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Forked from mbostock/.block
Created March 3, 2017 21:00
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U.S. Population Density
<!DOCTYPE html>
<img src="topo.svg" width="960" height="680">
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
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<text x="0" y="-6" fill="#000" text-anchor="start" font-weight="bold">Population per square mile</text>
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<text fill="#000" y="16" x="0.5" dy="0.71em">50</text>
<g transform="translate(84,0)">
<line stroke="#000" y2="13" x1="0.5" x2="0.5"></line>
<text fill="#000" y="16" x="0.5" dy="0.71em">200</text>
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<line stroke="#000" y2="13" x1="0.5" x2="0.5"></line>
<text fill="#000" y="16" x="0.5" dy="0.71em">500</text>
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<text fill="#000" y="16" x="0.5" dy="0.71em">1,000</text>
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<line stroke="#000" y2="13" x1="0.5" x2="0.5"></line>
<text fill="#000" y="16" x="0.5" dy="0.71em">2,000</text>
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<line stroke="#000" y2="13" x1="0.5" x2="0.5"></line>
<text fill="#000" y="16" x="0.5" dy="0.71em">4,000</text>
"private": true,
"license": "gpl-3.0",
"author": {
"name": "Mike Bostock",
"url": ""
"scripts": {
"prepublish": "bash prepublish"
"devDependencies": {
"d3-scale": "^1.0.4",
"d3-scale-chromatic": "^1.1.0",
"d3-geo-projection": "^1.2.1",
"ndjson-cli": "^0.3.0",
"shapefile": "^0.5.9",
"topojson-server": "^2.0.0",
"topojson-client": "^2.1.0",
"topojson-simplify": "^2.0.0"
# U.S. Albers
PROJECTION='d3.geoAlbersUsa().scale(1280).translate([480, 300])'
# The state FIPS codes.
STATES="01 02 04 05 06 08 09 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 56"
# The ACS 5-Year Estimate vintage.
# The display size.
# Download the census tract boundaries.
# Extract the shapefile (.shp) and dBASE (.dbf).
# Download the census tract population estimates.
for STATE in ${STATES}; do
if [ ! -f cb_${YEAR}_${STATE}_tract_500k.shp ]; then
curl -o cb_${YEAR}_${STATE} \
unzip -o \
cb_${YEAR}_${STATE} \
cb_${YEAR}_${STATE}_tract_500k.shp \
if [ ! -f cb_${YEAR}_${STATE}_tract_B01003.json ]; then
curl -o cb_${YEAR}_${STATE}_tract_B01003.json \
# Construct TopoJSON.
if [ ! -f topo.json ]; then
geo2topo -n \
tracts=<(for STATE in ${STATES}; do \
ndjson-join '' \
<(shp2json -n cb_${YEAR}_${STATE}_tract_500k.shp \
| geoproject -n "${PROJECTION}" \
| ndjson-map ' =, d') \
<(ndjson-cat cb_${YEAR}_${STATE}_tract_B01003.json \
| ndjson-split 'd.slice(1)' \
| ndjson-map '{id: d[1] + d[2] + d[3], B01003: +d[0]}') \
| ndjson-map -r d3=d3-array 'd[0].properties = {density: d3.bisect([1, 10, 50, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000], (d[1].B01003 / d[0].properties.ALAND || 0) * 2589975.2356)}, d[0]'; \
done) \
| topomerge -k ', 5)' counties=tracts \
| topomerge -k ', 2)' states=counties \
| topomerge --mesh -f 'a !== b' counties=counties \
| topomerge --mesh -f 'a !== b' states=states \
| topomerge -k '' tracts=tracts \
| toposimplify -p 1 -f \
| topoquantize 1e5 \
> topo.json
# Convert to SVG (while dropping the last line).
cat \
<(topo2geo -n < topo.json tracts=- \
| ndjson-map -r d3=d3-scale-chromatic '( =, = d3.schemeOrRd[9][], d)') \
<(topo2geo -n < topo.json counties=- \
| ndjson-map '( = "black", = 0.5, = 0.3, d)') \
<(topo2geo -n < topo.json states=- \
| ndjson-map '( = "black", = 0.3, d)') \
| geo2svg --stroke=none -n -p 1 -w ${WIDTH} -h ${HEIGHT} \
| sed '$d' \
> topo.svg
# Insert the legend.
tail -n +4 \
< legend.svg \
>> topo.svg
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