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Created May 21, 2024 16:24
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RISC-V benchmark: spilling GPRs to different locations

cycles for 128 iterations of a spilling function (see complex_reduction):

                  XiangShan            XuanTie C908           SpacemiT X60
             5 spills | 14 spills | 5 spills | 14 spills | 5 spills | 14 spills
stack:           2309 |      3439 |     6898 |     18220 |     6693 |     17734
fp:              3193 |      7037 |     8483 |     32325 |     8248 |     31434
rvv_best:        3210 |      7095 |     8459 |     32343 |     8250 |     31448
rvv_zvl128b:      N/A |      7837 |     9532 |     36685 |     9290 |     35550
rvv_worst_merge: 4572 |     23013 |    12042 |     50894 |    11722 |     49232
rvv_worst_slide:  N/A |     36385 |    12975 |     55166 |    12379 |     53113
                   ^-- XiangShan has still some bugs with simulation freezes in rvv code

XiangShan: DefaultConfig RTL simulation of latest commit (90ae5a7)

// uint64_t complex_reduction(uint64_t *arr, size_t n) {
// uint64_t r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9,ra,rb,rc,rd,re,rf;
// uint64_t t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,ta,tb,tc,td,te,tf;
// uint64_t s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,sa,sb,sc,sd,se,sf;
// r0=r1=r2=r3=r4=r5=r6=r7=r8=r9=ra=rb=rc=rd=re=rf=0;
// t0=t1=t2=t3=t4=t5=t6=t7=t8=t9=ta=tb=tc=td=te=tf=0;
// s0=s1=s2=s3=s4=s5=s6=s7=s8=s9=sa=sb=sc=sd=se=sf=0;
// for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// r0 = arr[0];
// r1=(r0+r1)*(r2^r3); r2=(r4+r5)*(r6-r7)+(r0&r1);
// r3=(r8+r9)*(ra-rb)+(r0|r2); r4=(rc+rd)*(re-rf)+(r1^r3);
// r5=(t0+t1)*(t2^t3); r6=(t4+t5)*(t6-t7)+(t0&t1);
// r7=(t8+t9)*(ta-tb)+(t0|t2); r8=(tc+td)*(te-tf)+(t1^t3);
// r9=(s0+s1)*(s2^s3); ra=(s4+s5)*(s6-s7)+(s0&s1);
// rb=(s8+s9)*(sa-sb)+(s0|s2); rc=(sc+sd)*(se-sf)+(s1^s3);
// t0=r0+r5;t1=r1+r6;t2=r2+r7;t3=r3+r8;
// t4=r4+r9;t5=r5+ra;t6=r6+rb;t7=r7+rc;
// t8=r8+rd;t9=r9+rf;ta=ra+t0;tb=rb+t1;
// tc=rc+t2;td=rd+t3;te=rf+t4;tf=t0+t5;
// #if SPILL_LEVEL >= 1
// s0=t0+s0;s1=t1+s1;s2=t2+s2;s3=t3+s3;
// #endif
// #if SPILL_LEVEL >= 2
// s4=t4+s4;s5=t5+s5;s6=t6+s6;s7=t7+s7;
// #endif
// #if SPILL_LEVEL >= 3
// s8=t8+s8;s9=t9+s9;sa=ta+sa;sb=tb+sb;
// #endif
// #if SPILL_LEVEL >= 4
// sc=tc+sc;sd=td+sd;se=te+se;sf=tf+sf;
// #endif
// }
// return r0 + r8 + rf + t3 + t7 + tc + s8 + s9 + sa;
// }
// spill_5 is based on SPILL_LEVEL=1 clang codegen
// spill_14 is based on SPILL_LEVEL=3 clang codegen
.balign 8
.macro gen_spill_5 spill fill
addi sp,sp,-144
sd s0,136(sp)
sd s1,128(sp)
sd s2,120(sp)
sd s3,112(sp)
sd s4,104(sp)
sd s5,96(sp)
sd s6,88(sp)
sd s7,80(sp)
sd s8,72(sp)
sd s9,64(sp)
sd s11,48(sp)
\spill a0, 4, 2, 1, ins, v2
\spill a1, 5, 3, 0, ins0, v2
sd s10,56(sp)
li s8,0
li s7,0
li s6,0
li s4,0
li s3,0
li s11,0
li a4,0
\spill x0, 3, 2, 0, ins0, v3
\spill x0, 2, 1, 1, ins, v1
li s0,0
\spill x0, 1, 1, 0, down, v1
li s9,0
li s2,0
li a1,0
li s1,0
li t2,0
li a2,0
li s5,0
li a6,0
li a0,0
li t1,0
li a7,0
li a3,0
li t0,0
li t3,0
li t6,0
li t5,0
li t4,0
li a5,0
\fill s10, 5, 3, 0, at0, v2
bne s8,s10,2f
add a0,a5,t1
add a0,a0,a1
add a0,a0,s0
ld s0,136(sp)
ld s1,128(sp)
ld s2,120(sp)
ld s3,112(sp)
ld s4,104(sp)
ld s5,96(sp)
ld s6,88(sp)
ld s7,80(sp)
ld s8,72(sp)
ld s9,64(sp)
ld s10,56(sp)
ld s11,48(sp)
add a0,a0,a4
addi sp,sp,144
jr ra
add t1,t1,a0
\fill a0, 1, 1, 0, at1, v1
sub a3,a3,a7
add t3,t3,t0
mul t3,t3,a3
add t0,a2,t2
xor a3,s1,a1
sub s0,a0,s0
\fill a5, 4, 2, 1, at1, v2
add a4,a1,a4
and a0,a2,t2
ld a5,0(a5)
xor t5,t5,t6
sub a6,a6,s5
mul t0,t0,a3
add a3,s2,s9
sub s2,s2,s11
add t4,t4,a5
xor a1,t2,a1
or a2,a2,s1
or s5,s3,s6
addi s8,s8,1
mul a3,a3,s0
\fill s0, 3, 2, 0, at0, v3
mul a4,a4,s2
add a3,a3,a0
\fill a0, 2, 1, 1, at0, v1
sub a7,a0,s0
add a0,s3,s4
add s0,s5,a3
\spill s0, 1, 1, 0, ins, v1
mul t4,t5,t4
mul a6,a6,t1
and t5,a5,t4
add t5,t3,t5
or t6,a5,t5
add t2,t4,a3
mul a7,a7,t1
add t1,a4,a1
xor a4,s6,s7
add t6,a6,t6
and a6,s3,s4
xor t3,t4,t6
add a1,t6,t1
add s9,a6,t0
mul a0,a0,a4
add a7,a7,a2
add a2,a5,t0
add s10,a6,a2
xor a4,s4,s7
add s1,t5,a7
\spill s10, 2, 1, 1, ins0, v1
add s10,s5,t2
add s0,a4,a7
\spill s10, 3, 2, 0, ins0, v3
add s2,t3,a0
add a4,a4,s1
add s11,a2,s9
add s3,s3,a2
add s4,s4,t2
add s6,s6,s1
add s7,s7,a1
j 1b
.macro gen_spill_14 spill fill
addi sp,sp,-224
sd s0,216(sp)
sd s1,208(sp)
sd s2,200(sp)
sd s4,184(sp)
sd s5,176(sp)
sd s6,168(sp)
sd s7,160(sp)
sd s9,144(sp)
sd s10,136(sp)
sd s11,128(sp)
\spill a0, 14, 8, 0, ins, v8
\spill a1, 15, 8, 1, down, v8
sd s3,192(sp)
sd s8,152(sp)
\spill x0, 8, 5, 0, ins, v5
\spill x0, 7, 4, 1, ins, v4
\spill x0, 6, 4, 0, ins0, v4
\spill x0, 5, 3, 1, ins, v3
\spill x0, 1, 1, 1, ins, v1
li s9,0
li s10,0
\spill x0, 4, 3, 0 ins0, v3
\spill x0, 3, 2, 1, ins, v2
\spill x0, 2, 2, 0, ins0, v2
\spill x0, 0, 1, 0, ins0, v1
li s7,0
li s11,0
li s6,0
li s5,0
\spill x0, 13, 7, 1, ins, v7
li a4,0
\spill x0, 12, 7, 0, ins0, v7
\spill x0, 11, 6, 1, ins, v6
li a2,0
\spill x0, 10, 6, 0, down, v6
li s2,0
li s1,0
li a1,0
li s4,0
li s0,0
li a3,0
li t4,0
li t3,0
li t2,0
li a0,0
li t1,0
li t0,0
li t6,0
\spill x0, 9, 5, 1, ins0, v5
li a7,0
li a6,0
li t5,0
li a5,0
\fill s3, 8, 5, 0, at1, v5
\fill s8, 15, 8, 1, at1, v8
bne s3,s8,2f
add a0,a5,a0
add a0,a0,a1
add a0,a0,a2
\fill a5, 1, 1, 1, at1, v1
ld s0,216(sp)
add a0,a0,a4
add a0,a0,s10
add a0,a0,s9
ld s1,208(sp)
ld s2,200(sp)
ld s3,192(sp)
ld s4,184(sp)
ld s5,176(sp)
ld s6,168(sp)
ld s7,160(sp)
ld s8,152(sp)
ld s9,144(sp)
ld s10,136(sp)
ld s11,128(sp)
add a0,a0,a5
addi sp,sp,224
jr ra
\fill a5, 14, 8, 0, at0, v8
xor a6,a6,a7
add a0,a0,t2
ld a5,0(a5)
add s2,s1,s2
add a4,a1,a4
add t5,t5,a5
mul t5,a6,t5
\fill a6, 9, 5, 1, at0, v5
add t2,s5,s6
add s3,a6,t6
sub a6,t0,t1
add t6,a3,s0
and t0,a3,s0
or a3,a3,s4
mul a6,s3,a6
and a7,a5,t5
add a6,a6,a7
sub a7,t3,t4
mul a7,a7,a0
or t1,a5,a6
add a7,a7,t1
xor t1,t5,a7
\spill t1, 9, 5, 1, down, v5
xor t1,s4,a1
mul t6,t6,t1
\fill t1, 10, 6, 0, at1, v6
xor a1,s0,a1
sub a2,t1,a2
\fill t1, 12, 7, 0, at1, v7
mul a2,s2,a2
add t0,a2,t0
\fill a2, 11, 6, 1, at0, v6
add s0,t5,t0
sub t1,a2,t1
mul t1,t1,a0
\fill a2, 4, 3, 0, at0, v3
add t1,t1,a3
\fill a3, 13, 7, 1, at0, v7
add s4,a6,t1
sub s1,s1,a3
mul a4,a4,s1
\fill a3, 2, 2, 0, at0, v2
add a0,a4,a1
xor a4,s11,s7
mul t2,t2,a4
\fill a4, 0, 1, 0, at0, v1
add a1,a7,a0
add a4,a4,a3
\fill a3, 3, 2, 1, at1, v2
sub t3,a3,a2
\fill a2, 1, 1, 1, at1, v1
mul t3,a4,t3
\fill a3, 5, 3, 1, at1, v3
and a4,s5,s6
sub t4,a2,a3
\fill a2, 7, 4, 1, at1, v4
add t3,t3,a4
add a4,s10,s9
mul t4,a4,t4
or a4,s5,s11
add s2,t6,t3
add s11,s11,s4
add s10,s10,a0
add s9,s9,t2
add t4,t4,a4
\fill a4, 6, 4, 0, at0, v4
add s8,t0,t4
add a3,s7,a4
\fill a4, 0, 1, 0, at0, v1
sub a4,a4,a2
mul a4,a3,a4
xor a3,s6,s7
xor a2,t5,a7
add s1,a2,t2
add a2,t0,t4
\spill a2, 10, 6, 0, ins, v6
add s6,s6,s0
add s7,s7,a1
add a4,a4,a3
add a3,a5,t6
add s3,t3,a3
\spill s3, 11, 6, 1, ins0, v6
add s3,t4,s0
\spill s3, 12, 7, 0, ins, v7
add s3,a3,s2
\spill s3, 13, 7, 1, ins0, v7
\fill s3, 0, 1, 0, at0, v1
add a2,t1,a4
add a4,a4,s4
add s3,s3,s1
\spill s3, 0, 1, 0, down, v1
\fill s3, 2, 2, 0, at0, v2
add s5,s5,a3
add s3,s3,s2
\spill s3, 2, 2, 0, down, v2
\fill s3, 3, 2, 1, at0, v2
add s3,s3,s8
\spill s3, 3, 2, 1, down, v2
\fill s3, 4, 3, 0, at0, v3
\fill s8, 1, 1, 1, at0, v1
add s3,s3,a2
\spill s3, 4, 3, 0, down, v3
add s3,t3,a3
add s3,s8,s3
\spill s3, 1, 1, 1, down, v1
\fill s3, 5, 3, 1, at0, v3
add s8,t4,s0
add s3,s3,s8
\spill s3, 5, 3, 1, down v3
\fill s3, 6, 4, 0, at0, v4
add s8,a3,s2
add s3,s3,a4
\spill s3, 6, 4, 0, down, v4
\fill s3, 7, 4, 1, at0, v4
add s3,s3,s8
\spill s3, 7, 4, 1, down, v4
\fill s3, 8, 5, 0, at0, v5
addi s3,s3,1
\spill s3, 8, 5, 0, down, v5
j 1b
.macro spill_stack reg idx _:vararg
sd \reg, (8*\idx)(sp)
.macro fill_stack reg idx _:vararg
ld \reg, (8*\idx)(sp)
.global reg_spill_5_stack
reg_spill_5_stack: gen_spill_5 spill_stack fill_stack
.global reg_spill_14_stack
reg_spill_14_stack: gen_spill_14 spill_stack fill_stack
.macro spill_fp reg idx _:vararg
.ifc \idx, 12
fmv.d.x fa0, \reg
.ifc \idx, 13
fmv.d.x fa1, \reg
.ifc \idx, 14
fmv.d.x fa2, \reg
.ifc \idx, 15
fmv.d.x fa3, \reg
fmv.d.x ft\idx, \reg
.macro fill_fp reg idx _:vararg
.ifc \idx, 12
fmv.x.d \reg, fa0
.ifc \idx, 13
fmv.x.d \reg, fa1
.ifc \idx, 14
fmv.x.d \reg, fa2
.ifc \idx, 15
fmv.x.d \reg, fa3
fmv.x.d \reg, ft\idx
.global reg_spill_5_fp
reg_spill_5_fp: gen_spill_5 spill_fp fill_fp
.global reg_spill_14_fp
reg_spill_14_fp: gen_spill_14 spill_fp fill_fp
.macro spill_rvv_best reg idx _:vararg
vmv.s.x v\idx, \reg
.macro fill_rvv_best reg idx _:vararg
vmv.x.s \reg, v\idx
.global reg_spill_5_rvv_best
vsetivli x0, 1, e64, m1, ta, ma
gen_spill_5 spill_rvv_best fill_rvv_best
.global reg_spill_14_rvv_best
vsetivli x0, 1, e64, m1, ta, ma
gen_spill_14 spill_rvv_best fill_rvv_best
.macro spill_rvv_worst_merge reg _0 id idx _:vararg
vmv.v.i v0, 1<<\idx
vmv.v.x v30, \reg
vmerge.vvm v\id, v\id, v30, v0
.macro spill_rvv_worst_slide reg _0 id idx _:vararg v0, v\id, \idx
vmv.s.x v0, \reg v\id, v0, \idx
.macro fill_rvv_worst reg _0 id idx _:vararg v0, v\id, \idx
vmv.x.s \reg, v0
.global reg_spill_5_rvv_worst_merge
vsetivli x0, 2, e64, m1, ta, ma
gen_spill_5 spill_rvv_worst_merge fill_rvv_worst
.global reg_spill_14_rvv_worst_merge
vsetivli x0, 2, e64, m1, ta, ma
gen_spill_14 spill_rvv_worst_merge fill_rvv_worst
.global reg_spill_5_rvv_worst_slide
vsetivli x0, 2, e64, m1, ta, ma
gen_spill_5 spill_rvv_worst_slide fill_rvv_worst
.global reg_spill_14_rvv_worst_slide
vsetivli x0, 2, e64, m1, ta, ma
gen_spill_14 spill_rvv_worst_slide fill_rvv_worst
.macro zvl128b_at0 reg v
vmv.x.s \reg, \v
.macro zvl128b_at1 reg v v0, \v, 1
vmv.x.s \reg, v0
.macro zvl128b_ins0 reg v
vmv.s.x \v, \reg
.macro zvl128b_ins reg v
vmv.v.x \v, \reg
.macro zvl128b_up reg v
vslide1up.vx \v, \v, \reg
.macro zvl128b_down reg v
vslide1down.vx \v, \v, \reg
.macro spill_rvv_zvl128b reg _0 _1 _2 func args:vararg
zvl128b_\func \reg, \args
.macro fill_rvv_zvl128b reg _0 _1 _2 func args:vararg
zvl128b_\func \reg, \args
.global reg_spill_5_rvv_zvl128b
vsetivli x0, 2, e64, m1, ta, ma
gen_spill_5 spill_rvv_zvl128b fill_rvv_zvl128b
.global reg_spill_14_rvv_zvl128b
vsetivli x0, 2, e64, m1, ta, ma
gen_spill_14 spill_rvv_zvl128b fill_rvv_zvl128b
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
size_t reg_spill_5_stack(size_t *dst, size_t n);
size_t reg_spill_5_fp(size_t *dst, size_t n);
size_t reg_spill_5_rvv_best(size_t *dst, size_t n);
size_t reg_spill_5_rvv_zvl128b(size_t *dst, size_t n);
size_t reg_spill_5_rvv_worst_slide(size_t *dst, size_t n);
size_t reg_spill_5_rvv_worst_merge(size_t *dst, size_t n);
size_t reg_spill_14_stack(size_t *dst, size_t n);
size_t reg_spill_14_fp(size_t *dst, size_t n);
size_t reg_spill_14_rvv_best(size_t *dst, size_t n);
size_t reg_spill_14_rvv_zvl128b(size_t *dst, size_t n);
size_t reg_spill_14_rvv_worst_slide(size_t *dst, size_t n);
size_t reg_spill_14_rvv_worst_merge(size_t *dst, size_t n);
#define REPEATS 1000
int main(void) {
static size_t src[128] = {
__asm volatile("fence.i");
size_t total = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < REPEATS; ++i) {
size_t beg, end;
__asm volatile("rdcycle %0" : "=r"(beg));
reg_spill_5_stack(src, sizeof src / sizeof *src); // adjust this
__asm volatile("fence.i");
__asm volatile("rdcycle %0" : "=r"(end));
total += end - beg;
printf("cycles: %zu\n", total/REPEATS);
return 0;
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