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Created July 7, 2016 20:44
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Determine the longest contiguous sub-array consisting of no more than two unique characters within an array
# Determine the longest contiguous sub-array consisting of
# no more than two unique characters within an array
# @author Cam Crews
# @see
# @param a [Array] array to scan
# @return [Integer] length of subarray
def findBiSlice a
# q - queue, our current scan region
q = []
# m - maximum count
# b - previous count of consecutive characters
# c - current count of consecutive characters
m = b = c = 0
a.each do |v|
# if we have a new element not in our queue
if (q & [v]).empty?
# remove the first queue element (if queue is full)
q.shift if q.size > 1
# and add the new element to the back of the queue
q.push v
# our current count becomes our previous count
b = c
# and we reset the current count to 1
c = 1
# else, we found an element already in the queue
# check whether the incoming character is
# different from the most recent into our queue
if v != q[-1]
# switch positions in the queue, if so
q = q.rotate
# save out current count to previous
b += c
# and reset current count
c = 0
c += 1
# update maximum, if maximum exceeded
m = b+c if b+c > m
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