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Created January 6, 2022 02:17
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violin plot
#lang racket/base
;; provide
(provide violin)
;; require
(require math/statistics
;; functions
(define (violin vals
#:bandwidth [bandwidth (silverman vals)]
#:x-min [x-min #f]
#:x-max [x-max #f]
#:y-min [y-min #f]
#:y-max [y-max #f]
#:color [color (interval-color)]
#:style [style (interval-style)]
#:line-color [line-color (interval-line1-color)]
#:line-width [line-width (interval-line1-width)]
#:line-style [line-style (interval-line1-style)]
#:alpha [alpha (interval-alpha)]
#:label [label #f])
(define-values (f low high)
(kde vals bandwidth))
(define x-axis (const 0))
(define x-min* (or x-min low))
(define x-max* (or x-max high))
(define settings
`([#:y-min . ,y-min]
[#:y-max . ,y-max]
[#:color . ,color]
[#:style . ,style]
[#:line1-style . transparent]
[#:line2-color . ,line-color]
[#:line2-width . ,line-width]
[#:line2-style . ,line-style]
[#:alpha . ,alpha]
[#:label . ,label]))
(list (keyword-apply/dict function-interval settings
x-axis f
x-min* x-max* null)
(keyword-apply/dict function-interval settings
x-axis (invert f)
x-min x-max* null)))
(define ((invert f) x)
(- (f x)))
(define (silverman vals)
(define iqr (interquartile-range vals))
(define n (length vals))
(* 0.9
(min (stddev vals) (/ iqr 1.34))
(expt n -0.2)))
(define (interquartile-range vals)
(- (quantile 3/4 < vals)
(quantile 1/4 < vals)))
;; example
(parameterize ([plot-y-ticks no-ticks]
[plot-y-label #f]
[plot-x-far-ticks no-ticks]
[plot-x-label "Time (sec)"])
(plot (list (violin '(0 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 9 10 10 10 11 13))
(violin '(15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 23 30)))))
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