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Last active September 14, 2018 05:55
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OCaml List Lecture (9/13/18)
(* Exercise: Write the class definition (no methods) for a linked list in
Java. *)
(* Bad Approach:
class List<T> {
T data;
List<T> next;
List<Integer> singleton = new LinkedList<>(1, null);
List<Integer> larger = new LinkedList<>(0, singleton);
(* This uses null. A null is a lie. The type for List<T> says that the
next field has to be of type list. But null obviously isn't a list!
You can't get it's length, etc. *)
(* Better Approach:
interface List<T> { ... }
class Empty<T> implements List<T> { ... }
class NonEmpty<T> implements List<T> {
T first;
List<T> rest;
List<Integer> singleton = new NonEmpty<>(1, new Empty<>());
List<Integer> larger = new NonEmpty<>(0, singleton);
(* Here you can never run into any NullPointerException issues
because there aren't any nulls! We explicitly represent the
empty list and enforce that it actually is a real List<T>.
Not a fake List<T> like null was. *)
(* We use this to motivate the definition of a list. *)
(* What is a list? *)
(* A [List of T] is either
- Nil
- Cons of (T, [List of T]). *)
(* Two important things to notice about this definition
- it's recursive (so lists can have arbitrary size)
- they're homogeneous (as opposed to Ruby). *)
(* In OCaml, a list is either
- []
- x :: xt. *)
(* Here's how we construct lists. Same as in Java, but with
a much nicer syntax. The :: is called the "cons" operator.
"Cons" for construct. It builds up the pairs. *)
(0 :: [])
(0 :: (1 :: []))
(0 :: (1 :: (2 :: [])))
(* This is cumbersome to write. *)
(* There is syntactic sugar for this in OCaml. *)
[0; 1]
[0; 1; 2]
(* These can also be evaluated as you'd expect. *)
[1 - 1; 1 + 1]
(* They are NOT comma separated. *)
(* OCaml will let you write something like [0, 1, 2]. *)
(* However, it's not what you think it is! *)
(* What is the type of the following? *)
[1; "world"] (* error *)
0 :: [1; 2; 3] (* int list *)
[[1]; [2; 3]] (* int list list *)
[1; 2] :: 3 (* error *)
[1; 2] :: [3; 4] (* error *)
[] (* 'a list (polymorphic type, like generic type in Java)
says that this has type 'a list for any type 'a *)
(* You should think of (::) as a function. *)
(* In fact, what's the type of the following function? *)
let cons x y = x :: y
(* Notice the polymorphic variables. We see that x is 'a (meaning an
arbitrary type) and y is 'a list. The 'a are arbitrary, but they're
the SAME arbitrary type. *)
(* Remember, OCaml is a functional language. Therefore, mutation
is discouraged. Lists are not mutable. *)
let xs = [1; 2; 3]
0 :: xs
xs (* unchanged *)
(* We can create lists, but that's useless if we cannot manipulate them. *)
(* We need to dissect them, pull them apart, do surgery. *)
(* Pattern matching is a powerful way to do this. *)
match xs with
| x :: xt -> x
(* After "match" comes the thing we want to match against. To the left
of the arrow are patterns. To the right is the result if the pattern
was a success. This is a switch statement on steroids. *)
(* What's with that warning? *)
(* OCaml is smart and knows that this could yield problems. *)
let xs = []
match xs with
| x :: xt -> x
(* You should always have exhaustive patterns. *)
match xs with
| [] -> 0
| x :: xt -> x
(* We can do more cool things. What if we want to add the first
three elements and give back zero for smaller lists? *)
match ys with
| y0 :: y1 :: y2 :: yt -> y0 + y1 + y2
| y0 :: y1 :: yt -> 0
| y0 :: yt -> 0
| [] -> 0
(* There's a better way to write this. *)
(* Use a wildcard (this relies on the fact pattern matching is ORDERED). *)
match ys with
| y0 :: y1 :: y2 :: yt -> y0 + y1 + y2
| _ -> 0
(* What about this? *)
match xs with
| [] -> true
| _ -> 0
(* The types of thing you're matching and all the patterns must be
the same. The right-hand side types must all be the same too. *)
(* See the slides for more pattern matching voodoo. *)
(* Returns if the list is empty. Notice this is polymorphic. *)
let is_empty xs =
match xs with
| x :: xt -> false
| [] -> true
is_empty []
is_empty [1; 2; 3]
(* Returns the head of the list. *)
let hd xs =
match xs with
| x :: xt -> x
(* This is polymorphic too! *)
(* Returns the head of the list. *)
let hd' (x :: xt) = x
(* Returns the sum of elements in xs. *)
let rec sum xs =
match xs with
| x :: xt -> x + (sum xt)
| [] -> 0
(* This isn't polymorphic. *)
(* The use of + on the elements of the list enforces
that this be an int list. *)
(* Returns the length of the list. *)
let rec length xs =
match xs with
| _ :: xt -> 1 + (length xt)
| [] -> 0
length []
length [1; 2; 3]
(* Returns element at index k. *)
let rec index xs k =
match xs with
| x :: xt -> if k = 0 then x else index xt (k - 1)
| [] -> -1 (* unfortunately forces xs to be int list... *)
(* We'll see a way to fix this soon enough. It's called
option types. *)
(* Returns the last element of the list. *)
let rec last xs =
match xs with
| [x] -> x
| _ :: xt -> last xt
last []
last [1]
last [1; 2; 3]
(* Appends the two lists together. *)
let rec append xs ys =
match xs with
| x :: xt -> x :: (append xt ys)
| [] -> ys
append [] []
append [] [2; 3]
append [2; 3] []
append [0; 1] [2; 3]
(* What happens if you do... *)
append ["hello"; "world"] [0; 1]
(* Reverses the list. *)
let rec rev xs =
match xs with
| x :: xt -> append (rev xt) [x]
| [] -> []
rev []
rev [1; 2; 3]
(* This is O(n ^ 2). *)
(* There's an O(n) function that you can write. Can you think of it? *)
(* Hint: You'll need a rev helper function with one extra parameter. *)
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