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Last active December 7, 2016 14:45
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  • Save calum-chamberlain/f4a8fb41f51dca9f91dd8fb03205ae48 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save calum-chamberlain/f4a8fb41f51dca9f91dd8fb03205ae48 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
from eqcorrscan.core import match_filter, lag_calc
from eqcorrscan.utils import pre_processing
from eqcorrscan.utils.plotting import detection_multiplot
from obspy import read, Catalog
import glob
import os
outfile = open("failed_days", "w")
# Read in the templates
template_path = 'templates/'
template_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(template_path, '*'))
template_files = sorted(template_files)
templates = []
for template_file in template_files:
for template in templates:
for tr in template:
# Change channel names to two letters because EQcorrscan uses Seisan
# style channel names, which are not standard, and should be changed!
# Note that I might change EQcorrscan to use proper three letter
# chanel names in a future release, but I will ensure it works with
# two letter channel names too. =[0] +[-1]
# pre_processing.shortproc(st=tr, lowcut=3.0, highcut=6.0, filt_order=3, samp_rate=20)
days = os.listdir('./24h/')
for day in sorted(days):
# Create detections and detections/6s folder that are used for detection files
if not os.path.isdir("detections/"):
print("Days with data: " + str(days))
print("Number of days with data: " + str(len(days)))
print("Match filter started for day: " + str(day))
# Read in and process the daylong data
# There is something wrong with the way, Antelope is setting sampling rate to the miniseeds...
# This is why you need to manualy set to 200Hz - miniseeds are at 199.99Hz.
st = read('24h/'+day+'/*')
print("Setting sampling rates of the traces")
for tr in st: =[0] +[-1]
if tr.stats.station != "VINO":
if tr.stats.sampling_rate != 200.0:
tr.stats.sampling_rate = 200.0
if tr.stats.sampling_rate != 100.0:
tr.stats.sampling_rate = 100.0
print("Merging traces")
st = st.merge(method=1, fill_value=0)
print("Detrending traces")
st = st.detrend('constant')
# Remove traces that are shorter then 17280000 samples
# (otherwise this will not work). What can be done?
print("Removing traces shorter then 17270000 samples")
for tr in st:
if not tr.stats.station == "VINO":
if len(tr) < 17270000:
print("trace with less then 17280000 and not VINO: " +
if len(tr) < 8640000:
print("trace with less then 8640000 samples removed: " +
# Some streams will be empty after st.remove, so we cant do anything with them...
if len(st) == 0:
print('Not working on this day, no useful data available')
# Use the same filtering and sampling parameters as your template!
print("Preprocessing stream")
#st = pre_processing.shortproc(st, lowcut=3.0, highcut=6.0, filt_order=3,
# samp_rate=20,
# starttime=st[0].stats.starttime)
# Forced Daylong
st = pre_processing.dayproc(
st, lowcut=3.0, highcut=6.0, filt_order=3, samp_rate=20,
print("Starting with match filter")
detections = match_filter.match_filter(
template_names=template_files, template_list=templates, st=st,
threshold=9, threshold_type='MAD', trig_int=3, plotvar=False,
plotdir=('./plots'), cores=4)
for detection in detections:
detection.write("detections/" + str(day) + '_detections', append=True)
unique_detections = []
for master in detections:
if float(master.threshold) != 0 and \
abs(master.detect_val) / master.threshold > 1.1:
keep = True
for slave in detections:
if master == slave:
if abs(master.detect_time - slave.detect_time) <= 6.0:
# If the events are within 6s of each other then test which
# was the 'best' match, strongest det
if not master.detect_val > slave.detect_val:
keep = False
if keep:
for detw in unique_detections:
detw.write("detections/6s/" + str(day) + '_detections_unique', append=True)
cat_cc = lag_calc.lag_calc(
detections=unique_detections, detect_data=st,
template_names=template_files, templates=templates,
shift_len=0.2, min_cc=0.4, cores=4, interpolate=False,
plot=False, parallel=False)
if not os.path.isdir("events_cc/"):
for i, event in enumerate(sorted(cat_cc)):
event.write("events_cc/" + str(i) + ".xml", format="QUAKEML")
event.write("events_cc/" + str(i) + ".obs", format="NLLOC_OBS")
except TypeError:
print >>outfile, day
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calum-chamberlain commented Dec 6, 2016

line 44 try: unclear why this is here, and has no matching except, should be removed.

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yeah, there should be some strange additions to the code, I am really just learning Python :)

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