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Last active September 8, 2022 22:59
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Extension of UIView to detect collisions between them, including rotated(transformed) views.
import UIKit
// Conform the `Polygon` protocol to specify the vertices of the polygon.
protocol Polygon {
var vertices: [CGPoint] { get }
// UIView conforms the protocol `Polygon` to specified the vertices of the rectangle.
extension UIView: Polygon {
var vertices: [CGPoint] {
var point: CGPoint = CGPoint(x: bounds.midX, y: bounds.midY)
point.x = -point.x
point.y = -point.y
var vertexA = point.applying(transform)
vertexA.x += center.x
vertexA.y += center.y
point.x = -point.x;
var vertexB = point.applying(transform)
vertexB.x += center.x
vertexB.y += center.y
point.y = -point.y;
var vertexC = point.applying(transform)
vertexC.x += center.x
vertexC.y += center.y
point.x = -point.x;
var vertexD = point.applying(transform)
vertexD.x += center.x
vertexD.y += center.y
return [vertexA, vertexB, vertexC, vertexD]
/// Returns whether two views intersect.
/// - Parameter view2: The view to test the intersaction with this view.
/// - Returns: `true` if the specified views intersect, otherwise `false`
func intersectsWith(_ view2: UIView) -> Bool {
let polygonA = self
let polygonB = view2
return UIView.intersects(polygonA: polygonA, polygonB: polygonB)
private static func intersects(polygonA: Polygon, polygonB: Polygon) -> Bool {
for polygon in [polygonA, polygonB] {
for index in 0..<polygon.vertices.count {
let nextIndex = (index + 1) % polygon.vertices.count
let point1 = polygon.vertices[index]
let point2 = polygon.vertices[nextIndex]
let normal = CGPoint(x: -(point2.y - point1.y), y: point2.x - point1.x)
let (minProjectionA, maxProjectionA) = projectionOf(polygonA, with: normal)
let (minProjectionB, maxProjectionB) = projectionOf(polygonB, with: normal)
if maxProjectionA < minProjectionB || maxProjectionB < minProjectionA {
return false
return true
private static func projectionOf(_ polygon: Polygon, with normal: CGPoint) -> (minP: CGFloat, maxP: CGFloat) {
var minProjection: CGFloat = .infinity
var maxProjection: CGFloat = -.infinity
for point in polygon.vertices {
let projection: CGFloat = point.x * normal.x + point.y * normal.y
if projection > maxProjection {
maxProjection = projection
if projection < minProjection {
minProjection = projection
return (minProjection, maxProjection)
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calosth commented Feb 26, 2019

If you use the frame instance property with the intersects(_:) method to detect the collision it doesn't work after a transform because the frame is undefined as the Apple Documentations says This extension implements the SAT (Separating Axis Theorem) in order to detect collision between two views. This is the reason why this this algorithm also works for views that has been transformed (e.g. rotated).

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