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Created June 19, 2020 12:22
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# This script get information from IMDB and write to a data file or print
# a summary from the movie/series used as a template publication.
# author Wanderley Caloni <>
# date 2020-06
import sys
from imdb import IMDb
def print_desc(imdb, args):
castMax = 3 if len(args) == 0 else int(args[0])
ia = IMDb()
movie = ia.get_movie(imdb)
originalTitle = '"' + movie["title"] + '"'
def getItem(name, movie, itemMax = 10):
ret = None
if name in movie:
ret = movie[name][0:itemMax]
ret = str(ret[0]) if len(ret) == 1 else (", ".join(map(str, ret[0:-1])) + " e " + str(ret[-1]))
return ret
director = getItem("director", movie)
writing = getItem("writer", movie)
casting = getItem("cast", movie, castMax)
countries = getItem("countries", movie)
if countries:
if "year" in movie:
countries = "(" + countries + ", " + str(movie["year"]) + ")"
desc = "desc: '" + originalTitle
if countries:
desc += " " + countries
if writing:
desc += ", escrito por " + writing
if director:
desc += ", dirigido por " + director
if casting:
desc += ", com " + casting
desc += ".'"
print('imdb: "' + imdb + '"')
print('stars: "3/5"')
def save_database(imdb, path):
ignore_keys = [ 'synopsis', 'plot', 'writer', 'director', 'miscellaneous' ]
f = open(path, 'w', encoding='utf8')
ia = IMDb()
movie = ia.get_movie(imdb)
f.write('[imdb]\n"id" = "' + imdb + '"\n')
for k, v in movie.iteritems():
if k not in ignore_keys:
if type(v) == type([]):
items = map(lambda s: '"' + str(s).replace('"', "'") + '"', v[0:6])
items = list(dict.fromkeys(items))
items = [i for i in items if i and i != '""']
v = ", ".join(items)
f.write('"' + k + '" = [ ' + str(v) + ' ]\n')
f.write('"' + k + '" = "' + str(v).replace('"', "'") + '"\n')
def search_movie(query):
ia = IMDb()
movies = ia.search_movie(query)
results = []
for m in movies[0:5]:
plot = ia.get_movie_plot(m.movieID)
if 'plot' in plot['data']:
plot = plot['data']['plot'][0][0:140]
plot = 'This is a Michael Bay plot.'
results.append({ 'id': str(m.movieID), 'title': str(m), 'plot': plot})
for r in results:
opt = input('what is the movie? ')
return results[int(opt)]['id']
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print('How to use: python imdb')
if sys.argv[1] == 'cinemaqui':
print_desc(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3:])
elif sys.argv[1] == 'search':
imdb = search_movie(sys.argv[2].replace('-', ' '))
save_database(imdb, sys.argv[3])
save_database(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
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