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Last active March 30, 2019 13:23
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Akka Streams Flow that distributes messages (according to a hashing function) across sub-flows. The idea is to have ordered processing per sub-flow but parallel processing across sub-flows.
* Example based on numBuckets = 3
* --- bucket 1 flow --- ~mapAsync(parallelism)~ ---
* |------------------| / \|---------------|
* Open inlet[A] --- | Partition Fan Out| --- bucket 2 flow --- ~mapAsync(parallelism)~ -----| Merge Fan In | --- Open outlet[B]
* |------------------| \ /|---------------|
* --- bucket 3 flow --- ~mapAsync(parallelism)~ ---
* @param numBuckets the number of sub-flows to create
* @param parallelism the mapAsync (ordered) parallelism per sub flow
* @param hash the hashing function used to decide
* @param fn is the mapping function to be used for mapAsync
* @tparam A is the input stream of elements of type A
* @tparam B is the output streams of elements of type B
* @return a Flow of elements from type A to type B
def hashingDistribution[A, B](numBuckets: Int,
parallelism: Int,
hash: A => Int,
fn: A => Future[B]): Flow[A, B, NotUsed] =
Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder =>
import GraphDSL.Implicits._
val numPorts = numBuckets
val partitioner =
builder.add(Partition[A](outputPorts = numPorts, partitioner = a => math.abs(hash(a)) % numPorts))
val merger = builder.add(Merge[B](inputPorts = numPorts, eagerComplete = false))
Range(0, numPorts).foreach { eachPort =>
partitioner.out(eachPort) ~> Flow[A].mapAsync(parallelism)(fn) ~>
FlowShape(, merger.out)
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Credits to @ukayani for his help on designing this Flow

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Example usage:

implicit val system: ActorSystem =  ActorSystem("streaming-system", ConfigFactory.load("akka {}"))
implicit val mat: ActorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer()
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher

def sampleAsyncCall(x: Int): Future[Int] = Future {
  Thread.sleep((x * 100L) % 10)

  .repeat(1 to 10000)
    hashingDistribution[Int, Int](
      numBuckets = 100,
      parallelism = 2,
      hash = element => MurmurHash3.stringHash(element.toString),
      fn = sampleAsyncCall

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