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Created March 29, 2021 14:13
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import/export of raw turtle data into a SolidDataSet
import { Quad } from "rdf-js";
import rdfjsDataset from "@rdfjs/dataset";
export async function turtleToTriples(
raw: string
): Promise<Quad[]> {
const format = "text/turtle";
const n3 = await loadN3();
const parser = new n3.Parser({ format: format });
const parsingPromise = new Promise<Quad[]>((resolve, reject) => {
const parsedTriples: Quad[] = [];
parser.parse(raw, (error, triple, _prefixes) => {
if (error) {
return reject(error);
if (triple) {
} else {
return parsingPromise;
export async function triplesToTurtle(quads: Quad[]): Promise<string> {
const n3 = await loadN3();
const format = "text/turtle";
const writer = new n3.Writer({ format: format });
// Remove any potentially lingering references to Named Graphs in Quads;
// they'll be determined by the URL the Turtle will be sent to:
const triples = =>
rdfjsDataset.quad(quad.subject, quad.predicate, quad.object, undefined)
const writePromise = new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
writer.end((error, result) => {
/* istanbul ignore if [n3.js doesn't actually pass an error nor a result, apparently:] */
if (error) {
return reject(error);
const rawTurtle = await writePromise;
return rawTurtle;
async function loadN3() {
// When loaded via Webpack or another bundler that looks at the `modules` field in package.json,
// N3 serves up ES modules with named exports.
// However, when it is loaded in Node, it serves up a CommonJS module, which, when imported from
// a Node ES module, is in the shape of a default export that is an object with all the named
// exports as its properties.
// This means that if we were to import the default module, our code would fail in Webpack,
// whereas if we imported the named exports, our code would fail in Node.
// As a workaround, we use a dynamic import. This way, we can use the same syntax in every
// environment, where the differences between the environments are in whether the returned object
// includes a `default` property that contains all exported functions, or whether those functions
// are available on the returned object directly. We can then respond to those different
// situations at runtime.
// Unfortunately, that does mean that tree shaking will not work until N3 also provides ES modules
// for Node, or adds a default export for Webpack. See
const n3Module = await import("n3");
/* istanbul ignore if: the package provides named exports in the unit test environment */
if (typeof n3Module.default !== "undefined") {
return n3Module.default;
return n3Module;
export const parseTurtleToSolidDataset = async (turtle: string) : Promise<SolidDataset> => {
const triples = await turtleToTriples(turtle);
const resource = createSolidDataset();
triples.forEach((triple) => resource.add(triple));
return resource;
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