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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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  • Save camalot/6c897065c91ae5242404 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save camalot/6c897065c91ae5242404 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Edit the following variable as required.
$list = "F:\Media\Build2014\episodes.txt"
New-Item $destination -ItemType directory
if((test-path($list))) {
$grabbed = get-content $list
} else {
New-Item $list -type file
$grabbed = @()
# This is the initial part of the URL for the WMV High videos. (this is a comma separated list of feeds)
$rss=invoke-webrequest -uri $_
}|where {
# only if it does not exist in the episodes file
$grabbed -notcontains($_.url.split("/")[-1])
$fn = $_.url.split("/")[-1]
$ext = $fn.split(".")[-1]
$title = $_.ParentNode.SelectSingleNode("title/text()").Value.Replace(":","-").Replace("+","_").Replace("\\","_").Replace("/","_").Replace("?","_").Trim()
# even if it is not in the episodes file, if the destination exists, it will be skipped.
if(!(test-path ($destination + $title + "." + $ext))){
"Downloading: " + $title + " : " + $fn.split(".")[0]
$out = $destination + $title + "." + $ext
start-bitstransfer $_.url $out
Out-File $list -Append -InputObject $fn
start-sleep -seconds 30
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