.
data["podcastPersistentID"] = songItem.podcastPersistentID
// var podcastTitle: String?
// The title of a podcast, such as “This Martian Drudgery”, as opposed to the title of an individual episode of a podcast such as “Episode 12: Another Cold Day At The Pole”.
data["podcastTitle"] = songItem.podcastTitle ?? ""
// var hasProtectedAsset: Bool
// A Boolean indicating whether the media item has a protected asset.
data["hasProtectedAsset"] = songItem.hasProtectedAsset
// var rating: Int
// The user-specified rating of the object in the range [0...5], where a value of 5 indicates the most favorable rating.
data["rating"] = songItem.rating
// var releaseDate: Date?
// The date on which the media item was first publicly released.
data["releaseDate"] = songItem.releaseDate != nil ? songItem.releaseDate!.timeIntervalSince1970 : 0
// var skipCount: Int
// The number of times the user has skipped playing the item.
data["skipCount"] = songItem.skipCount
// var title: String?
// The title (or name) of the media item.
data["title"] = songItem.title ?? ""
// var userGrouping: String?
// Grouping information for the media item.
data["userGrouping"] = songItem.userGrouping ?? ""
// Output
songs.append( data )
let result = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: albumItems)
self.commandDelegate!.send(result, callbackId: command.callbackId)
func getAll(_ command: CDVInvokedUrlCommand) {
let songItems: [MPMediaItem] = MPMediaQuery.songs().items! as [MPMediaItem]
var songs: [Dictionary<String, Any>] = []
for songItem in songItems[0...5] {
var data = Dictionary<String, Any>()
// Media Item Properties
// var albumArtist: String?
// The primary performing artist for an album as a whole.
data["albumArtist"] = songItem.albumArtist ?? ""
// var albumArtistPersistentID: MPMediaEntityPersistentID
// The persistent identifier for the primary performing artist for an album as a whole.
data["albumArtistPersistentID"] = songItem.albumArtistPersistentID
// var albumPersistentID: MPMediaEntityPersistentID
// The persistent identifier for an album.
data["albumPersistentID"] = songItem.albumPersistentID
// var albumTitle: String?
// The title of an album, such as “Live On Mars”, as opposed to the title of an individual song on the album, such as “Crater Dance (radio edit)”.
data["title"] = songItem.title ?? ""
// var albumTrackCount: Int
// The number of tracks in the album that contains the media item.
data["albumTrackCount"] = songItem.albumTrackCount
// var albumTrackNumber: Int
// The track number of the media item, for a media item that is part of an album.
data["albumTrackNumber"] = songItem.albumTrackNumber
// var artist: String?
// The performing artist(s) for a media item—which may vary from the primary artist for the album that a media item belongs to.
data["artist"] = songItem.artist ?? ""
// var artistPersistentID: MPMediaEntityPersistentID
// The persistent identifier for an artist.
data["artistPersistentID"] = songItem.artistPersistentID
// var artwork: MPMediaItemArtwork?
// The artwork image for the media item.
data["artwork"] = {
if songItem.artwork == nil { return "" }
let image = songItem.artwork!.image(at: /* CGSize(width: 100, height: 100) */ songItem.artwork!.bounds.size)
if image == nil { return "" }
let png = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image!)
if png == nil { return "" }
return png!.base64EncodedString()
// var assetURL: URL?
// The URL pointing to the media item.
data["assetURL"] = songItem.assetURL != nil ? songItem.assetURL!.absoluteString : ""
// var beatsPerMinute: Int
// The number of musical beats per minute for the media item.
data["beatsPerMinute"] = songItem.beatsPerMinute
// var bookmarkTime: TimeInterval (Alias Double)
// The user’s place in the media item the most recent time it was played.
data["bookmarkTime"] = songItem.bookmarkTime
// var isCloudItem: Bool
// A Boolean value indicating whether the media item is an iCloud Music Library item.
data["isCloudItem"] = songItem.isCloudItem
// var comments: String?
// Textual information about the media item.
data["comments"] = songItem.comments ?? ""
// var isCompilation: Bool
// A Boolean value indicating whether the media item is part of a compilation.
data["isCompilation"] = songItem.isCompilation
// var composer: String?
// The musical composer for the media item.
data["composer"] = songItem.composer ?? ""
// var composerPersistentID: MPMediaEntityPersistentID
// The persistent identifier for a composer.
data["composerPersistentID"] = songItem.composerPersistentID
// var dateAdded: Date
// The date the item was added to the library.
data["dateAdded"] = songItem.dateAdded.timeIntervalSince1970
// var discCount: Int
// The number of discs in the album that contains the media item.
data["discCount"] = songItem.discCount
// var discNumber: Int
// The disc number of the media item, for a media item that is part of a multi-disc album.
data["discNumber"] = songItem.discNumber
// var isExplicitItem: Bool
// A Boolean value that indicates whether the item has explicit (adult) lyrics or language.
data["isExplicitItem"] = songItem.isExplicitItem
// var genre: String?
// The musical or film genre of the media item.
data["genre"] = songItem.genre ?? ""
// var genrePersistentID: MPMediaEntityPersistentID
// The persistent identifier for a genre.
data["genrePersistentID"] = songItem.genrePersistentID
// var lastPlayedDate: Date?
// The date a media item was last played.
data["lastPlayedDate"] = songItem.lastPlayedDate != nil ? songItem.lastPlayedDate!.timeIntervalSince1970 : 0
// var lyrics: String?
// The lyrics for the media item.
data["lyrics"] = songItem.lyrics ?? "" as String
// var mediaType: MPMediaType
// The media type of the media item.
data["mediaType"] = {
switch songItem.mediaType {
// Audio
return "music"
case MPMediaType.podcast:
return "podcast"
case MPMediaType.audioBook:
return "audioBook"
case MPMediaType.audioITunesU:
return "audioITunesU"
case MPMediaType.anyAudio:
return "anyAudio"
// Video
return "movie"
case MPMediaType.tvShow:
return "tvShow"
case MPMediaType.videoPodcast:
return "videoPodcast"
case MPMediaType.musicVideo:
return "musicVideo"
case MPMediaType.videoITunesU:
return "videoITunesU"
case MPMediaType.homeVideo:
return "homeVideo"
case MPMediaType.anyVideo:
return "anyVideo"
// Any
return "any"
// var persistentID: MPMediaEntityPersistentID (Alias UInt64)
// The persistent identifier for the media item.
data["persistentID"] = songItem.persistentID
// var playCount: Int
// The number of times the user has played the media item.
data["playCount"] = songItem.playCount
// var playbackDuration: TimeInterval
// The playback duration of the media item.
data["playbackDuration"] = songItem.playbackDuration
// var playbackStoreID: String
// The non-library identifier for a media item.
data["playbackStoreID"] = songItem.playbackStoreID
// var podcastPersistentID: MPMediaEntityPersistentID
// The persistent identifier for an audio podcast.
data["podcastPersistentID"] = songItem.podcastPersistentID
// var podcastTitle: String?
// The title of a podcast, such as “This Martian Drudgery”, as opposed to the title of an individual episode of a podcast such as “Episode 12: Another Cold Day At The Pole”.
data["podcastTitle"] = songItem.podcastTitle ?? ""
// var hasProtectedAsset: Bool
// A Boolean indicating whether the media item has a protected asset.
data["hasProtectedAsset"] = songItem.hasProtectedAsset
// var rating: Int
// The user-specified rating of the object in the range [0...5], where a value of 5 indicates the most favorable rating.
data["rating"] = songItem.rating
// var releaseDate: Date?
// The date on which the media item was first publicly released.
data["releaseDate"] = songItem.releaseDate != nil ? songItem.releaseDate!.timeIntervalSince1970 : 0
// var skipCount: Int
// The number of times the user has skipped playing the item.
data["skipCount"] = songItem.skipCount
// var title: String?
// The title (or name) of the media item.
data["title"] = songItem.title ?? ""
// var userGrouping: String?
// Grouping information for the media item.
data["userGrouping"] = songItem.userGrouping ?? ""
// Output
songs.append( data )
let result = CDVPluginResult(status: CDVCommandStatus_OK, messageAs: songs)
self.commandDelegate!.send(result, callbackId: command.callbackId)
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