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Last active January 8, 2019 17:06
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WarmUp Exercises from CodingBat Python(Python3)
#diff21--Given an int n, return the absolute difference between n and 21, except return double the absolute difference if
#n is over 21.
#first solution try--only got 1 out of 12 correct
def diff21(n):
if n < 21:
return n *2
return n - 21
#2nd solution try--all tests correct
def diff21(n):
#if n is less than or equal to 21
if n <= 21:
#return 21 - n , which would be absolute difference
return 21-n
#if not less than/equal to 21, return n *2
return (21-n) * 2
#parrot_trouble-We have a loud talking parrot. The "hour" parameter is the current hour time in the range 0..23.
#We are in trouble if the parrot is talking and the hour is before 7 or after 20. Return True if we are in trouble.
#current time--range(0,23) . # <7 or >20--Talking parrot, True b/c parrot is in trouble . #False if >7 and <20
#1st solution try--correct for more than half the tests. :) 6 out of 10
def parrot_trouble(talking, hour):
if hour > 7 and hour <20:
return True
return False
#2nd solution try--correct for more than half the tests. :) 6 out of 10
def parrot_trouble(talking, hour):
if talking:
return True
elif talking and hour >7:
return True
elif talking or hour <20:
return True
return False
#makes10--Given 2 ints,a and b, return True is on of them is 10 or their sum is 10.
#1st solution try: --correct for more than half the tests
def makes10(a,b):
if a + b == 10:
return True
elif a - b == 10:
return True
return False
#2nd solution try--correct for more than half the tests
def makes10(a,b):
if a + b == 10:
return True
elif a - b == 10:
return True
elif b + a == 10:
return True
elif b - a == 10:
return True
return False
#3rd solition try--correct for 6 out of 9 tests
#also, much shorter code than 2nd solution!
def makes10(a,b):
if a + b and a - b == 10:
return True
elif a == 10 or b == 10:
return True
return False
#near_hundred--Given an int n, return True if it is within 10 or 100 or 200.
#Note:abs(num) computes the absolute value of a number. n = 10
#1st solution try--correct for more than half; 14 out of 20 tests correct
def near_hundred(n):
if n < 90 and 190:
return False
return True
#2nd solution try--correct for more than half; 11 out of 20 tests correct
def near_hundred(n):
n = 10
if (n - 100) <= 10 and (n - 200) <= 10:
return False
return True
#pos_neg--Given 2 int values. return True if one is negative and one is positive. Except if parameter "negative" is True
#return True only if both are negative.
#1st solution try--correct for 8 out of 19 tests; missed 11
def pos_neg(a,b,negative):
if a == b or a > b:
return True
elif negative == "negative":
return True
return False
#2nd solution try
def pos_neg(a,b,negative):
if negative:
return True
#elif -a or -b:
#return True
#elif a and b == negative:
#return True
return False
#not_string--Given a string, return a new string with "not" in front of it.
#However, if string already has not, return unchanged
#site solution
#def not_string(str):
#if len(str) >= 3 and str[:3] == "not":
#return str
#return "not " + str
# str[:3] goes from the start of the string up to but not
# including index 3
#1st solution try
def not_string(str):
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