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Created October 14, 2012 14:52
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Simple wrapper library for Pusher with the ability to replay recent events (< 2 minutes ago)
class window.ZenPusher
@pusher: null
@channel: []
constructor: ->
setupPusher: _.once ->
@pusher = new Pusher($('body').data('pusher-key'))
channel: (channel) ->
@channel[channel] ||= @pusher.subscribe(channel)
bind: (channel, event, callback) ->, callback)
# Also fetch any events that we may have just missed
@.fetchEvents channel, event, callback
bindAll: (channel, bindings) ->
for event, callback of bindings
@.bind(channel, event, callback)
fetchEvents: (channel, event, callback) ->
url: "/pusher/#{channel}/#{event}/"
type: 'POST'
success: (events, status, xhr) ->, data) for data in events
window.pusher = new ZenPusher()
# Mixin to ActiveRecord
module Zen
module Pusher
def notify_browser(event, data = {})
channel = "#{}-#{id}"
Pusher[channel].trigger(event, data)
CACHED.set("pusher:#{channel}:#{event}", data, 2.minutes.to_i)
class PusherController < ApplicationController
def index
render json: Array(CACHED.get("pusher:#{channel}:#{event}"))
match 'pusher/:channel/:event' => 'pusher#index', as: :pusher_channel_events
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