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Created December 7, 2022 02:06
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Newsletter Concept 1: Hong Kong
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<h1 class="trademark">Eat<BR>Hong<BR>Kong.</h1>
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<h1 class="ramentutorial">Best way to Prepare <span>Ramen</span></h1>
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<p style="font-size:24px;">The best way to prepare ramen if you have a few random items hanging around the kitchen.</p>
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<p>Before you add the noodles is good time to drop in vegetables or raw meats that will take a few more minutes to cook. You can also add things like cloves of garlic or slices of ginger to scent the broth, then remove them before eating.</p>
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<p>Quick cooking items like chopped greens can go in alongside the noodles, so they'll be ready at the same time.</p>
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<p>Before serving, you can make the broth a little more interesting by adding something like a dollop of tomato paste or a splash of fish sauce.</p>
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<p>When the noodles are almost done is a good time to add leftover cooked meats, like shredded chicken or sliced steak.
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<p>Packaged instant ramen, cooked according to the instructions.
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<p style="font-size:24px">Ramen, prepared with a little extra care and creativity.<BR>▔
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<h1 class="trademark">Eat<BR>Hong<BR>Kong.</h1>
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<address>℡ +852 2527 0091
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<address>℻ +852 2382 1036
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