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Last active February 21, 2019 00:10
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1.) Creating arrays
//function with 3 arguments, item1,item2,item3
//return three items as an array
function makeList(item1,item2,item3) {
return [item1,item2,item3];
2.) Adding array items
//function called addToList that accepts an array and an item as arguments, and returns the
//array with the item added to the end. Function will have side effect of changing original array.
function addToList (list, item) {
return list
3.) Accessing array items
//2 functions: accessFirstItem(array), and accessThirdItem(array)
//Both functions take single argument, an array of values called array
//accessFirstItem returm 1st item in array
//acccessThirdItem return 3rd item in array
function accessFirstItem(array){
var items = array[0];
return array[0];
function acccessThirdItem(array){
var items = array[2];
return array[2];
4.) Array length and access
//2 functions: findLength and accessLastItem
//Both functions take 1 argument: an array of values
//findLength return length of array
//accessLastItem return last value in array without changing array
function findLength(array) {
return array.length
function accessLastItem (array) {
var items = array[4];
return array[4];
5.) Array copying I
//2 functions firstFourItems, and lastThreeItems
//both functions take a single argument: an array of values called array (Includes at least 5 values, maybe more)
//firsrFourItems print first four items in array
//lastThreeItems print last three items in array
function firstFourItems(array){
return array.slice(0);
function lastFourItems(array){
return array.slice(-3);
6.) Array copying II
//2 functions, minusLastItem, and copyFirstHalf
//1 argument, an array of values called array
//minusLastItem, copy entire array except last item
//copyFirstHalf, return array that copies first half
//copyFirstHalf should return smaller half if there are uneven numbers
function minusLastItem(array){
return array.slice(0,array.length));
function copyFirstHalf(array){
return array.slice(0,array.length/2));
//question:why use .slice method?
7.) Squares with map
//function named squares
//takes 1 argument, array of values called array
//function should return a new array with the square value from the original array
//no loop, MUST use .map method
function squares(array) {
var numbers= array
var roots={
return x*2;
function squares(array){
return num**2;
return doubles;
8.) Sort
//function greatestToLeast
//takes 1 argument:array
//function return array with sorted numbers greatest to least
function greatestToLeast(array){
return array.sort(function(a,b){
return b-a;
9.) Filter
//function shortWords
//1 argument:an array of strings called array
//function should return an array with strings that are shorter than 5 characters
//use .filter method
function shortWords(array){
return array <= 6;
var filtered = array.filter(shortWords);
return function shortWords
function shortWords(array){
return array.filter(function(word){
return word.length<5;
10.) Find
//function divisibleBy5
//1 argument, array of numbers called array
//function should return 1st value in array that is divisible by 5. Not divisible by 5, return undefined
//Use .find method
function divisibleBy5(array){
return array.find(function(num){
return num % 5 == 0;
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