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Last active June 17, 2019 05:25
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ManipulationHandler that raises state changed
private void _OnCurrentStateChanged(MyManipulationHandler.State oldstate, MyManipulationHandler.State newstate)
if (!oldstate.HasFlag(MyManipulationHandler.State.Scaling) && newstate.HasFlag(MyManipulationHandler.State.Scaling))
_meshCollider = this.GetComponent<MeshCollider>();
if (_meshCollider != null && _meshCollider.enabled)
_meshCollider.enabled = false;
else if (oldstate.HasFlag(MyManipulationHandler.State.Scaling) && !newstate.HasFlag(MyManipulationHandler.State.Scaling))
if (_meshCollider != null && !_meshCollider.enabled)
_meshCollider.enabled = true;
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
using Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Input;
using Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Physics;
using Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
namespace Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.UI
/// <summary>
/// This script allows for an object to be movable, scalable, and rotatable with one or two hands.
/// You may also configure the script on only enable certain manipulations. The script works with
/// both HoloLens' gesture input and immersive headset's motion controller input.
/// </summary>
public class MyManipulationHandler : MonoBehaviour, IMixedRealityPointerHandler, IMixedRealityFocusHandler
#region Public Enums
public enum HandMovementType
OneHandedOnly = 0,
public enum TwoHandedManipulation
public enum RotateInOneHandType
public enum ReleaseBehaviorType
KeepVelocity = 1 << 0,
KeepAngularVelocity = 1 << 1
#endregion Public Enums
#region Serialized Fields
[Tooltip("Transform that will be dragged. Defaults to the object of the component.")]
private Transform hostTransform = null;
public Transform HostTransform => hostTransform;
[Tooltip("Can manipulation be done only with one hand, only with two hands, or with both?")]
private HandMovementType manipulationType = HandMovementType.OneAndTwoHanded;
public HandMovementType ManipulationType
get => manipulationType;
set => manipulationType = value;
[Tooltip("What manipulation will two hands perform?")]
private TwoHandedManipulation twoHandedManipulationType = TwoHandedManipulation.MoveRotateScale;
public TwoHandedManipulation TwoHandedManipulationType
get => twoHandedManipulationType;
set => twoHandedManipulationType = value;
[Tooltip("Specifies whether manipulation can be done using far interaction with pointers.")]
private bool allowFarManipulation = true;
public bool AllowFarManipulation => allowFarManipulation;
[Tooltip("Rotation behavior of object when using one hand near")]
private RotateInOneHandType oneHandRotationModeNear = RotateInOneHandType.RotateAboutGrabPoint;
[Tooltip("Rotation behavior of object when using one hand at distance")]
private RotateInOneHandType oneHandRotationModeFar = RotateInOneHandType.RotateAboutGrabPoint;
[Tooltip("Rigid body behavior of the dragged object when releasing it.")]
private ReleaseBehaviorType releaseBehavior = ReleaseBehaviorType.KeepVelocity | ReleaseBehaviorType.KeepAngularVelocity;
public ReleaseBehaviorType ReleaseBehavior
get => releaseBehavior;
set => releaseBehavior = value;
[Tooltip("Constrain rotation along an axis")]
private RotationConstraintType constraintOnRotation = RotationConstraintType.None;
public RotationConstraintType ConstraintOnRotation
get => constraintOnRotation;
set => constraintOnRotation = value;
[Tooltip("Constrain movement")]
private MovementConstraintType constraintOnMovement = MovementConstraintType.None;
public MovementConstraintType ConstraintOnMovement
get => constraintOnMovement;
set => constraintOnMovement = value;
[Tooltip("Check to enable frame-rate independent smoothing. ")]
private bool smoothingActive = true;
public bool SmoothingActive
get => smoothingActive;
set => smoothingActive = value;
[Range(0, 1)]
[Tooltip("Enter amount representing amount of smoothing to apply to the movement, scale, rotation. Smoothing of 0 means no smoothing. Max value means no change to value.")]
private float smoothingAmountOneHandManip = 0.001f;
public float SmoothingAmoutOneHandManip
get => smoothingAmountOneHandManip;
set => smoothingAmountOneHandManip = value;
#endregion Serialized Fields
#region Event handlers
[Header("Manipulation Events")]
public ManipulationEvent OnManipulationStarted;
public ManipulationEvent OnManipulationEnded;
public ManipulationEvent OnHoverEntered;
public ManipulationEvent OnHoverExited;
#region Private Properties
public enum State
Start = 0x000,
Moving = 0x001,
Scaling = 0x010,
Rotating = 0x100,
MovingRotating = Moving | Rotating,
MovingScaling = Moving | Scaling,
RotatingScaling = Rotating | Scaling,
MovingRotatingScaling = Moving | Rotating | Scaling
public event Action<State, State> CurrentStateChanged;
public State CurrentState
return _currentState;
if (_currentState != value)
CurrentStateChanged?.Invoke(_currentState, value);
_currentState = value;
private State _currentState = State.Start;
private TwoHandMoveLogic m_moveLogic;
private TwoHandScaleLogic m_scaleLogic;
private TwoHandRotateLogic m_rotateLogic;
private Dictionary<uint, IMixedRealityPointer> pointerIdToPointerMap = new Dictionary<uint, IMixedRealityPointer>();
private Quaternion objectToHandRotation;
private Vector3 objectToHandTranslation;
private bool isNearManipulation;
// This can probably be consolidated so that we use same for one hand and two hands
private Quaternion targetRotationTwoHands;
private Rigidbody rigidBody;
private bool wasKinematic = false;
private Quaternion startObjectRotationCameraSpace;
private Quaternion startObjectRotationFlatCameraSpace;
#region MonoBehaviour Functions
private void Awake()
m_moveLogic = new TwoHandMoveLogic(constraintOnMovement);
m_rotateLogic = new TwoHandRotateLogic();
m_scaleLogic = new TwoHandScaleLogic();
private void Start()
if (hostTransform == null)
hostTransform = transform;
#endregion MonoBehaviour Functions
#region Private Methods
private Vector3 GetPointersCentroid()
Vector3 sum =;
int count = 0;
foreach (var p in pointerIdToPointerMap.Values)
sum += p.Position;
return sum / Math.Max(1, count);
private Vector3 GetPointersVelocity()
Vector3 sum =;
foreach (var p in pointerIdToPointerMap.Values)
sum += p.Controller.Velocity;
return sum / Math.Max(1, pointerIdToPointerMap.Count);
private Vector3 GetPointersAngularVelocity()
Vector3 sum =;
foreach (var p in pointerIdToPointerMap.Values)
sum += p.Controller.AngularVelocity;
return sum / Math.Max(1, pointerIdToPointerMap.Count);
private bool IsNearManipulation()
foreach (var item in pointerIdToPointerMap)
if (item.Value is IMixedRealityNearPointer)
return true;
return false;
private void UpdateStateMachine()
var handsPressedCount = pointerIdToPointerMap.Count;
State newState = CurrentState;
switch (CurrentState)
case State.Start:
case State.Moving:
if (handsPressedCount == 0)
newState = State.Start;
else if (handsPressedCount == 1 && manipulationType != HandMovementType.TwoHandedOnly)
newState = State.Moving;
else if (handsPressedCount > 1 && manipulationType != HandMovementType.OneHandedOnly)
switch (twoHandedManipulationType)
case TwoHandedManipulation.Scale:
newState = State.Scaling;
case TwoHandedManipulation.Rotate:
newState = State.Rotating;
case TwoHandedManipulation.MoveRotate:
newState = State.MovingRotating;
case TwoHandedManipulation.MoveScale:
newState = State.MovingScaling;
case TwoHandedManipulation.RotateScale:
newState = State.RotatingScaling;
case TwoHandedManipulation.MoveRotateScale:
newState = State.MovingRotatingScaling;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
case State.Scaling:
case State.Rotating:
case State.MovingScaling:
case State.MovingRotating:
case State.RotatingScaling:
case State.MovingRotatingScaling:
// TODO: if < 2, make this go to start state ('drop it')
if (handsPressedCount == 0)
newState = State.Start;
else if (handsPressedCount == 1)
newState = State.Moving;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
InvokeStateUpdateFunctions(CurrentState, newState);
CurrentState = newState;
private void InvokeStateUpdateFunctions(State oldState, State newState)
if (newState != oldState)
switch (newState)
case State.Moving:
case State.Start:
case State.RotatingScaling:
case State.MovingRotating:
case State.MovingRotatingScaling:
case State.Scaling:
case State.Rotating:
case State.MovingScaling:
switch (oldState)
case State.Start:
case State.Scaling:
case State.Rotating:
case State.RotatingScaling:
case State.MovingRotating:
case State.MovingRotatingScaling:
case State.MovingScaling:
switch (newState)
case State.Moving:
case State.Scaling:
case State.Rotating:
case State.RotatingScaling:
case State.MovingRotating:
case State.MovingRotatingScaling:
case State.MovingScaling:
#endregion Private Methods
#region Hand Event Handlers
private MixedRealityInteractionMapping GetSpatialGripInfoForController(IMixedRealityController controller)
if (controller == null)
return null;
return controller.Interactions?.First(x => x.InputType == DeviceInputType.SpatialGrip);
/// <inheritdoc />
public void OnPointerDown(MixedRealityPointerEventData eventData)
if (!allowFarManipulation && eventData.Pointer as IMixedRealityNearPointer == null)
// If we only allow one handed manipulations, check there is no hand interacting yet.
if (manipulationType != HandMovementType.OneHandedOnly || pointerIdToPointerMap.Count == 0)
uint id = eventData.Pointer.PointerId;
// Ignore poke pointer events
if (!eventData.used
&& !pointerIdToPointerMap.ContainsKey(eventData.Pointer.PointerId))
if (pointerIdToPointerMap.Count == 0)
rigidBody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
if (rigidBody != null)
wasKinematic = rigidBody.isKinematic;
rigidBody.isKinematic = true;
pointerIdToPointerMap.Add(id, eventData.Pointer);
if (pointerIdToPointerMap.Count > 0)
// Always mark the pointer data as used to prevent any other behavior to handle pointer events
// as long as the ManipulationHandler is active.
// This is due to us reacting to both "Select" and "Grip" events.
public void OnPointerDragged(MixedRealityPointerEventData eventData)
if (CurrentState != State.Start)
/// <inheritdoc />
public void OnPointerUp(MixedRealityPointerEventData eventData)
uint id = eventData.Pointer.PointerId;
if (pointerIdToPointerMap.ContainsKey(id))
if (pointerIdToPointerMap.Count == 1 && rigidBody != null)
rigidBody.isKinematic = wasKinematic;
if (releaseBehavior.HasFlag(ReleaseBehaviorType.KeepVelocity))
rigidBody.velocity = GetPointersVelocity();
if (releaseBehavior.HasFlag(ReleaseBehaviorType.KeepAngularVelocity))
rigidBody.angularVelocity = GetPointersAngularVelocity();
rigidBody = null;
#endregion Hand Event Handlers
#region Private Event Handlers
private void HandleTwoHandManipulationUpdated()
var targetPosition = hostTransform.position;
var targetScale = hostTransform.localScale;
if ((CurrentState & State.Moving) > 0)
targetPosition = m_moveLogic.Update(GetPointersCentroid(), IsNearManipulation());
var handPositionMap = GetHandPositionMap();
if ((CurrentState & State.Rotating) > 0)
targetRotationTwoHands = m_rotateLogic.Update(handPositionMap, targetRotationTwoHands, constraintOnRotation);
if ((CurrentState & State.Scaling) > 0)
targetScale = m_scaleLogic.UpdateMap(handPositionMap);
float lerpAmount = GetLerpAmount();
hostTransform.position = Vector3.Lerp(hostTransform.position, targetPosition, lerpAmount);
// Currently the two hand rotation algorithm doesn't allow for lerping, but it should. Fix this.
hostTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(hostTransform.rotation, targetRotationTwoHands, lerpAmount);
hostTransform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(hostTransform.localScale, targetScale, lerpAmount);
private void HandleOneHandMoveUpdated()
Debug.Assert(pointerIdToPointerMap.Count == 1);
IMixedRealityPointer pointer = pointerIdToPointerMap.Values.First();
var interactionMapping = GetSpatialGripInfoForController(pointer.Controller);
if (interactionMapping != null)
Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.identity;
RotateInOneHandType rotateInOneHandType = isNearManipulation ? oneHandRotationModeNear : oneHandRotationModeFar;
if (rotateInOneHandType == RotateInOneHandType.MaintainOriginalRotation)
targetRotation = hostTransform.rotation;
else if (rotateInOneHandType == RotateInOneHandType.MaintainRotationToUser)
targetRotation = CameraCache.Main.transform.rotation * startObjectRotationCameraSpace;
else if (rotateInOneHandType == RotateInOneHandType.GravityAlignedMaintainRotationToUser)
var cameraForwardFlat = CameraCache.Main.transform.forward;
cameraForwardFlat.y = 0;
targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(cameraForwardFlat, Vector3.up) * startObjectRotationFlatCameraSpace;
else if (rotateInOneHandType == RotateInOneHandType.FaceUser)
Vector3 directionToTarget = hostTransform.position - CameraCache.Main.transform.position;
targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(-directionToTarget);
else if (rotateInOneHandType == RotateInOneHandType.FaceAwayFromUser)
Vector3 directionToTarget = hostTransform.position - CameraCache.Main.transform.position;
targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(directionToTarget);
targetRotation = interactionMapping.PoseData.Rotation * objectToHandRotation;
switch (constraintOnRotation)
case RotationConstraintType.XAxisOnly:
targetRotation.eulerAngles = Vector3.Scale(targetRotation.eulerAngles, Vector3.right);
case RotationConstraintType.YAxisOnly:
targetRotation.eulerAngles = Vector3.Scale(targetRotation.eulerAngles, Vector3.up);
case RotationConstraintType.ZAxisOnly:
targetRotation.eulerAngles = Vector3.Scale(targetRotation.eulerAngles, Vector3.forward);
Vector3 targetPosition;
if (IsNearManipulation())
if (oneHandRotationModeNear == RotateInOneHandType.RotateAboutGrabPoint)
targetPosition = (interactionMapping.PoseData.Rotation * objectToHandTranslation) + interactionMapping.PoseData.Position;
else // RotateAboutCenter or DoNotRotateInOneHand
targetPosition = objectToHandTranslation + interactionMapping.PoseData.Position;
targetPosition = m_moveLogic.Update(GetPointersCentroid(), IsNearManipulation());
float lerpAmount = GetLerpAmount();
Quaternion smoothedRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(hostTransform.rotation, targetRotation, lerpAmount);
Vector3 smoothedPosition = Vector3.Lerp(hostTransform.position, targetPosition, lerpAmount);
hostTransform.SetPositionAndRotation(smoothedPosition, smoothedRotation);
private void HandleTwoHandManipulationStarted(State newState)
var handPositionMap = GetHandPositionMap();
targetRotationTwoHands = hostTransform.rotation;
if ((newState & State.Rotating) > 0)
m_rotateLogic.Setup(handPositionMap, hostTransform, ConstraintOnRotation);
if ((newState & State.Moving) > 0)
m_moveLogic.Setup(GetPointersCentroid(), hostTransform.position);
if ((newState & State.Scaling) > 0)
m_scaleLogic.Setup(handPositionMap, hostTransform);
private void HandleTwoHandManipulationEnded() { }
private void HandleOneHandMoveStarted()
Assert.IsTrue(pointerIdToPointerMap.Count == 1);
IMixedRealityPointer pointer = pointerIdToPointerMap.Values.First();
m_moveLogic.Setup(GetPointersCentroid(), hostTransform.position);
var interactionMapping = GetSpatialGripInfoForController(pointer.Controller);
if (interactionMapping != null)
// Calculate relative transform from object to hand.
Quaternion worldToPalmRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(interactionMapping.PoseData.Rotation);
objectToHandRotation = worldToPalmRotation * hostTransform.rotation;
objectToHandTranslation = (hostTransform.position - interactionMapping.PoseData.Position);
if (oneHandRotationModeNear == RotateInOneHandType.RotateAboutGrabPoint)
objectToHandTranslation = worldToPalmRotation * objectToHandTranslation;
startObjectRotationCameraSpace = Quaternion.Inverse(CameraCache.Main.transform.rotation) * hostTransform.rotation;
var cameraFlat = CameraCache.Main.transform.forward;
cameraFlat.y = 0;
var hostForwardFlat = hostTransform.forward;
hostForwardFlat.y = 0;
var hostRotFlat = Quaternion.LookRotation(hostForwardFlat, Vector3.up);
startObjectRotationFlatCameraSpace = Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.LookRotation(cameraFlat, Vector3.up)) * hostRotFlat;
private void HandleManipulationStarted()
isNearManipulation = IsNearManipulation();
// TODO: If we are on HoloLens 1, push and pop modal input handler so that we can use old
// gaze/gesture/voice manipulation. For HoloLens 2, we don't want to do this.
OnManipulationStarted.Invoke(new ManipulationEventData { IsNearInteraction = isNearManipulation });
private void HandleManipulationEnded()
// TODO: If we are on HoloLens 1, push and pop modal input handler so that we can use old
// gaze/gesture/voice manipulation. For HoloLens 2, we don't want to do this.
OnManipulationEnded.Invoke(new ManipulationEventData { IsNearInteraction = isNearManipulation });
#endregion Private Event Handlers
#region Unused Event Handlers
/// <inheritdoc />
public void OnPointerClicked(MixedRealityPointerEventData eventData) { }
#endregion Unused Event Handlers
#region Private methods
private float GetLerpAmount()
if (smoothingActive == false || smoothingAmountOneHandManip == 0)
return 1;
// Obtained from "Frame-rate independent smoothing"
// We divide by max value to give the slider a bit more sensitivity.
return 1.0f - Mathf.Pow(smoothingAmountOneHandManip, Time.deltaTime);
private Dictionary<uint, Vector3> GetHandPositionMap()
var handPositionMap = new Dictionary<uint, Vector3>();
foreach (var item in pointerIdToPointerMap)
handPositionMap.Add(item.Key, item.Value.Position);
return handPositionMap;
public void OnFocusEnter(FocusEventData eventData)
bool isFar = !(eventData.Pointer is IMixedRealityNearPointer);
if (isFar && !AllowFarManipulation)
OnHoverEntered.Invoke(new ManipulationEventData { IsNearInteraction = !isFar });
public void OnFocusExit(FocusEventData eventData)
bool isFar = !(eventData.Pointer is IMixedRealityNearPointer);
if (isFar && !AllowFarManipulation)
OnHoverExited.Invoke(new ManipulationEventData { IsNearInteraction = !isFar });
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