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Last active April 3, 2019 07:44
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Ironclad configuration options
appsettings.json Environment variables Command line arguments Comments
================ ===================== ====================== ========
server { Mandatory section.
database SERVER__DATABASE --server:database (secret) Mandatory. Specifies the connection string for the database.
issuer_uri SERVER__ISSUER_URI --server:issuer_uri Optional. Specifies the issuer URI to use for ironclad. Defaults to the URI from the request.
respect_x_forwarded_for_headers SERVER__RESPECT_X_FORWARDED_FOR_HEADERS --server:respect_x_forwarded_for_headers Optional. Instructs ironclad to respect X-Forwarded-For headers. Defaults to true.
signing_certificate { Optional section (one of the following values is mandatory within this optional section; excluding 'password').
filepath SERVER__SIGNING_CERTIFICATE__FILEPATH --server:signing_certificate:filepath Optional. Specifies the filepath to the .pfx signing certificate.
password SERVER__SIGNING_CERTIFICATE__PASSWORD --server:signing_certificate:password (secret) Optional. Specifies the password for the .pfx signing certificate.
thumbprint SERVER__SIGNING_CERTIFICATE__THUMBPRINT --server:signing_certificate:thumbprint Optional. Specifies the thumbprint for a signing certificate in the local Windows certificate Machine Store.
certificate_id SERVER__SIGNING_CERTIFICATE__CERTIFICATE_ID --server:signing_certificate:certificate_id Optional. Specifies the certificate identifier for the signing certificate in the Azure key vault.
pwned_passwords_url SERVER__PWNED_PASSWORDS_URL --server:pwned_passwords_url Optional. Specifies the URL for pwned passwords. Should be set to: "".
data_protection { Optional.
keyfile_uri SERVER__DATA_PROTECTION__KEYFILE_URI --server:data_protection:keyfile_uri (secret) Mandatory. The full Azure blob storage URI where the key file should be stored.
key_id SERVER__DATA_PROTECTION__KEY_ID --server:data_protection:key_id (secret) Mandatory. The Azure key vault key identifier used for key encryption.
api { Mandatory section.
authority API__AUTHORITY --api:authority Mandatory. Specifies the authority to use for securing the API.
audience API__AUDIENCE --api:audience Mandatory. Specifies the audience to use for validating tokens issued for calling the API.
client_id API__CLIENT_ID --api:client_id (secret) Mandatory. Specifies the client identifier for the authority used to secure the api.
secret API__SECRET --api:secret (secret) Mandatory. Specifies the secret used for introspection to validate tokens.
uri API__URI --api:uri Optional. Specifies the URI to use for API calls. Default to {authority}/api.
omit_uri_for_requests_from API__OMIT_URI_FOR_REQUESTS_FROM --api:omit_uri_for_requests_from Optional. If specified, tha API URI will be omitted from any calls from the specified base path. Must include trailing slash.
idp { Optional section.
restricted_domains [] IDP__RESTRICTED_DOMAINS__0 --idp:restricted_domains:0 Optional. An array (see here how to: of domains to restrict access to.
google { Optional section (all following values are only mandatory within this optional section).
client_id IDP__GOOGLE__CLIENT_ID --idp:google:client_id (secret) Mandatory. Specifies the client identifier for the Google identity provider.
secret IDP__GOOGLE__SECRET --idp:google:secret (secret) Mandatory. Specifies the client secret for the Google identity provider.
mail { Optional section (all following values are only mandatory within this optional section).
sender MAIL__SENDER --mail:sender Mandatory. Specifies the sender of the email.
host MAIL__HOST --mail:host Mandatory. Specifies the host for the mail server.
port MAIL__PORT --mail:port Optional. Specifies the port for the mail server. Defaults to 25.
enable_ssl MAIL__ENABLE_SSL --mail:enable_ssl Optional. Enables TLS connection mode. Defaults to true.
username MAIL__USERNAME --mail:username (secret) Mandatory. Specifies the username for the mail server.
password MAIL__PASSWORD --mail:password (secret) Mandatory. Specifies the password for the mail server.
website { Optional section.
styles WEBSITE__STYLES --website:styles Optional. Specifies the location of the .css file to use for website styling relative to the wwwroot of the application. Defaults to css/default.css.
logo WEBSITE__LOGOS --website:logos Optional. Specifies the location of the logo file to use for the website relative to the wwwroot of the application. Defaults to img/fingerprint.svg.
show_login_screen WEBSITE__SHOW_LOGIN_SCREEEN --website:show_login_screen Optional. Instructs Ironclad to remove the login screen alltogether. Defaults to true.
azure { Optional section.
key_vault { Optional section (all following values are only mandatory within this optional section).
name AZURE__KEY_VAULT__NAME --azure:key_vault:name Mandatory. Name for the Azure key vault to use.
connectionstring AZURE__KEY_VAULT__CONNECTIONSTRING --azure:key_vault:connectionstring (secret) Mandatory. The connection string for the Azure key vault.
testsettings.json Environment variables Comments
================= ===================== ========
auth_server {
port AUTH_SERVER__PORT Optional. Specifies the port to use for running ironclad.
use_docker_image AUTH_SERVER__USE_DOCKER_IMAGE Optional. Instructs the build to use a docker image for running ironclad. Defaults to 'true'. Set to 'false' to run in EXTERNAL mode.
docker {
registry AUTH_SERVER__DOCKER__REGISTRY Optional. Specifies the docker registry to use for the ironclad image. Defaults to local docker registry.
username AUTH_SERVER__DOCKER__USERNAME (secret) Optional. Specifies the docker username to use to connect to the docker registry.
password AUTH_SERVER__DOCKER__PASSWORD (secret) Optional. Specifies the docker password to use to connect to the docker registry.
tag AUTH_SERVER__DOCKER__TAG Optional. Specifies the docker tag to use for the ironclad image. Defaults to 'latest'.
use_source_code AUTH_SERVER__USE_SOURCE_CODE Optional. Instructs the build to use source code for running ironclad. Overrides 'use_docker_image'. Defaults to 'false'. Set to 'true' to run in TESTING mode. Should only ever be set in Ironclad solution.
postgres_tag AUTH_SERVER__POSTGRES_TAG Optional. Specifies the docker tag to use for the postgres image. Defaults to 'alpine'.
Environment variables Comments
===================== ========
-- used for docker images testing (secrets)
API__CLIENT_ID (secret) Mandatory. Specifies the client identifier for the authority used to secure the api.
API__SECRET (secret) Mandatory. Specifies the secret used for introspection to validate tokens.
-- for publishing beta/release NuGet packages
BUILD_SERVER__NUGET__BETA_SERVER (secret) Optional. Specifies the NuGet server to use for beta package publishing.
BUILD_SERVER__NUGET__BETA_API_KEY (secret) Optional. Specifies the password for the NuGet server to use for beta package publishing.
BUILD_SERVER__NUGET__SERVER (secret) Optional. Specifies the NuGet server to use for release package publishing.
BUILD_SERVER__NUGET__API_KEY (secret) Optional. Specifies the password for the NuGet server to use for release package publishing.
-- for publishing beta/release Docker images
BUILD_SERVER__DOCKER__BETA_REGISTRY (secret) Optional. Specifies the Docker registry to use for beta image publishing.
BUILD_SERVER__DOCKER__BETA_USERNAME (secret) Optional. Specifies the username for the Docker registry to use for beta image publishing.
BUILD_SERVER__DOCKER__BETA_PASSWORD (secret) Optional. Specifies the password for the Docker registry to use for beta image publishing.
BUILD_SERVER__DOCKER__REGISTRY (secret) Optional. Specifies the Docker registry to use for release image publishing.
BUILD_SERVER__DOCKER__USERNAME (secret) Optional. Specifies the username for the Docker registry to use for release image publishing.
BUILD_SERVER__DOCKER__PASSWORD (secret) Optional. Specifies the password for the Docker registry to use for release image publishing.
Environment variables Comments
===================== ========
-- only required for use of Ironclad.Tests.Sdk
AUTH_SERVER__PORT Optional. Specifies the port to use for running ironclad.
AUTH_SERVER__USE_DOCKER_IMAGE Optional. Instructs the build to use a docker image for running ironclad. Defaults to 'true'. Set to 'false' to run in EXTERNAL mode.
AUTH_SERVER__DOCKER__REGISTRY Optional. Specifies the docker registry to use for the ironclad image. Defaults to local docker registry.
AUTH_SERVER__DOCKER__USERNAME (secret) Optional. Specifies the docker username to use to connect to the docker registry.
AUTH_SERVER__DOCKER__PASSWORD (secret) Optional. Specifies the docker password to use to connect to the docker registry.
AUTH_SERVER__DOCKER__TAG Optional. Specifies the docker tag to use for the ironclad image. Defaults to 'latest'.
AUTH_SERVER__POSTGRES_TAG Optional. Specifies the docker tag to use for the postgres image. Defaults to 'alpine'.
"urls": "http://*:5005;",
"server": {
"issuer_uri": "",
"respect_x_forwarded_for_headers": true
"api": {
"authority": "http://localhost:5005",
"audience": "auth_api"
"server": {
"database": "Host=localhost;Database=ironclad;Username=postgres;Password=postgres;"
"api": {
"client_id": "auth_api",
"secret": "api_secret"
"idp": {
"google": {
"client_id": "",
"secret": "LCPH4fgebc-i4JR99GmoYU-X"
"mail": {
"username": "",
"password": "password"
"azure": {
"key_vault": {
"name": "azure-key-vault",
"connectionstring": "RunAs=App;AppId={guid};TenantId={guid};AppKey={secret}"
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cameronfletcher commented Dec 8, 2018

The secrets (above) are not secret.

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