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Created May 23, 2018 03:20
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This is meant to be a PowerShell alternative to for Windows users unable to compile the leveldb Python module.
# Copy your Tampermonkey storage.js into the same directory as this script.
# It'll extract the user scripts from storage.js and write them as .user.js files
# in the current working directory.
add-type -as System.Web.Extensions
$JSON = new-object Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer
$obj = $JSON.DeserializeObject((gc storage.js))
foreach ($key in $obj.keys) {
foreach ($val in $obj[$key].value) {
if ($val -match "\r?\n//\s+@name\s+(.+)\r?\n") {
$val | out-file ("{0}.user.js" -f $matches[1])
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Exception calling "DeserializeObject" with "1" argument(s): "Invalid JSON primitive: ."
At E:*\Users*\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User
Data\Default\Extensions\dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo\4.5_0\extract_tampermonkey_scripts.ps1:7 char:1

  • $obj = $JSON.DeserializeObject((gc storage.js))
  •   + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ArgumentException

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calraith commented May 28, 2018

@BangDroid Seems to be a problem with your storage.js, or at least something the PowerShell deserializer doesn't like. I wonder what would happen if you copypasted the contents of your storage.js into the JSON validator at Or maybe one of your script names includes a character that would be invalid in a filename? I just tested the script again with my own storage.js and it works, but I don't have any sanity checking on the JSON or file writing at all.

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calraith commented Jun 5, 2018

if you can't get this PowerShell script to work, I also wrote a JSON serializer / deserializer for gawk.

  1. Download the gawk binaries from the ezwinports project. Extract to a subdirectory. (Note: the GnuWin32 port of gawk will not work. The JSON script requires at least gawk version 4.)
  2. Save my gawk script.
  3. Modify the script and replace the END{...} section with the following code:
    deserialize(json, obj)

    for (i in obj) {
        if (!isarray(obj[i]) || !isarray(obj[i]["value"])) continue
        header = obj[i]["value"]["header"]
        if (!header) continue
        textContent = obj[i]["value"]["textContent"]
        match(header, /@name\s+([^\n]+)/, script)
        gsub(/\s+/, "_", script[1])
        gsub(/[\\\/:\*\?"<>|]/, "", script[1])
        print textContent > script[1] ".user.js"
  1. Open a cmd prompt or PowerShell window. cd to the directory where you want to save your user.js files
  2. Run this command:
\path\to\gawkdir\bin\gawk.exe -f \path\to\json.awk \path\to\storage.js

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@calraith I tried to run your gawk and did get following errors:

I already inserted before and after a square bracket a space because a post on stackoverflow suggested that. Do you have any idea why it is still not working?

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calraith commented Jun 27, 2018

@Cappuccino90 I think I see from your screenshot what's going on. The version of gawk supplied with GnuWin32 is ancient (last updated in 2008 I think). My code requires at least gawk version 4 I believe. That's why I recommended using the ezwinports build.

FWIW, arrayname["parent"]["child"] is the appropriate format for a multi-depth array in awk. Don't let anyone talk you into inserting extra spaces.

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Remonell commented Jul 12, 2018

@calraith Thanks for the response. Sadly it is still not working. It does run the gawk command though without any printed out errors.
I downloaded from the link you provided. I hope that was the right package.
This is the content of my json.awk file:

After the execution the storage.js file does not seem to have been altered in any form. Also the powershell script still throws the same error: Also tried to run powershell as administrator.
Sorry that some of the texts are in german.

Do you have any idea why it is not working?

Kind regards

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@Cappuccino90: Would you care to PM me on Pastebin? My username there is rojo. If you like, you can create a private paste of your storage.js then PM me the URL and I'll see if I can help you figure out what's wrong with it. Or if you prefer, try pasting the contents of your storage.js into a JSON validator. The error message in your screenshot, Ausnahme beim Aufrufen von "DeserializeObject" mit 1 Argument(en): "Ungultiger JSON-Primitiv: .", hints that the reason you're having trouble extracting the .user.js files is due to invalid JSON, like maybe your storage.js file is corrupt.

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Remonell commented Aug 8, 2018

My storage.js file begins like the following:
(function() { Registry.require(["promise"], function() { var f = rea.FEATURES,

JSONLint validator also tells me that the very first character is faulty. The open bracket.
@calraith How does your storage.js begin?

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TY so much!
I wish there was an upvote in github to let more users know about this!

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HatScripts commented Feb 12, 2019

@calraith Where is this so-called Tampermonkey storage.js file located? The one I found at %appdata%\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Extensions\dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo\4.7.54_0\storage.js is just 13 KB of JavaScript, not JSON. So I get the same error as @BangDroid and @Remonell.

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Aceralon commented Aug 1, 2020

@calraith Where is this so-called Tampermonkey storage.js file located? The one I found at %appdata%\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Extensions\dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo\4.7.54_0\storage.js is just 13 KB of JavaScript, not JSON. So I get the same error as @BangDroid and @Remonell.

I guess this script did nothing. The actual scripts should be in User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings and stored in db not some random storage.js.

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