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Created March 10, 2022 06:40
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#lang racket
(require (for-syntax racket/base
(module+ test (require rackunit))
(define raw-sc (make-syntax-introducer))
(define ctc-sc (make-syntax-introducer))
(struct carrier-info (ctc-name raw-name arg-ctcs ret-ctc)
#:property prop:rename-transformer 0)
(define (make-ctc-map params-stx arg-ctcs-stx)
(map cons (syntax->list params-stx) (syntax->list arg-ctcs-stx))))
(define (satisfies? ctc-map op-info args)
(define op-ctc-args (carrier-info-arg-ctcs op-info))
(and (= (length op-ctc-args) (length args))
(for/and ([op-ctc-arg (in-list op-ctc-args)]
[arg (in-list args)])
(define arg-satisfies (free-id-table-ref ctc-map arg (λ () #f)))
(and arg-satisfies (free-identifier=? arg-satisfies op-ctc-arg)))))
(define (optimize-body stx ctc-map)
(let go ([stx stx])
(syntax-parse stx
[(?name:id ?arg:id ...)
#:do [(define-values (op-info _)
(syntax-local-value/immediate #'?name (λ () (values #f #f))))]
#:when (carrier-info? op-info)
#:when (satisfies? ctc-map op-info (syntax->list #'(?arg ...)))
#:with ?raw-name (carrier-info-raw-name op-info)
#'(?raw-name ?arg ...)]
[(?e ...) (datum->syntax stx (map go (syntax->list #'(?e ...))))]
[_ stx]))))
(define-syntax (define/contract/opt stx)
(syntax-parse stx
#:literals (->)
[(_ ?header:function-header
(-> ?arg-ctc:id ... ?ret-ctc:id)
?body:expr ...)
#:with ?name #'?
#:with ?ctc-name (ctc-sc #'?name)
#:with ?raw-name (raw-sc #'?name)
#:with (?p ...) #'?header.params
#:do [(define ctc-map (make-ctc-map #'(?p ...) #'(?arg-ctc ...)))]
#:with ?opt-body (optimize-body #'(λ (?p ...) ?body ...) ctc-map)
(define-syntax ?name
(carrier-info #'?ctc-name #'?raw-name
(list #'?arg-ctc ...)
(define (?raw-name ?p ...) ?body ...)
(define/contract ?ctc-name (-> ?arg-ctc ... ?ret-ctc) ?opt-body))]))
(module+ test
(define (integer! x)
(displayln "ok")
(integer? x))
(define/contract/opt (my-add1 x)
(-> integer! integer?)
(+ 1 x))
(define/contract/opt (f x)
(-> integer! integer?)
(my-add1 x))
;; notice only one "ok"
(check-eq? (f 42) 43))
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