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Last active April 20, 2022 09:10
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How to build a GraalVM native image packaged as a Docker image that can be deployed on AWS Lambda

A build process for GraalVM native images that can be deployed on AWS Lambda as Docker container images

Use zio-lambda to write your own Lambda function based on Scala and ZIO

  • Checkout the example project for inspiration
  • Make sure you enable the GraalVMNativeImagePlugin like the example project does and configure it with the appropriate flags to build the native image
  • You may most likely need to add some reflect configuration and this post from Inner Product shows a good way to include the configuration in the project so Graal native-image will find it

If you have graal native already installed with the correct libraries in place for linking then great, otherwise use one of the following Docker images tagged with graalvm

NOTE: If you want to use the latest version of GraalVM, you can adapt the following Dockerfile




# Install sbt
  curl -fsL "$SBT_VERSION/sbt-$SBT_VERSION.tgz" | tar xfz - -C /usr/share && \
  chown -R root:root /usr/share/sbt && \
  chmod -R 755 /usr/share/sbt && \
  ln -s /usr/share/sbt/bin/sbt /usr/local/bin/sbt

# Install Scala
## Piping curl directly in tar
  case $SCALA_VERSION in \
    "3"*) URL=$SCALA_VERSION/scala3-$SCALA_VERSION.tar.gz SCALA_DIR=/usr/share/scala3-$SCALA_VERSION ;; \
    *) URL=$SCALA_VERSION/scala-$SCALA_VERSION.tgz SCALA_DIR=/usr/share/scala-$SCALA_VERSION ;; \
  esac && \
  curl -fsL $URL | tar xfz - -C /usr/share && \
  mv $SCALA_DIR /usr/share/scala && \
  chown -R root:root /usr/share/scala && \
  chmod -R 755 /usr/share/scala && \
  ln -s /usr/share/scala/bin/* /usr/local/bin && \
  case $SCALA_VERSION in \
    "3"*) echo "@main def main = println(util.Properties.versionMsg)" > test.scala ;; \
    *) echo "println(util.Properties.versionMsg)" > test.scala ;; \
  esac && \
  scala -nocompdaemon test.scala && rm test.scala

# Add and use user sbtuser
RUN groupadd --gid $GROUP_ID sbtuser && useradd --gid $GROUP_ID --uid $USER_ID sbtuser --shell /bin/bash
USER sbtuser

# Switch working directory
WORKDIR /home/sbtuser

# Prepare sbt (warm cache)
  sbt sbtVersion && \
  mkdir -p project && \
  echo "scalaVersion := \"${SCALA_VERSION}\"" > build.sbt && \
  echo "sbt.version=${SBT_VERSION}" > project/ && \
  echo "// force sbt compiler-bridge download" > project/Dependencies.scala && \
  echo "case object Temp" > Temp.scala && \
  sbt compile && \
  rm -r project && rm build.sbt && rm Temp.scala && rm -r target

# Link everything into root as well
# This allows users of this container to choose, whether they want to run the container as sbtuser (non-root) or as root
USER root
  ln -s /home/sbtuser/.cache /root/.cache && \
  ln -s /home/sbtuser/.sbt /root/.sbt && \
  if [ -d "/home/sbtuser/.ivy2" ]; then ln -s /home/sbtuser/.ivy2 /root/.ivy2; fi

# Switch working directory back to root
## Users wanting to use this container as non-root should combine the two following arguments
## -u sbtuser
## -w /home/sbtuser

CMD sbt

Tag it as a builder:

docker build -t scala-graal-builder .

Package your runtime as a Docker image

Use this builder image to build the application for Graal native binary via a multi-stage build. As an example, we will build the example project found in zio-lambda:

FROM scala-graal-builder:latest as builder
COPY . /build
WORKDIR /build

RUN gu install native-image && sbt graalvm-native-image:packageBin

COPY --from=builder /build/lambda-example/target/graalvm-native-image /app
CMD ["/app/zio-lambda-example"]
docker build -t native-image-binary .

Upload this native-binary-image image to the AWS ECR container registry so that AWS Lambda can access it.

Simplification: Let SBT Native package do most of the work for you

Alternatively, you can greatly simplify the process and simply add the following setting for native package to do it all for you in build.sbt:

    publish / skip := true,
    name := "zio-lambda-example",
    assembly / assemblyJarName := "zio-lambda-example.jar",
    GraalVMNativeImage / mainClass := Some("zio.lambda.example.SimpleHandler"),
    // add the following
    GraalVMNativeImage / containerBuildImage := GraalVMNativeImagePlugin

Now you can just run sbt graalvm-native-image:packageBin on your host machine and SBT native package will take care of the rest and automatically build the image inside of Docker.

You would still need to follow the steps from earlier if you want to package your native image binary into a container image that would need to be uploaded to ECR. However, we found that you can directly use this native binary directly since all GLIBC dependencies are linked properly and you can follow one of the options on the zio-lambda readme.

Deploying the native binary directly

Here's how we create our AWS Lambda create-lambda

Once we run sbt graalvm-native-image:packageBin, we'll find the binary present under the graalvm-native-image folder:


We'll just create the following bootstap file (which calls out to the binary) and place it in the same directory alongside the binary

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -euo pipefail



Now we can zip both these files up:

> pwd
> zip bootstrap zio-lambda-example

Now take and upload it to AWS Lambda and test your function



Deploying the native binary via a Docker container

Following the steps from Package your runtime as a Docker image

You should now have a Docker image that contains the native image and invokes it. Take this image and push it to AWS ECR

pass=$(aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1) 
docker login --username AWS --password $pass <your_AWS_ECR_REPO>   
docker tag native-image-binary <your-particular-ecr-image-repository>:latest
docker push <your-particular-ecr-image-repository>:latest

Here is an example: image-uploaded

Create a Lambda function and choose container image: lambda-create-container-image


Please note that because you incur the overhead of your native binary residing within a Docker container, there is more overhead than the other approach of deploying the binary straight to AWS Lambda

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Creating the lambda function with a container image: image

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Test with a sample event

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Savor the gains (hot start)

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jrmsamson commented Apr 19, 2022

this looks really great @calvinlfer @soujiro32167, well done. happy to include this in the main repository

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