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Created March 7, 2018 00:03
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pragma solidity ^0.4.11;
// @calvin_claus' contract
// @neuling2k didn't do anything
contract CryptoLambo {
address public dev1;
address public dev2;
uint[3] public priceIncrementDuringPhase = [150, 120, 115];
uint[3] public maxValueDuringPhase = [0.05 ether, 0.5 ether, 2**256-1];
uint public shareOfProfitForOwner = 50;
uint public constant initialPrice = 0.005 ether;
LedgerItem[] public ownerLedger;
struct LedgerItem {
address _address;
string name;
string message;
uint customization;
uint pricePaid;
uint profit;
uint timeOfPurchase;
event Snatch();
function CryptoLambo(address _dev1, address _dev2) public payable {
dev1 = _dev1;
dev2 = _dev2;
ownerLedger.push(LedgerItem(dev1, "@lamborghini", "Snatch that Lambo while it's hot!", 0xffffff, initialPrice, getProfitOfOwnerWhoBoughtFor(initialPrice), now));
function getPhaseForPrice(uint price) public constant returns (uint) {
for (int i = int(maxValueDuringPhase.length)-1; i >= 0; i-=1) {
uint maxPhaseValue = maxValueDuringPhase[uint(i)];
if (maxPhaseValue < price) {
return uint(i)+1;
return 0;
function getNextPrice() public constant returns (uint) {
return getPriceAfter(ownerLedger[ownerLedger.length-1].pricePaid);
function getPriceAfter(uint price) public constant returns (uint) {
return (price*priceIncrementDuringPhase[getPhaseForPrice(price)])/100;
function getProfitOfOwnerWhoBoughtFor(uint price) public constant returns (uint) {
return ((getPriceAfter(price)-price)*shareOfProfitForOwner)/100;
function getProfitOfNextOwner() public constant returns (uint) {
return getProfitOfOwnerWhoBoughtFor(getNextPrice());
function snatch(string name, string message, uint customization) public payable {
require(bytes(name).length <= 80);
require(bytes(message).length <= 560);
uint nextPrice = getNextPrice();
require(msg.value >= nextPrice);
LedgerItem storage currentItem = ownerLedger[ownerLedger.length-1];
uint profitOfNewOwner = getProfitOfOwnerWhoBoughtFor(nextPrice);
ownerLedger.push(LedgerItem(msg.sender, name, message, customization, nextPrice, profitOfNewOwner, now));
//ether not used for purchase remains on this contract
function developerCachout() public {
if (msg.sender == dev1 || msg.sender == dev2) {
uint half = this.balance/2;
uint otherHalf = this.balance-half;
function getLedgerLength() public constant returns (uint) {
return ownerLedger.length;
function getBalance() public constant returns (uint) {
return this.balance;
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