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Last active May 8, 2018 11:16
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Sample solution of Mars Rover kata
import Html exposing (div, button, text, h3, h2, input)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput)
import Html.Attributes exposing(..)
type Direction = North | South | East | West
type alias Location =
{ x: Int
, y: Int
type alias Model =
{ location: Location
, direction: Direction
main =
{ model = {location={x=0, y=0}, direction=North}
, view = view
, update = update
view model =
div []
[ button [ onClick MoveForward ] [ text "Forward" ]
, button [ onClick MoveBackward ] [ text "Backward" ]
, button [ onClick TurnLeft] [text "Rotate Left"]
, button [ onClick TurnRight] [text "Rotate Right"]
, div []
[ h2 [] [text ("Location: " ++ (printLocation model.location))]
, h2 [] [text ("Direction: " ++ (toString model.direction))]
printLocation location =
toString(location.x) ++ "," ++ toString(location.y)
type Msg = MoveForward | MoveBackward | TurnLeft | TurnRight
update msg model =
case msg of
MoveForward ->
{model | location=moveForward model.direction model.location}
MoveBackward ->
{model | location=moveBackward model.direction model.location}
TurnLeft ->
{model | direction=turnLeft model.direction}
TurnRight ->
{model | direction=turnRight model.direction}
moveForward direction location =
case direction of
North -> {location | y=location.y+1}
South -> {location | y=location.y-1}
East -> {location | x=location.x+1}
West -> {location | x=location.x-1}
moveBackward direction location =
case direction of
North -> moveForward South location
South -> moveForward North location
East -> moveForward West location
West -> moveForward East location
turnLeft direction =
case direction of
North -> West
West -> South
South -> East
East -> North
turnRight direction =
|> turnLeft
|> turnLeft
|> turnLeft
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