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Last active December 21, 2015 02:09
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Save cameronhotchkies/6233305 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An implementation of SHA-1 in pure Scala. More info at:
package com.semisafe.cryptopals
* Implementation of SHA-1 in pure Scala
* This was implemented as part of the Matasano Crypto Challenges
* Having a native implementation of SHA-1 is required for the
* fourth set of challenges, building your own isn't, so feel
* free to make use of this, but expect to get your hands dirty
* later.
* !!! WARNING !!! -- This is a toy implementation, please for
* the love of god and all that is holy do not deploy this to
* any production environment. If you do, you will bring great
* shame on your family and possibly cause space and time to
* collide, then everyone will die, and it will be your fault.
* *** CAVEAT *** -- I'm at this point a very novice Scala
* developer. If you see things that don't make sense, or
* could be clearer, please fork this and fix it, or just
* let me know. I'd love to know more about how to improve this.
* Author: Cameron Hotchkies <>
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object Sha1Digest {
def hashMessage(message: Bytes): List[Byte] = {
val initialSeed = List(0x67452301, 0xEFCDAB89, 0x98BADCFE, 0x10325476, 0xC3D2E1F0)
val preprocessed = preprocessMessage(message)
// Process the message in successive 512-bit chunks:
// break message into 512-bit chunks
val chunked = preprocessed.grouped(64).toList
val hashed = chunked.foldLeft(initialSeed)((current, chunk) => {
// break chunk into sixteen 32-bit big-endian words w[i], 0 ≤ i ≤ 15
val wPre = chunk.grouped(4).toArray
// Extend the sixteen 32-bit words into eighty 32-bit words:
val ab = new ArrayBuffer[Bytes]
ab.appendAll(chunk.grouped(4).map(new Bytes(_)))
val w = extendChunkedArray(ab)
val result = mainHashGenerator(current, w.toList)
(current, result).zipped map (_ + _)
// Produce the final hash value (big-endian):
val hashBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(20)
val hash = hashBuffer.array
private[this] def preprocessMessage(message: Bytes): Bytes = {
val result = message ++ generatePadding(message)
val resultLen = result.length
* Pre-processing:
* append the bit '1' to the message
* append 0 ≤ k < 512 bits '0', so that the resulting message length (in bits)
* is congruent to 448 (mod 512)
* append length of message (before pre-processing), in bits, as 64-bit big-endian integer
private[this] def generatePadding(message: Bytes): Bytes = {
val initialBitLength = message.length * 8
// Leaving this in as an exercise for the reader
val bitLength = initialBitLength
// Need to append one 1-bit then 7 0-bits
// before even bothering to check the modulus
val append: Byte = 128.toByte
val appendedLength = (message.length + 1) * 8.toLong
val appendedBitLengthMod = (appendedLength % 512).toInt
val addedBitlength = 448 - appendedBitLengthMod
val finalPad = List.fill(addedBitlength / 8)(0.toByte)
val bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(8)
val b = bb.array().toList
val result = append :: finalPad ++ b
// for i from 16 to 79
// w[i] = (w[i-3] xor w[i-8] xor w[i-14] xor w[i-16]) leftrotate 1
private[this] def extendChunkedArray(buffer: ArrayBuffer[Bytes]): Array[Bytes] = {
if (buffer.length == 80) buffer.toArray
else {
val bufferLen = buffer.length
// The variable names coincide with the pseudo-code
// that was available on wikipedia. eg. w[j-3] -> wj3
val wj3 = buffer(bufferLen - 3)
val wj8 = buffer(bufferLen - 8)
val wj14 = buffer(bufferLen - 14)
val wj16 = buffer(bufferLen - 16)
val newWordArray = (wj3 ^ wj8 ^ wj14 ^ wj16).toArray
val newWord = ByteBuffer.wrap(newWordArray).getInt
val r = Integer.rotateLeft(newWord, 1)
val bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(4)
val b = bb.array().toList
buffer += b
private[this] def mainHashGenerator(currentHash: List[Int], remainingBytes: List[Bytes]): List[Int] = {
(remainingBytes, currentHash) match {
case (Nil, _) => currentHash
case (bytes, a :: b :: c :: d :: e :: Nil) => {
val currentBytes = bytes.head
val index = 80 - bytes.length
val (f: Int, k: Int) = generateFandK(b, c, d, index)
val currentInt = ByteBuffer.wrap(currentBytes.toArray).getInt
val temp = Integer.rotateLeft(a, 5) + f + e + k + currentInt
val newHash = List(temp, a, Integer.rotateLeft(b, 30), c, d)
mainHashGenerator(newHash, bytes.tail)
case _ => ??? // I can be lazy, but this shouldn't occur
private[this] def generateFandK(b: Int, c: Int, d: Int, index: Int): (Int, Int) = {
if (0 <= index && index <= 19) {
((b & c).toInt | ((~b) & d), 0x5A827999)
} else if (index <= 39) {
((b ^ c ^ d).toInt, 0x6ED9EBA1)
} else if (index <= 59) {
(((b & c) | (b & d) | (c & d)).toInt, 0x8F1BBCDC)
} else if (index <= 79) {
((b ^ c ^ d).toInt, 0xCA62C1D6)
} else (0, 0) // Probably better to throw an exception. index too high
* The Bytes class is something I've been using just
* as a minor convenience. In all honesty, it may be
* more useful as a vector, but I can't explain that
* thought so I'll leave it alone
implicit def listToByte(self: List[Byte]): Bytes = new Bytes(self)
implicit def byteToList(self: Bytes): List[Byte] =
class Bytes(val target: List[Byte]) extends {
// This should be mixed into the List somehow
def xor(that: Bytes): Bytes = {
(, map ((x, y) => (x ^ y).toByte)
def ^(that: Bytes): Bytes = xor(that)
def toList = target
def asIntList: List[Int] = {
val bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(target.toArray)
val ib = bb.asIntBuffer
val arr = new Array[Int](target.length / 4)
ib.get(arr, 0, target.length / 4)
override def toString = {
val bits = target.foldLeft("")((x, y) => x + "%02X".format(y))
bits.grouped(4).map(_.mkString("")).mkString(" ")
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case bytes: Bytes => target ==
case byteList: AnyRef => target == byteList
case _ => false
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