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Last active August 3, 2020 11:08
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Proposal of the prolog contract interface v1.3
pragma solidity ^0.7.0;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPLv3
contract PrologContract {
struct Term {
string value; // If empty, term is a list, otherwise it's a predicate.
// value can represent an atom, variable, | or _.
Term[] children;
struct Rule {
Term head;
Term[] body;
Term[] predicates;
Rule[] rules;
function t(string memory value) internal returns (Term memory) {}
function t(string memory value, Term memory term1) internal returns (Term memory) {}
function t(string memory value, Term memory term1, Term memory term2) internal returns (Term memory) {}
function t(string memory value, Term memory term1, Term memory term2, Term memory term3) internal returns (Term memory) {}
function t(string memory value, Term memory term1, Term memory term2, Term memory term3, Term memory term4) internal returns (Term memory) {}
function list() internal returns (Term memory) {}
function list(Term memory term1) internal returns (Term memory) {}
function list(Term memory term1, Term memory term2) internal returns (Term memory) {}
function list(Term memory term1, Term memory term2, Term memory term3) internal returns (Term memory) {}
function list(Term memory term1, Term memory term2, Term memory term3, Term memory term4) internal returns (Term memory) {}
function rule(Term memory head, Term memory body1) internal returns (Rule memory) {}
function rule(Term memory head, Term memory body1, Term memory body2) internal returns (Rule memory) {}
function rule(Term memory head, Term memory body1, Term memory body2, Term memory body3) internal returns (Rule memory) {}
function rule(Term memory head, Term memory body1, Term memory body2, Term memory body3, Term memory body4) internal returns (Rule memory) {}
function def(Term memory predicate) internal { /* predicates.push(...); */ }
function def(Rule memory rule) internal { /* rules.push(...); */ }
contract PrologExample is PrologContract {
constructor() {
% Atom
% Predicate
parent(adam, peter).
parent(eve, peter).
parent(adam, paul).
parent(mary, paul).
% Rule
father(F, C) :- man(F), parent(F,C).
mother(M, C) :- woman(M), parent(M,C).
% Wildcard
is_father(F) :- father(F, _).
is_mother(M) :- mother(M, _).
% Operator
siblings(A, B) :- parent(P, A), parent(P, B), A \= B.
% Multiple definitions
human(H) :- man(H).
human(H) :- woman(H).
% Recursive rule
descendant(D, A) :- parent(A, D).
descendant(D, A) :- parent(P, D), descendant(P, A).
% Nesting
make_date(Y, M, D, date(Y, M, D)).
% Arithmetic
get_year(date(Y, _, _), Y).
set_year(Y, date(_, M, D), date(Y, M, D)).
next_year(Today, NextYear) :- get_year(Today, Y), NY is Y + 1, set_year(NY, Today, NextYear).
% List
head(H, [H|_]).
tail(T, [_|T]).
Term memory adam = t("adam");
Term memory peter = t("peter");
Term memory paul = t("paul");
Term memory eve = t("eve");
Term memory mary = t("mary");
Term memory A = t("A");
Term memory B = t("B");
Term memory C = t("C");
Term memory D = t("D");
Term memory H = t("H");
Term memory F = t("F");
Term memory M = t("M");
Term memory P = t("P");
Term memory T = t("T");
Term memory Y = t("Y");
Term memory NY = t("NY");
Term memory Today = t("Today");
Term memory NextYear = t("NextYear");
Term memory _ = t("_");
def(t("man", adam));
def(t("man", peter));
def(t("man", paul));
def(t("woman", mary));
def(t("woman", eve));
def(t("parent", adam, peter));
def(t("parent", eve, peter));
def(t("parent", adam, paul));
def(t("parent", adam, paul));
def(rule(t("father", F, C),
t("man", F),
t("parent", F, C)
def(rule(t("mother", t("M"), t("C")),
t("woman", M),
t("parent", M, C)
def(rule(t("is_father", F), t("father", F, _)));
def(rule(t("is_mother", M), t("mother", M, _)));
def(rule(t("siblings", A, B),
t("parent", P, A),
t("parent", P, B),
t("\\=", A, B)
def(rule(t("human", H), t("man", H)));
def(rule(t("human", H), t("woman", H)));
def(rule(t("descendant", D, A),
t("parent", A, D)
def(rule(t("descendant", D, A),
t("parent", P, D),
t("descendant", P, A)
def(t("make_date", Y, M, D, t("date", Y, M, D)));
def(t("get_year", t("date", Y, _, _), Y));
def(t("set_year", Y, t("date", _, M, D), t("date", Y, M, D)));
def(rule(t("next_year", Today, NextYear),
t("get_year", Today, Y),
t("is", NY, t("+", Y, t("1"))),
t("get_year", NY, Today, NextYear)
def(t("head", H, list(H, t("|"), _)));
def(t("tail", T, list(_, t("|"), T)));
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