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Last active October 3, 2018 15:46
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Vim Cheat Sheet


  • End of the file: shift + g
  • Next line: j
  • Go down a defined number of lines: number + j
  • Skip to next word: w
  • Skip back a word: b
  • Skip to next section: W
  • Skip back to previous section: B
  • Go to end of the line: $
  • Go to beginning of the line: 0
  • Go to top of the screen: shift + h
  • Go to bottom of the screen: shift + l
  • Forward multiple words: 5w
  • Forward multiple letters: 5l
  • Back multiple letters: 5h
  • Forward to the next 'y': fy (case sensitive)
  • Ctrl-d move half-page down
  • Ctrl-u move half-page up
  • Ctrl-b page up
  • Ctrl-f page down


  • Undo: u
  • Redo: ctrl + r
  • Inserting text where the cursor is: i
  • Inserting text at the start of the line: I
  • Insert at the end of the line: shift + a
  • Copy entire line: yy or Y
  • Copy word: yw
  • Paste copied line: p
  • Paste from System Clipboard: "+P
  • Change multiple words: 5cw
  • Insert at the end of the line: A
  • Append at end of word: ea
  • Insert at beginning of word: bi
  • Copy whole line to system clipboard (on mac os): "*yy


  • d will delete current and left character
  • d$ will delete from current position to end of line
  • d^ will delete from current backward to first non-white-space character
  • d0 will delete from current backward to beginning of line
  • dw deletes current to end of current word (including trailing space)
  • db deletes current to beginning of current word
  • dt#{insert_character} will delete up to but not including the character
  • df#{insert_character} will delete up to and including the character
  • Delete current line: dd
  • Join the line below: shift + j
  • Delete entire word: cw
  • Delete to the end of the line: shift + C
  • Delete multiple lines: d + number of lines + enter
  • Delete from current position to a specific line number: dG
  • Deleting all items in a file that start with a pattern: :g/< search term>/d
  • Deleting all lines that are empty or that contain only whitespace: :g/^\s*$/d


  • Select the entire line: V
  • Select a range of text: v
  • Select a column: control + v
  • Reselect a block: gv
  • Select all: ggVG

Find and Replace

  • %s/pattern/text to replace


  • Save the file: :w
  • Save the file and quit: :wq
  • Quit without saving: :q!


  • Use horizontal split: :sp filename
  • Use vertical split: :vsp filename
  • Switch from top to bottom: control + w + j
  • Switch from left to right: control + w + l
  • Switch from bottom to top: control + w + j
  • Switch from right to left: control + w + h

Ctrlp plugin

  • Open file in vertical pane: conrol + v

NERDTree Plugin

  • Open file in vertical pane: s
  • Open file and don't move focus it (preview it): go


  • While on current line: f +
  • Search for word in file: /word + enter
  • Find next search result: n
  • Search backwards: N
  • Go to first result: ggn
  • Go to last result: GN
  • To remove search highlighting: :noh


  • Normal
  • Insert
  • Visual
  • Replace
  • Command Line

Multiple Files

  • :e filename - Edit a file in a new buffer
  • :bnext (or :bn) - go to next buffer
  • :bprev (of :bp) - go to previous buffer
  • :bd - delete a buffer (close a file)
  • :sp filename - Open a file in a new buffer and split window
  • ctrl + ws - Split windows
  • ctrl + ww - switch between windows
  • ctrl + wq - Quit a window
  • ctrl + wv - Split windows vertically
  • :qa close all open vim windows
  • :wqa save work in all tabs and quit
  • :ls show all files in buffer (open)


  • Fix indenting when pasting: set paste in .vimrc file
  • Indenting: visual mode + > or <
  • Repeat indenting: . (The period repeats the last action done)


  • Comment: visual block select with CTRL-V then I# (insert # in the begining)
  • Uncomment: visual block select with CTRL-V then X (delete the first symbol on the line)

Visual Mode

  • Changing multiple lines of text: control + v + shift + i + action + esc
  • Select elements in paragraph: v + / + content

Display settings

  • Turning on line numbers: :set nu
  • Turning on syntax highlighting: :syntax on

Reseting Vim Settings

mv .vimrc .vimrc-old
mv .vim .vim-old
touch .vimrc; mkdir .vim


  • To get help: :h
  • To exit help: :bd

Removing blocks of text in code files

  • c + i + t will remove the code between HTML tags, such as: <div>Some content</div>
  • c + i + } will remove the code inside of a JavaScript function

Running terminal commands (without closing vim completely)

  • :! <your command here>

Suspend File (close file without saving and without losing your work)

  • <ctrl> + z
  • View "open files" with jobs
  • open job with fg
  • open specific job with fg %<specific job number>

Running Macros

  • qr
  • Do the actions you want repeated
  • hit escape and then q
  • 3@r the number can change for how many times you want to repeat

Using grep for searching all files

  • grep '<seach_term>' **/*.<file_type> use -i for case insensitive search

Use within VIM

  • :grep -ir '<search_term>' .. This willl open the first matched pattern, to browse through them use :cn and :cp. To see the quick list use :copen and :cclose to close the quickfix list.

Running Javascript without saving file

  • w !node

Personal settings

Ruby Code

Seeing is Believing Plugin
  • Annotate every line: ,b
  • Annotate marked lines: ,n
  • Clean up annotations: ,c

Node Code

  • Go to file path: gf
  • Look for keyword in required files: [I
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